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04-24-2008, 06:28 AM
Ive gotten on rsr, for what i perceive as a little bit too much hit and run and not enough from the heart, but your certainly no saint either.

you curse, denegrate people because their supposedly jewish, or a lawyer?

I understand ive never heard one of your sermons, and i dont know how you give them.

but from your words on the board, i wouldnt feel welcome at your church, let alone go because I dont like your attitude toward others who disagree with you.

are people who disagree with you vile and mean to you back, yes...

but i think you take it a bit farther then they do, which in no way absolves them of their behavior or you of yours.

Am I making up the fact that Hillary had a 20+ point lead in PA BEFORE your leader started his operation chaos?

Am I making up the fact that her lead is now down to single digits?

Am I making up the fact that Rush hijmself stated that the mission of his operation was to increase the viability of Hillary as a candidate?

20+ down to single digits seems like the 101st fighting keyboardists of the PA dittohead regiment have failed pretty demonstrably!

red states rule
04-24-2008, 06:30 AM
MFM is in a foul mood over the fact his boy is getting the crap beat out of him, and how he is showing how he can't win in November

Also, libs have this thing about anyone disagreeing with them.

04-24-2008, 07:05 AM
I am not in a foul mood. I simply have lost nearly all of what little tolerance for you and your mindless spam I might have once had.

04-24-2008, 07:38 AM
I am not in a foul mood. I simply have lost nearly all of what little tolerance for you and your mindless spam I might have once had.

And yet you can't figure out how to use the "ignore" function of the board.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 07:48 AM
And yet you can't figure out how to use the "ignore" function of the board.

He has put on "ignore" before, but keeps coming back:lol:

04-24-2008, 09:02 AM
Even the Moveon.org and Daily Kos kooks are pissed how screwed up the system is

Since they have taken over the party, they might make some changes That's exactly right. Mike Moore will sit on Mrs. Pelosi and squish her, and George Soros will purchase the White House and install whoever he wants.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 09:06 AM
That's exactly right. Mike Moore will sit on Mrs. Pelosi and squish her, and George Soros will purchase the White House and install whoever he wants.

Itwould sem everyone knows how much trouble the Dem party is in, except for the left wing hacks

Hell, even the Titantic has passengers who would not admit the ship was sinking even as the water reached their lower lip

04-24-2008, 10:27 AM
Itwould sem everyone knows how much trouble the Dem party is in, except for the left wing hacks

Hell, even the Titantic has passengers who would not admit the ship was sinking even as the water reached their lower lip

To paraphrase Mark Twain: The rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated.

I get a great deal of enjoyment and entertainment out of listening to a bunch of republican yahoos who have never voted democratic, never will vote democratic, and who have never been anywhere near any meetings of democrats, all sitting around predicting the demise of the democrats.

It would appear that everyone seems to know how much trouble the democratic party is in, except for the democrat! :laugh2:

red states rule
04-24-2008, 10:29 AM
To paraphrase Mark Twain: The rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated.

I get a great deal of enjoyment and entertainment out of listening to a bunch of republican yahoos who have never voted democratic, never will vote democratic, and who have never been anywhere near any meetings of democrats, all sitting around predicting the demise of the democrats.

It would appear that everyone seems to know how much trouble the democratic party is in, except for the democrat! :laugh2:

and top members of the liberal media who are distressed over the demise of the Dems election prospects :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 10:38 AM
and top members of the liberal media who are distressed over the demise of the Dems election prospects :laugh2:

so now these liberal media members are the bearers of truth and infallible wisdom?

funny...back when you claimed they were going after Dubya, you thought they were all partisan hacks!:laugh2:

red states rule
04-24-2008, 10:56 AM
so now these liberal media members are the bearers of truth and infallible wisdom?

funny...back when you claimed they were going after Dubya, you thought they were all partisan hacks!:laugh2:

Keep thinking all is fine in Liberalville

If the ignorant were blessed, you would be a Saint :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 11:10 AM
I take issue with that, ive gotten on rsr's case many times,as much as, if not more then you.

Getting on RSR's case is not the same as calling him anti-American, which he is.

Or a racist, which he is.

Or a retard, which he is.

