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  1. Bruce Willis frustrated by outspoken actors (3 replies)
  2. Iraq Bans Footage, Photos of Bombings (3 replies)
  3. Dad places infant son in microwave (19 replies)
  4. Democratic Senator Leaves Sick Bed To Vote!!!!! (17 replies)
  5. Mom chooses money over justice for daughter (3 replies)
  6. Mayor Who Targeted Illegals Wins _ Twice (8 replies)
  7. Guiliani Attacks Subordinate For His Own Mistakes!!!! (0 replies)
  8. US Belatedly Tries To Stem Afghan Opium Trade (3 replies)
  9. Girl Didn't Report Rape, Feared 'Racist' Tag (19 replies)
  10. Michael Moore Challenges Fred Thompson To Debate (48 replies)
  11. Scam Baiting (4 replies)
  12. Finally some good news out of N.O. (0 replies)
  13. Jerry Falwell Rushed to Hospital (53 replies)
  14. The problem with gas prices: Congress restricts supply (27 replies)
  15. Darwin strikes again... (8 replies)
  16. New Immigration law in Texas, any opinions? (46 replies)
  17. another dead body in philly (5 replies)
  18. Iran vows retaliation if U.S. strikes (60 replies)
  19. Hookergate (17 replies)
  20. 91-year old man - beaten - by standers do NOTHING! (31 replies)
  21. A true "Son of a Gun" - 10month old gets Firearm ID Card (0 replies)
  22. Law of the Sea Treaty Balances U.S. and World Interests (9 replies)
  23. Wow. Just wow. (18 replies)
  24. Teachers Stage Fake Gun Attack on Kids (49 replies)
  25. Paris, the President, and Accountability: That's Hot! (54 replies)
  26. Pro-marriage rally in Rome (25 replies)
  27. Michael Moore Hits Back At Bush Administration's Investigation of 'Sicko' (1 replies)
  28. Gas prices manipulated by BIG OIL (46 replies)
  29. From the Files of: "Ways you never thought you'd be killed" Tragedy. (1 replies)
  30. Internet Pornography Statistics: 2003 (6 replies)
  31. Court Orders "Papa" Sperm Donor to Lesbian Couple to Pay Child Support (1 replies)
  32. Lousy Mother's Day for Military Moms... (79 replies)
  33. Crowd Packs Amphitheater For Man Claiming He's Jesus Christ Reincarnated (14 replies)
  34. CNN International Chyron: "Bush Resigns" (19 replies)
  35. 4-star betrayal (12 replies)
  36. Now that we've concluded Porn decays Society..... (25 replies)
  37. What is your purpose? (25 replies)
  38. Jocks Joke About Condi Rice Rape (38 replies)
  39. R-ratings on movies that have Smoking? (22 replies)
  40. How Hybrid Cars cause Dangers to Firefighters (2 replies)
  41. A REAL American Hero (17 replies)
  42. The Price of Open Borders (28 replies)
  43. Blair resigns (0 replies)
  44. 37 Dental students cheat: it's Bush's fault (2 replies)
  45. Did Howard Dean order KS gov to lie about FEMA’s response to the Greensburg tornado? (13 replies)
  46. Prompted by the Porn thread: Prostitution (82 replies)
  47. Trading blood for oil: Feinstein (D-CA) proposes increasing gas mileage standards (0 replies)
  48. Novel Texas solution to high gas prices: Repeal gas taxes! (7 replies)
  49. Common Sense Prevails! (28 replies)
  50. Here's some of the garbage that kids in the Middle East are watching (8 replies)
  51. Mother of the Year? Mother sells Daughter for $3000 (2 replies)
  52. Blair to step down as PM on June 27 (5 replies)
  53. Screw the law and screw the federal government (16 replies)
  54. OJ asked to leave restaurant (18 replies)
  55. The War Bin Laden Wanted (16 replies)
  56. Christian Terrorists Slit Throats of Three Muslims (11 replies)
  57. Dangerous Democrats vs. the Free Market (49 replies)
  58. Treatment of stunted daughter broke law (1 replies)
  59. Vegans sentenced for starving their baby (22 replies)
  60. Govt orders gas station owner to raise prices (2 replies)
  61. Don't Get the Joke? Attack the Joker! (64 replies)
  62. Granny P has some 'splainin to do (54 replies)
