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  1. Does being angry make you 'Authentic'?
  2. 3 hour vid: peterson/rogan - Jordan preaches; better than most sermons i've heard
  3. A Refreshing Dose of Sanity From the 4-H Youth Farmers Club...
  4. I found this in my old EMAIL collection from about ? 2010 (I think)
  5. Food for thought about what is happening in America today.
  6. Wisdom
  7. More HOMO Indoctrination Of Little Children
  8. Are These People Absolutely Crazy Or What???
  9. New York Times Celebrates Muhammad as ‘Paragon of Compassion’
  10. Yup
  11. “People do not want to do this work”
  12. You guys are showing a great example how to treat women (seriously)
  13. Is he better off under Communist rule or Muslim rule?
  14. 11-Year-Old On Stage In Drag As Men Throw Dollar Bills
  15. @Farah - Tell us about your Zoroastrian religion
  17. The DEVIL Is Using The DEMOCRAT PARTY To Destroy America
  18. DEATH KISS: Gillette Trashes “Toxic Masculinity” In Brand New Ad To Men
  19. Dear Homos: The Left Betrayed You For Islam
  20. I think i like Justin Bieber
  21. 'Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy': Grocery store riles up
  22. Pope Francis Urges Christians to Overcome Fear of Migrants
  23. A little humor
  24. For the baby killers
  25. Our culture
  26. 20 Questions For Burka Wearers
  27. One More, And This Has To Go In Ethics, Because It's Just So Bizarre...
  28. Death to gays - when will the left condemn and attack such actions
  29. ACLU sues catholic hospital
  30. Religion of peace wanted to kill kindergarten children, then police
  31. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM??? Atheist vs Believer ...............
  32. Happy Easter?
  33. This is why Mueller and radical liberal Dems have not been able touch this President.
  34. Check Your Female Privilege...
  35. This Easter season
  36. Bring Him Back AMERICA.....
  37. Atheists Exploit Holy Week to Claim ‘Jesus Did Not Exist’
  38. Happy Easter!
  39. Virtue Signaling
  40. Ramadan Bombathon
  41. Coptic christian banned for criticizing Muslim Brotherhood
  42. Iraq's Christians 'close to extinction'
  43. U.S. Cardinal Says Opposing Large Scale Islamic Immigration is Patriotic
  44. Defining Rights - woman lost for 17 days in Hawaii and such
  45. Moral Panic over Sex work
  46. Ramadan stuff for the left to ignore
  47. Allah and Muhammad SAWS in my dreams
  48. Shocking: Muslim preacher discusses how European slaves will be divided.
  49. A fave
  50. It’s getting scarier all the time
  51. Baptist Kindergarten Teacher & Pastor's Wife-Raping Boys
  52. 100% agree
  53. As I get older
  54. I, me, mine.
  55. Some churches I would never attend
  56. China is accused of harvesting tens of thousands of organs to serve a thriving global
  57. Teachers are turning to 'sugar daddy' dating site to supplement their salary
  58. I Wish I Was This Good Of A Christian
  59. One of my fave traits
  60. Love this
  61. Only WHITES Are RACIST, Never Blacks, Blacks Can't Be Racist... Right?
  62. Mass
  63. Religious woman just a 'tad' pushy
  64. Christmas Eve Mass
  65. Gloriavale
  66. Uuuuh HUH... Is There An "I TOLD YOU SO" Somewhere In This Story?
  67. Hope this comforts everyone
  68. Read this caption
  69. The Pope Delivers A Message Of Hope This Holy Week
  70. May we all still remember to celebrate EASTER.
  71. *GARDEN TOMB (Full Tour on Where JESUS CHRIST Was Buried and Resurrected)
  72. A Communist Pope ???
  73. What Is It With Democrats And Bending Over Backwards For Muslims?
  74. Minneapolis Spreads the Good News Far and Wide
  75. Ravi Zacharias Well known Christian evangelist and defender passed away this month
  76. Supreme Court won't force states to speed up church reopenings
  77. China Going to REWRITE The BIBLE
  78. China Going to REWRITE The BIBLE
  79. Woman Breaks Down as Black Man Alleges She Used Racial Slur
  80. Catholic priest suspended for comparing BLM to 'maggots'
  81. Depend on who`s hands its in.................
  82. Effective anti-"virtue signaling" and resisting Cultural Marxism?
  83. South Carolina Man Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Netflix-Worthy’ Jihad Massacre
  84. Something for everyone to ponder. I found today, and created the image to copy
  85. Kwanzaa: A Fraudulent Holiday for the Self-Absorbed
  86. If you recognize her...It's a really good five minutes of your time.
  87. My favorite question to ask at a "diversity seminar"
  88. This is how they do, ethics be damned-anything goes...
  89. Have a bible on your phone, you must die!
  90. He was cancelled back in the 1950s. I can only imagine the #MeToo outrage today
  91. Setting boundaries on association with the vaxxed and or non-vaxxed
  92. Is the Pope Catholic? No.
  93. Jesus is Lord and Savior
  94. Your opinion matters no
  95. Which is worse Scientology, Communism or Islam?
  96. SCOTUS Ruling On Abortion
  97. The Taliban ordered shop mannequin beheadings, saying the dummies are 'idols'
  98. ETHICS in Washington is a Joke.
  99. Ready to Die? Why Most People Flunk the Zelenskyy Test.
  100. Veiling according to the Qur'an.
  101. Cambridge dean defends sermon about Jesus' 'trans body,' 'vaginal' side wound blasted
  102. Bible verse of the day: We have reason to hope and trust, even in the worst of times
  103. Op-Ed: America's moral decline started 60 years ago
  104. "He Took the Coward's Way Out"
  105. Sheriff Mark Lamb calls out 'attack on traditional values' in America, has a fix for
  106. Talk about religion
  107. Pastor John MacArthur | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 29
  108. Pastor FINED For Feeding & Housing The Homeless!
  109. Morality is rational.
  110. Golden Rule as Guidance for Law
  111. The Ethics Of "Spamming."
  112. An Arab Writer On Why Israel Cannot Catch A Break
  113. Ayaan Hirsi Ali Says Christianity Is SUPERIOR to Atheism? And That Dawkins Is Christi
  114. Jordan Peterson Confronted By The Reality of Jesus
  115. For this group of trans women, the pope and his message of inclusivity are a welcome
  116. Transhumanism
  117. theocracy? yes or no
  118. Atheist Version of what happening after the crucifixion
  119. Interesting: New Christian Hirsi And Her Friend, Richard Dawkins Discuss
  120. He Gets Us -- Babylon bee
  121. The AP just showed it knows absolutely nothing about young Catholics
  122. Anachronisms in religions
  123. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been summoned to the Vatican to be excommunicated?
  124. Iran's Jesus Revolution: Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