A truly miserable package all around, who is thankfully far too stupid to do any real damage to society.

04-24-2008, 11:17 AM
Keep thinking all is fine in Liberalville

keep thinking that the status of Liberalville is any of your fucking business.:laugh2:

red states rule
04-24-2008, 11:19 AM
keep thinking that the status of Liberalville is any of your fucking business.:laugh2:

When they want to be my President - it is my business

Will this be Barry's response to anyone who calls him on his positions? "It is none of your business"

Seems to be your standard response to anything critical of your imploding party

04-24-2008, 11:22 AM
When they want to be my President - it is my business

Will this be Barry's response to anyone who calls him on his positions? "It is none of your business"

Seems to be your standard response to anything critical of your imploding party

Debating a candidate's positions is different than speculating about the status of "things in Liberalville". The health and vitality of the democratic party is none of your fucking business. The process by which the democratic party selects its nominee for the presidency is none of your fucking business. Those are the facts...and we know how much you love facts!

red states rule
04-24-2008, 11:25 AM
Debating a candidate's positions is different than speculating about the status of "things in Liberalville". The health and vitality of the democratic party is none of your fucking business. The process by which the democratic party selects its nominee for the presidency is none of your fucking business. Those are the facts...and we know how much you love facts!

You want to duck from the fact the VOTERS will not select the Dems nominee

Party hacks like you will make that choice for them. Right now Barry is badly wounded, he is losing key voter blocks, and Hillary is ready to take advantage of his shortcomings

As usal you will not admit the facts, and instead go into a profanity laced rant. Which is what you do best

Operation Chaos is accomplishing its goals

red states rule
04-24-2008, 12:20 PM
More and more op eds are popping up over the coming trainwreck the Dems are about to have

Will the Democrats Commit Political Suicide?
By Gabor Steingart in Washington, DC

Democratic voters just can't make up their minds between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In Pennsylvania, they denied him victory but spared her defeat. It will be the job of the superdelegates to commit political murder -- but will it mean suicide for the party?

After the confetti has been shaken out of the hair and the party balloons have deflated, what is left from Tuesday's election night (more...) is a disturbing message: There is nothing to celebrate.

The winner is the loser. But the loser is not the winner. Clinton's victory was not big enough to snatch the nomination from Obama. But neither was his star power enough to woo the voters in the center.

It seems the race is jinxed: He was handed a defeat when he needed a victory, and she secured a victory when only an improbable triumph would have helped her.

Barring a miracle, Clinton's role at the Democratic Party convention in Denver in August will be limited to guest speaker. But Obama will go into the actual presidential election badly damaged.

On the night of Obama's first primary win, in the state of Iowa, this columnist wrote (more...): "(Obama) has scant hope of reaching the White House. He's too young, too inexperienced, too vague, and for many Americans, too black. His magic words about the era of change, of hope, of an America he will unite -- all that will evaporate like morning mist."

for the complete article


04-24-2008, 01:24 PM
You want to duck from the fact the VOTERS will not select the Dems nominee

Party hacks like you will make that choice for them. Right now Barry is badly wounded, he is losing key voter blocks, and Hillary is ready to take advantage of his shortcomings

As usal you will not admit the facts, and instead go into a profanity laced rant. Which is what you do best

Operation Chaos is accomplishing its goals

Again...how the democrats chose their candidate is none of your fucking business, is it? Our system that uses superdelegates along with regular delegates is OUR system. Don't like it? Become a democrat and fight to change it. Until then, STFU.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 01:40 PM
Again...how the democrats chose their candidate is none of your fucking business, is it? Our system that uses superdelegates along with regular delegates is OUR system. Don't like it? Become a democrat and fight to change it. Until then, STFU.