  63. Riots (4 replies)
  64. Chez Big House (0 replies)
  65. How to win the War on Terror (0 replies)
  66. Wal-Mart to open 400 in-store clinics (65 replies)
  67. 6 charged with plot on Army base in N.J. (42 replies)
  68. Poll: Classwork on Gay Marriage (57 replies)
  69. Wolfowitz gets boot (8 replies)
  70. Iraq war effort 'hampering' US tornado recovery (43 replies)
  71. think third worlders will follow this............ (23 replies)
  72. tipping point on arab jew conflict (5 replies)
  73. Guide coaches illegals on raids (1 replies)
  74. Grassroots campaign moves slow drivers over to the right (62 replies)
  75. Lawsuit seeks restoration of traditional American slogans in classroom (24 replies)
  76. Women taking up Arms (6 replies)
  77. Mr. President, please tear down this wall! (0 replies)
  78. New Starbucks' Cups - Upsetting some folks (6 replies)
  79. Judge orders shoplifters to wear 'I'm a thief' signs (2 replies)
  80. Taking bets on destroyed town. (47 replies)
  81. Moveon Flexing Muscles On Democrats (11 replies)
  82. What do you do with 18,000 naked Mexicans? (8 replies)
  83. Americans Should Fight For Impeachment Of BUSH-CHENEY (34 replies)
  84. A decade of race-blind admissions at Cal (1 replies)
  85. Bridging the efficient light bulb gender gap (6 replies)
  86. Do you feel Pornography hurts or helps Culture? (148 replies)
  87. LOL! Liberals are all NUTS! (65 replies)
  88. Some Not So Happy At The French Results (19 replies)
  89. A bad day for Socialists (33 replies)
  90. Great Tornado Video - A Must See! (2 replies)
  91. Is it me, or does it seem like there are more Child Predator's now? (7 replies)
  92. NEWSWEEK Poll: Bush Hits All-Time Low (121 replies)
  93. Churchill Downs to host British royalty (2 replies)
  94. "Preimptive Strike"??? (0 replies)
  95. Tornados (32 replies)
  96. Rights? (again) (58 replies)
  97. Fred Phelps says VT massacre was "God's wrath" (31 replies)
  98. Media and how we perceive issues (19 replies)
  99. declair chimp a person (6 replies)
  100. Can "Kermit" Create a Sex Drive? (Frog Juice) (2 replies)
  101. Bush Wants Phone Firms Immune From Privacy Suits (2 replies)
  102. So you think the economy is "good" (41 replies)
  103. Which Race Commits the Most Crime? (48 replies)
  104. The first refugees of global warming (10 replies)
  105. $65 Million for a pair of pants (5 replies)
  106. Republicans enjoyed watching Matthew Shepard die! (72 replies)
  107. No more driving in Paris (0 replies)
  108. oh oh..Some Canadians not happy with algore (7 replies)
  109. Celebrating the Virginia Tech massacre (12 replies)
  110. Rosie on War on Terror, Iraq, oil, troops, and "terrorists" - She disses the Troops (10 replies)
  111. Rep. John Shimkus: Iraq War is Just a Game (3 replies)
  112. Should Mugabe be removed? (9 replies)
  113. Holy Moly.....Tenet on Bill Oreilly.. (4 replies)
  114. Liberal totalitarianism (18 replies)
  115. Halliburton, Blackwater and the Military Industrial Complex (2 replies)
  116. What will happen if we leave Iraq? (77 replies)
  117. Obama Camp Takes Control of MySpace Page (2 replies)
  118. Iran: Pornography Producers To Get Death Penalty Under New Law (4 replies)
  119. Rosie O'Donnell's Replacement Candidate is.... (11 replies)
  120. L.A. Illegal Alien Protest Turns Violent (28 replies)
  121. How Important is School Choice? (1 replies)
  122. Man runs secret bank from house (8 replies)
  123. Race to the largest skyscraper (1 replies)
  124. Human wants? (49 replies)
  125. Immigration Bill Advances North American Union (1 replies)
  126. How is the US being "unfair" to Mexicans who want to get in? (12 replies)
  127. Rage Against the Machine - "They (Bush) should be tried and hung and shot" (26 replies)