Nothing like tryting to have a calm, rational, and reasoned discussion with a liberal
Maybe one day I will :laugh2:

But you do have a hard time with the truth, and you do your "best" to avoid it

04-24-2008, 02:56 PM
Nothing like tryting to have a calm, rational, and reasoned discussion with a liberal
Maybe one day I will :laugh2:

But you do have a hard time with the truth, and you do your "best" to avoid it

you aren't trying to do anything of the sort... all you are doing is spamming the board with bullshit and proclaiming that the democrats are self destructing. What would you like to DISCUSS beyond that? I told you that, as a democrat and a member of my county committee, I have seen none of this self destruction that you claim is present.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 02:58 PM
you aren't trying to do anything of the sort... all you are doing is spamming the board with bullshit and proclaiming that the democrats are self destructing. What would you like to DISCUSS beyond that? I told you that, as a democrat and a member of my county committee, I have seen none of this self destruction that you claim is present.

So now posting articles that backs up my claims is now "spamming" :laugh2:

Seems you and Barry have more in common then I thought. In addition to being liberal elitists, both of you do not want to debate the facts :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 03:01 PM
So now posting articles that backs up my claims is now "spamming" :laugh2:

Seems you and Barry have more in common then I thought. In addition to being liberal elitists, both of you do not want to debate the facts :laugh2:

your claims are oped pieces from journalists...and again...what exactly would you like to rationally discuss with me? Whether or not I think my party is self destructing? I already answered you. What ELSE would you like to rationally discuss? Please...do tell.

Shit, RSR...you have never wanted to talk TO me, just talk AT me.... you don't want to have a discussion about anything... you just want to expound your hate democrats philosophy. After a few thousand of your posts, it gets real old.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 03:06 PM
your claims are oped pieces from journalists...and again...what exactly would you like to rationally discuss with me? Whether or not I think my party is self destructing? I already answered you. What ELSE would you like to rationally discuss? Please...do tell.

Shit, RSR...you have never wanted to talk TO me, just talk AT me.... you don't want to have a discussion about anything... you just want to expound your hate democrats philosophy. After a few thousand of your posts, it gets real old.

LIBERASL oped writers who at one time were like you in their smug confidence Dems would win this hands down, and without breaking a sweat

Unlike you, I do not hate those with a different point of view, I have several close friends who are liberal (Blue States Rule for one)

I just want Dems politically defeated. You take it to much higher levels then just politics

04-24-2008, 03:13 PM
LIBERASL oped writers who at one time were like you in their smug confidence Dems would win this hands down, and without breaking a sweat

Unlike you, I do not hate those with a different point of view, I have several close friends who are liberal (Blue States Rule for one)

I just want Dems politically defeated. You take it to much higher levels then just politics

as i said...I think it is fucking hilarious that supposedly "liberal" op ed writers are now the bearers of irrefutable truth to you..... what were you saying about these say guys when they were attacking Bush?

and I have a lot of conservative friends, RSR. My kid brother is a hard core conservative. I don't hate conservatives, I just really dislike dumb moronic conservative parrots like you who cannot think for themselves or write for themselve and always rely on the words of others to make their cases.

And I know that you want democrats defeated. That is the essence of every single one of your posts: libs bad. dems bad. conservatives good. It is childlike in its idiotic repetitive simplicity.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 03:18 PM
as i said...I think it is fucking hilarious that supposedly "liberal" op ed writers are now the bearers of irrefutable truth to you..... what were you saying about these say guys when they were attacking Bush?

and I have a lot of conservative friends, RSR. My kid brother is a hard core conservative. I don't hate conservatives, I just really dislike dumb moronic conservative parrots like you who cannot think for themselves or write for themselve and always rely on the words of others to make their cases.

They are pointing out the obvious. You choose not to accept or acknowledge the obvious

If it were one or two saying it, perhaps you would have a case. But from Salon, to Time, to the Times Online, they are all saying how Obama is damaged goods

He got soft coverage for nearly a year, now he is having to answer questions. He does not want to answer for Wright, Resko, Ayers, his "bitter" comment, or his wifes insults.

You want to sweep them under the rug and ingore them, and hope they go away

They won't

Now the Obama campaign will rely on playing the race card, and accuse anyyone who takes them on of being a racist

Unlike you, I have never wished death on a liberal. Nor have I made jokes about your heart attack

Case closed

04-24-2008, 03:36 PM
They are pointing out the obvious. You choose not to accept or acknowledge the obvious

If it were one or two saying it, perhaps you would have a case. But from Salon, to Time, to the Times Online, they are all saying how Obama is damaged goods

He got soft coverage for nearly a year, now he is having to answer questions. He does not want to answer for Wright, Resko, Ayers, his "bitter" comment, or his wifes insults.

You want to sweep them under the rug and ingore them, and hope they go away

They won't

Now the Obama campaign will rely on playing the race card, and accuse anyyone who takes them on of being a racist

Unlike you, I have never wished death on a liberal. Nor have I made jokes about your heart attack

Case closed

so.... crybaby...you never did answer my question: what exactly do you want to rationally DISCUSS?

red states rule
04-24-2008, 03:37 PM
so.... crybaby...you never did answer my question: what exactly do you want to rationally DISCUSS?

Like Barry, you get testy when you can't counter facts when presented to you

04-24-2008, 03:46 PM
Like Barry, you get testy when you can't counter facts when presented to you

facts? op ed pieces are not facts, RSR. Again what have you EVER wanted to "rationally discuss"?

red states rule
04-24-2008, 03:49 PM
facts? op ed pieces are not facts, RSR. Again what have you EVER wanted to "rationally discuss"?

Op eds based on facts. Barry has lost all the big states, he is not carrying large and huge voter groups, he outspent Hilary in PA and lost by 10 points (and 200,000 votes) he can't take hard questions, and he has to fal back on playing the race card

If you think all is well with his campaign - well keep your head in the sand :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 03:56 PM
Something tells me MFM is going to have a mental breakdown when Obama has his ass handed to him in November.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 03:57 PM
Something tells me MFM is going to have a mental breakdown when Obama has his ass handed to him in November.

He will be on 24 hour suicide watch

04-24-2008, 04:37 PM
Something tells me MFM is going to have a mental breakdown when Obama has his ass handed to him in November.I'm looking forward to the crying after the spanking.:cheers2:

red states rule
04-24-2008, 04:39 PM
I'm looking forward to the crying after the spanking.:cheers2:

MFM will be crying - here is a preview of what his election night

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LRWcPoxmZos&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LRWcPoxmZos&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

04-24-2008, 04:42 PM
Something tells me MFM is going to have a mental breakdown when Obama has his ass handed to him in November.

Strange that you feel so excited. It's you and your butt-buddies RSR and glockspam who should be crying if McAmnesty wins...

04-24-2008, 05:24 PM
Op eds based on facts. Barry has lost all the big states, he is not carrying large and huge voter groups, he outspent Hilary in PA and lost by 10 points (and 200,000 votes) he can't take hard questions, and he has to fal back on playing the race card

If you think all is well with his campaign - well keep your head in the sand :laugh2:

so are you saying that those "liberal" writers always based their op eds on facts, or only when they are stating an opinion that suits YOUR purpose? Why, when those same news outlets write editorials criticizing the President do you pooh pooh them as being merely biased liberal media?

I don't think any campaign goes well all the time. Hell...McCain was down to a skeleton staff at one point... The point is: blue states are blue states, for the most part, and the democrats who vote for one candidate in the primary will vote for the party's nominee come november, regardless of what they say now. They will realize the consequences and do the right thing.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 05:34 PM
so are you saying that those "liberal" writers always based their op eds on facts, or only when they are stating an opinion that suits YOUR purpose? Why, when those same news outlets write editorials criticizing the President do you pooh pooh them as being merely biased liberal media?

I don't think any campaign goes well all the time. Hell...McCain was down to a skeleton staff at one point... The point is: blue states are blue states, for the most part, and the democrats who vote for one candidate in the primary will vote for the party's nominee come november, regardless of what they say now. They will realize the consequences and do the right thing.

I have laid out some of the facts, and you chhose to ignore them

However, alot of your fellow libs are not ignoring them, and panic is setting in

Your assertion of party loyality (not all all hacks like you) is not showing up in the polls

04-24-2008, 07:19 PM
I have laid out some of the facts, and you chhose to ignore them

However, alot of your fellow libs are not ignoring them, and panic is setting in

Your assertion of party loyality (not all all hacks like you) is not showing up in the polls
and when those same "liberal" writers "lay out the facts" about Goerge Bush's failed war in Iraq, why do you not give them the same credence then? Can you answer that question? WHy is it that when opeds prove YOUR points they are always somehow "factual" and when they prove MY points they are always treasonous fiction? Got an answer for that?

red states rule
04-24-2008, 07:38 PM
and when those same "liberal" writers "lay out the facts" about Goerge Bush's failed war in Iraq, why do you not give them the same credence then? Can you answer that question? WHy is it that when opeds prove YOUR points they are always somehow "factual" and when they prove MY points they are always treasonous fiction? Got an answer for that?