  128. Famed hurricane forecaster: Oceans, not CO2, cause global warming (0 replies)
  129. Satan's role in illegal immigration (15 replies)
  130. Glenn Beck & Wall Street Journal make our Tax Cut Rally national news... (23 replies)
  131. Incredible effrontery of today's illegal-alien demonstrations (4 replies)
  132. Global warming strikes again! (4 replies)
  133. Michael Jackson Calls On Akon's Help For Chart Comeback (12 replies)
  134. The French Hate themselves more than we do! LOL (4 replies)
  135. How multiculturalism is betraying women (39 replies)
  136. Where is the “Separation of Church & State” the Filthy Left Screams About? (3 replies)
  137. How Safe Is Our Food? (12 replies)
  138. Don't pump gas on MAY 15th (79 replies)
  139. Bush sides with Mexican rapist/murderer (12 replies)
  140. If you get drunk & drive, what is the last kind of car you want to hit? (17 replies)
  141. Chavez and Big Oil Gear Up For Struggle (10 replies)
  142. SanFran falling into the sea! (181 replies)
  143. Sotu 2006 (7 replies)
  144. Turkey on brink of political crisis (1 replies)
  145. The disarming of America (51 replies)
  146. Art Teacher Draws Satanic Picture of Pres. Bush (3 replies)
  147. The Jewish and Muslim prohibition against pork? (32 replies)
  148. Nashville Public Servant Busted For Weed Farming and Pain Medications (0 replies)
  149. Neb.'s new execution method attacked (2 replies)
  150. Gas prices (0 replies)
  151. Granny Basher caught (5 replies)
  152. Small houses challenge our notions of need as well as minimum-size standards (3 replies)
  153. "It was like a brick wall dropped in front of me" (5 replies)
  154. Now *that* is what I call drunk! (16 replies)
  155. The Tunnel to somewhere (0 replies)
  156. Peta Calls On Ap Stylebook Gurus To Stop Calling Animals 'it' (23 replies)
  157. Religious fanatic terror plot foiled. (52 replies)
  158. Why illegal immigration happens (30 replies)
  159. Senior at Virginia Tech leaves Memorial Stone For Cho (145 replies)
  160. Poland gets it RIGHT. "Increasing # of Homosexuals = Bad for Society" (45 replies)
  161. Sometimes, I favor the death penalty (27 replies)
  162. "Women's town" to put men in their place (1 replies)
  163. Myths and Lies of Illegal Immigration (7 replies)
  164. In Carson: Board commutes sentences for 45 illegal aliens (11 replies)
  165. House, Senate both pass surrender legislation (23 replies)
  166. Will Apple be asked to pay more in taxes due to windfall profits? (3 replies)
  167. WASHINGTON of all places; Gets one RIGHT - Free Speech isn't (entirely) Dead! (3 replies)
  168. Immigration Bill Advances North American Union (1 replies)
  169. Is it time to raise gas taxes? (18 replies)
  170. IRan: 150,000 Women Detained For Breaking Dress Code (3 replies)
  171. Special Comment by Keith Olbermann Tell It Like It REALLY Is (15 replies)
  172. Buying The War by Bill Moyers Is Extraordinary!!!! (20 replies)
  173. Rosie video.....ick (0 replies)
  174. Call For End To Racist Rap Lyrics (4 replies)
  175. Impeachment of Dick Cheney. Supporting Documentation (34 replies)
  176. US Commander Orders Quick End To "Long War" (10 replies)
  177. Jessica Lynch Sets The Record Straight For Congress (53 replies)
  178. Excuse Me Sir, Would You Like to Buy a Bride? (13 replies)
  179. Activists turn up the heat on Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestle, says Fortune's Marc Gunt (17 replies)
  180. The DOW above 1300? (0 replies)
  181. The Gipper on Arms (85 replies)
  182. U.S. Going Broke - Guess who'll pay... (82 replies)
  183. ABC hides undesired gun poll results (14 replies)
  184. Rosie leaving the View (16 replies)
  185. Moderate Muslims Speak Out, But Not on PBS (10 replies)
  186. Israel & Palestine (5 replies)