So in your world, Obama won PA by 10 points, Barry has the middle class white male vote locked up, he was untouched in the last debate and wants more debates, and all the political insiders are wrong and you are right :laugh2

04-24-2008, 07:53 PM
and when those same "liberal" writers "lay out the facts" about Goerge Bush's failed war in Iraq, why do you not give them the same credence then? Can you answer that question? WHy is it that when opeds prove YOUR points they are always somehow "factual" and when they prove MY points they are always treasonous fiction? Got an answer for that?
answer the question

red states rule
04-24-2008, 07:55 PM
answer the question

So you are ducking your boys shortcomings - which are the points the liberal writers are pointing out

As usal, when you are unable to counter those facts you try to change the subject

04-24-2008, 08:02 PM
So you are ducking your boys shortcomings - which are the points the liberal writers are pointing out

As usal, when you are unable to counter those facts you try to change the subject

I am ducking nothing, answer a simple question you little worm.

I point out that YOU claim those liberal writers are now the font of factual knowledge, but you call them liars when they attack the little chimp in the white house. take your pick: either they know what they are talking about and I, therefore, can post their editorials on any other subject and you will accept them as fact....or they are liberals who are expressing their opinions which you now happen to agree with in this one instance. YOu can't have it both ways. Now man up.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:05 PM
I am ducking nothing, answer a simple question you little worm.

I point out that YOU claim those liberal writers are now the font of factual knowledge, but you call them liars when they attack the little chimp in the white house. take your pick: either they know what they are talking about and I, therefore, can post their editorials on any other subject and you will accept them as fact....or they are liberals who are expressing their opinions which you now happen to agree with in this one instance. YOu can't have it both ways. Now man up.

You are something else MFM. These liberals are watching thier party implode, and being led over a cliff by Obama

Instead of addressing the facts, you contiue to try and change the subject. You cannot muster any kind of defense of your boys failings, so you try and duck the facts

Once again, the opionions are based on the numbers your boy is not getting :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 08:09 PM
You are something else MFM. These liberals are watching thier party implode, and being led over a cliff by Obama

Instead of addressing the facts, you contiue to try and change the subject. You cannot muster any kind of defense of your boys failings, so you try and duck the facts

Once again, the opionions are based on the numbers your boy is not getting :laugh2:

answer the question. why are you so fucking afraid to answer my questions?

you are such a pussy!

you probably need a merkin now, though, don't you?

04-24-2008, 08:13 PM
Strange that you feel so excited. It's you and your butt-buddies RSR and glockspam who should be crying if McAmnesty wins...

I don't know where you get this "you feel so exicted" from. I said it out of concern. MFM is so beyond delusional, when reality comes crashing down in November, well...who knows how the MFM types will react.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:16 PM
Even Barry's top man has kicked the white midle class workers down the stairs

Obama Strategist: Don't Worry, Dems Usually Lose White Working Class

During an interview with NPR, Obama's top strategist David Axelrod played down his candidate's loss in Pennsylvania.

"The white working class has gone to the Republican nominee for many elections, going back even to the Clinton years," Axelrod said. "This is not new that Democratic candidates don't rely solely on those votes."

He also said winning Pennsylvania was "an almost impossible task" and "a home game" for Clinton. "It hasn't changed the fundamentals of the race."

During a CNN Radio interview, however, Obama himself acknowledged that his campaign needed to work harder to win that demographic


04-24-2008, 08:17 PM
I don't know where you get this "you feel so exicted" from. I said it out of concern. MFM is so beyond delusional, when reality comes crashing down in November, well...who knows how the MFM types will react.

It is an election. there will be more. I am not delusional in the least. I happen to believe that the country is going in the wrong direction under this president...so do more than 7 out of 10 Americans. I believe that the war in Iraq was a terrible mistake...so do 2 out of 3 Americans. If I am delusional, it is an epidemic.

04-24-2008, 08:20 PM
Even Barry's top man has kicked the white midle class workers down the stairs

Obama Strategist: Don't Worry, Dems Usually Lose White Working Class

During an interview with NPR, Obama's top strategist David Axelrod played down his candidate's loss in Pennsylvania.

"The white working class has gone to the Republican nominee for many elections, going back even to the Clinton years," Axelrod said. "This is not new that Democratic candidates don't rely solely on those votes."

He also said winning Pennsylvania was "an almost impossible task" and "a home game" for Clinton. "It hasn't changed the fundamentals of the race."

During a CNN Radio interview, however, Obama himself acknowledged that his campaign needed to work harder to win that demographic


kicked them down the stairs????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

He acknowledged that Reagan democrats have never really come home. How the fuck is that "kicking them down the stairs"?

what a moron you are!

04-24-2008, 08:22 PM
answer the question. why are you so fucking afraid to answer my questions?

you are such a pussy!

you probably need a merkin now, though, don't you?


red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:22 PM
kicked them down the stairs????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

He acknowledged that Reagan democrats have never really come home. How the fuck is that "kicking them down the stairs"?

what a moron you are!

Libs do kick those groups down the stairs when they reject their liberalism.

Your boy is falling fast, and you are ignoring all of it as you stroll down the Yellow Brick Road

04-24-2008, 08:23 PM
It is an election. there will be more. I am not delusional in the least. I happen to believe that the country is going in the wrong direction under this president...so do more than 7 out of 10 Americans. I believe that the war in Iraq was a terrible mistake...so do 2 out of 3 Americans. If I am delusional, it is an epidemic.

I feel the same way. Which is why I think we must prevent Obama from being elected. This nation has been going down the path of liberalism and socialism. We need to get away from big government controlling everything. Obama will shred the constitution in regards to the 2nd amendment and in his wanting a Federal government takeover of healthcare (completely unconstitutional).

04-24-2008, 08:24 PM
I feel the same way. Which is why I think we must prevent Obama from being elected. This nation has been going down the path of liberalism and socialism. We need to get away from big government controlling everything. Obama will shred the constitution in regards to the 2nd amendment and in his wanting a Federal government takeover of healthcare (completely unconstitutional).

wow...your fucking delusional!!!:finger3:

04-24-2008, 08:29 PM
Your boy is falling fast

Oh really????

USA Today/Gallup Poll. April 18-20, 2008. N=552 Democrats and Democratic leaners nationwide. MoE ± 5.

"Next, I'm going to read a list of people who are running in the Democratic primary for president. After I read all the names, please tell me which of those candidates you would be most likely to support for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, or if you would support someone else. . . ."

Barack Obama 50
Hillary Clinton 40

Barack Obama 49
Hillary Clinton 42

is THAT your definition of "falling fast"? :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 08:31 PM
wow...your fucking delusional!!!:finger3:

Am I? Has he not stated that a ban on hand guns is perfectly 'constitutional'? He even voted against a law that would allow people who shoot intruders in their own home immunity from violating the gun ban.

Can show where in the constitution it gives the federal government the powers to overtake every American's health care?

I'm right, and you can't prove otherwise.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:31 PM
Oh really????

USA Today/Gallup Poll. April 18-20, 2008. N=552 Democrats and Democratic leaners nationwide. MoE ± 5.

"Next, I'm going to read a list of people who are running in the Democratic primary for president. After I read all the names, please tell me which of those candidates you would be most likely to support for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, or if you would support someone else. . . ."

Barack Obama 50
Hillary Clinton 40

Barack Obama 49
Hillary Clinton 42

is THAT your definition of "falling fast"? :laugh2:

In the previous primaries, Barry has actually been UNDER the poll numbers. Remember how you were bellowing the polls that showed Hillary would win by 3 to 5 points :laugh2:

That is why your fellow libs are worried about Barry

04-24-2008, 08:32 PM
Am I? Has he not stated that a ban on hand guns is perfectly 'constitutional'? He even voted against a law that would allow people who shoot intruders in their own home immunity from violating the gun ban.