  187. Lynch, Tillman's brother: U.S. military lied (60 replies)
  188. I Can't Believe Nobody Mentioned... (5 replies)
  189. A kid draws stick-figures with Guns; kid accused of having Mental Disorder (20 replies)
  190. Hate crime in Maine: ham steak placed on table where Muslims were sitting! (144 replies)
  191. Cleaning up the record industry (0 replies)
  192. Yo, no more ho, bitches and niggaz (19 replies)
  193. Shame of war (24 replies)
  194. U.S. gender pay gap emerges early, study finds (88 replies)
  195. Let's get out our crystal ball (9 replies)
  196. Liberal Catch-22's (0 replies)
  197. White House spokeswoman: "We screwed up" (36 replies)
  198. That Awful Rush Limbaugh (49 replies)
  199. Enviromental Hypocricy (4 replies)
  200. Oregon Restaurants will charge female customers 23% less than male customers (76 replies)
  201. Don't speed, BONEHEAD! (4 replies)
  202. Saving the Earth: The Biodiesel Bus Blog (21 replies)
  203. Death toll limited before campus gun ban (3 replies)
  204. US urges Iran join talks about Iraq? Good golly Miss Molly!!! Forget about the PAST (0 replies)
  205. Lawmakers do not sustain USSC decision on Abortion (20 replies)
  206. Terrorist High School opening in Oregon (33 replies)
  207. NYC pledges 1 million new trees by 2017 (35 replies)
  208. Another! sand up the butt impeach party.. (6 replies)
  209. Blue Angle Down (0 replies)
  210. Transgender student runs for prom king (46 replies)
  211. Pet Food Contamination Might Be Intentional (11 replies)
  212. $8 To Enter Manhattan By Car? - Is that legal? (16 replies)
  213. Did Liberalism cause Virginia Tech shootings? (0 replies)
  214. Murders involving Guns - Stats from around the Globe (0 replies)
  215. Power lines link to cancer in new alert (3 replies)
  216. French elections (0 replies)
  217. Aug 2006: VT student editorial about not being allowed to carry on campus (1 replies)
  218. Satan was behind VaTech massacre! (7 replies)
  219. Alec Baldwin (98 replies)
  220. Cho's Family "We are glad he's dead" (17 replies)
  221. Gun Law Pragmatism (2 replies)
  222. Police force abortions on Christian women (3 replies)
  223. Group Plans To Picket Va. Tech Funerals (36 replies)
  224. Tennessee House vote permits guns in more places (3 replies)
  225. Breaking News Here In Northern Nevada... (4 replies)
  226. Nigger Brown?? (1 replies)
  227. Americans Speak on Gun Control (44 replies)
  228. School says mom 'fired' toy gun in class (8 replies)
  229. Gun limits would make rampage less likely (31 replies)
  230. Couch has 'offensive' slur in the LABEL :) (33 replies)
  231. The Case for the College Interview (10 replies)
  232. 25 years murder-free in 'Gun Town USA' (7 replies)
  233. NBC criticized over Va. Tech gunman video airing (1 replies)
  234. Tennessee moves to allow guns in public property (0 replies)
  235. Police 'disappointed' campus killer's message broadcast (13 replies)
  236. Iraq link to campus killer Cho (3 replies)
  237. Today in History: April 19 (3 replies)
  238. People don't stop killers. People with guns do (2 replies)
  239. MCTC foot bath draws a broad response (10 replies)
  240. Beyond the pale for Foxnews IMO (4 replies)
  241. Man arrested for Va. Tech remarks (4 replies)
  242. Little-told GTMO Stories... (4 replies)
  243. The Flying Imams and 9/11 (8 replies)
  244. VT Killer CHO - SPEAKS (24 replies)
  245. Gilchrist: Illegal Aliens Waging 'Silent War' on U.S. (16 replies)
  246. Kucinich Seeks To Ban Hand Guns In America (16 replies)
  247. Wanted: A culture of self-defense (1 replies)
  248. Supreme Court Upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act (2 replies)
  249. EU Looks to Criminalise Holocaust Denail (6 replies)
  250. VT Killer an Islamist Sympathizer (39 replies)