Can show where in the constitution it gives the federal government the powers to overtake every American's health care?

I'm right, and you can't prove otherwise.

sarcasm obviously is a bit too fine a form for you?

OK then...why don't you show me where I am delusional instead?:fu:

04-24-2008, 08:33 PM
sarcasm obviously is a bit too fine a form for you?

OK then...why don't you show me where I am delusional instead?:fu:

Oh I see. So you just don't care his agendas are completely unconstitutional.

04-24-2008, 08:33 PM
In the previous primaries, Barry has actually been UNDER the poll numbers. Remember how you were bellowing the polls that showed Hillary would win by 3 to 5 points :laugh2:

That is why your fellow libs are worried about Barry

quit dodging. He went UP in the last month...is that your definition of "falling fast"? yes or no

04-24-2008, 08:34 PM
Oh I see. So you just don't care his agendas are completely unconstitutional.

I care when people call me delusional. back it or retract it. prick.

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:36 PM
quit dodging. He went UP in the last month...is that your definition of "falling fast"? yes or no

He still under polls when the vote is tallied. He got his ass kicked in PA, despite all your cheerleading

Many in the liberal media are now saying how whites say they wil vote for Barry, but when they ready to vote, they can't bring themselves to vote for a black man

Playing the race card instead of admitting Barry is a lousy candidate

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:37 PM
I care when people call me delusional. back it or retract it. prick.

Remember, the first step on the road to recovery is to admit you have a problem

04-24-2008, 08:37 PM
somebody sure is bitter, again

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:38 PM
somebody sure is bitter, again

Again? When did he stop bing bitter?

04-24-2008, 08:41 PM
Again? When did he stop bing bitter?

good point

red states rule
04-24-2008, 08:45 PM
good point

He has been bitter since the 2000 election

And it has only gotten worse with each passing day

04-24-2008, 08:55 PM
I feel the same way. Which is why I think we must prevent Obama from being elected. This nation has been going down the path of liberalism and socialism.

Your boys had total power over all branches of government for more than six years, and America STILL went down the path of liberalism?

Wow, I had no idea that liberalism was such an unstoppable force! :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 09:10 PM
He still under polls when the vote is tallied. He got his ass kicked in PA, despite all your cheerleading

Many in the liberal media are now saying how whites say they wil vote for Barry, but when they ready to vote, they can't bring themselves to vote for a black man

Playing the race card instead of admitting Barry is a lousy candidate

he went UP in the polls from last month to this month.

I ask again: is THAT your definition of FALLING FAST? Yes or no?

04-24-2008, 09:11 PM
good point

get a room, you homos

04-24-2008, 09:17 PM
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama edging ahead of John McCain, 47% to 45%. While that lead is not statistically significant, it is only the second time in the past six weeks that Obama has held any advantage over McCain. Notably, 74% of Democrats say they will support Obama. That’s a five-point improvement for the Illinois Senator compared to last week’s polling. Obama has also gained ground among the unaffiliated."

Hey...RSR...is THAT your definition of "falling fast"???? :laugh2:

04-24-2008, 09:27 PM
what a great american father to call two male people who know each other on a board - "homos" - and tell them to get a room....what a great influence on his kids...

what is ironic is that almost all the fag jokes on this board come from liberals.

04-24-2008, 09:35 PM
what a great american father to call two male people who know each other on a board - "homos" - and tell them to get a room....what a great influence on his kids...

what is ironic is that almost all the fag jokes on this board come from liberals.

my kids think I am a great dad. their opinion is really a hell of a lot more important to me than that of a loser half jew shyster attorney.... who probably is gay.

04-24-2008, 09:38 PM
A really good thread derailed, ready for steel cage. All of you should grow a pair.

04-24-2008, 09:42 PM
A really good thread derailed, ready for steel cage. All of you should grow a pair.

I've procreated. I KNOW mine work!

RSR claims that Obama is quote-falling fast - unqoute but tap dances away from a variety of polling sources that show exactly the opposite. From my perspective, he needs to not only grow a pair, but steal someone's functioning brain.

04-24-2008, 09:50 PM
A really good thread derailed, ready for steel cage. All of you should grow a pair.

pretty much any thread mfm is in turns to insults....he can't debate without them...so don't go blaming us for his personal insults

04-24-2008, 10:06 PM
pretty much any thread mfm is in turns to insults....he can't debate without them...so don't go blaming us for his personal insults

what a cowardly whiner you are. really pathetic

red states rule
04-25-2008, 04:46 AM
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama edging ahead of John McCain, 47% to 45%. While that lead is not statistically significant, it is only the second time in the past six weeks that Obama has held any advantage over McCain. Notably, 74% of Democrats say they will support Obama. That’s a five-point improvement for the Illinois Senator compared to last week’s polling. Obama has also gained ground among the unaffiliated."

Hey...RSR...is THAT your definition of "falling fast"???? :laugh2:

Is that your same source that said Hilary would win by 3 to 5 points? :laugh2:

Here are the facts MFM about your boy:

Obama is Wounded, but Clinton Must Prove He Can't Win
By Mort Kondracke


He's still a formidable force, but he's been brought back to ordinary dimensions as voters have gotten to know him -- and, as primary results in New Hampshire, New Jersey, California, Texas, Ohio and now Pennsylvania show, he can't "close the deal" to end Clinton's challenge and wrap up the nomination.

He's also now revealed as the most liberal Member of the U.S. Senate -- and one who has never, ever departed from party orthodoxy to form the kind of bipartisan coalition he says -- correctly -- that it will take to solve America's problems.

Which is why it was perfectly appropriate for ABC News interrogators Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos to ask questions about Obama's remark that small-town Pennsylvanians "cling" to their guns and religion because they are "bitter," about his refusal to wear a flag pin and about his association with radicals such as former Weatherman Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Obama did get hard questions, but when Clinton was the frontrunner, she got hard questions, too. She whined at the time. Then, he did. And his media claque whined even louder.

The "character" questions were also appropriate because they are the substance of the Clinton campaign's case against Obama -- that he can't beat Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) because he can't carry white working-class voters, Hispanics, Catholics, Ohio, Florida -- maybe even Massachusetts and New Jersey.

All that's partly about race, Clinton campaign officials acknowledge, but it's also about class. "People who have the luxury of hope go for Obama," one aide told me. "If they are college-educated and buy lattes at Starbucks, they're for him.

As it happens, there is some. Although national polls show that Obama and Clinton both are essentially tied with McCain, Clinton does better than Obama in crucial swing states. In Ohio, an average of recent polls show McCain beating Obama by 2.6 points. Clinton beats McCain by 5 points.

In Florida, McCain beats Obama by 11.7 points but is tied with Clinton.

There certainly are states that Obama might win that Clinton probably can't -- Nevada, Iowa, even Nebraska and North Dakota -- but the latest national polling roundup assembled by former White House political chief Karl Rove shows McCain leading Obama in states with 261 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win, while against Clinton, he has 214.

Also, Republican pollster Whit Ayres told me that four focus groups he's conducted among blue-collar whites in Michigan and Missouri show "they are open to voting for Hillary Clinton, but there's no way in hell they are going for Obama. It's cultural.


04-25-2008, 05:57 AM
just answer the question and quit trying to throw up even more editorials as smoke screens.

Obama is higher in polls this week than he was a month ago. Is that your definition of "falling fast"? yes or no

04-25-2008, 07:40 AM
...what is ironic is that almost all the fag jokes on this board come from liberals.

.... their opinion is really a hell of a lot more important to me than that of a loser half jew shyster attorney.... who probably is gay.

Racist and homophobic. Typical liberal.

04-25-2008, 03:59 PM
Racist and homophobic. Typical liberal.

do you have anything of value to say about this topic, or are you content to follow me around the board like some perverted stalker tossing nothing but insults?

Pale Rider
04-25-2008, 04:15 PM
do you have anything of value to say about this topic, or are you content to follow me around the board like some perverted stalker tossing nothing but insults?

............ :lol: ............ :laugh: ............... :pee:

Pot... kettle... black.

04-25-2008, 04:24 PM
do you have anything of value to say about this topic, or are you content to follow me around the board like some perverted stalker tossing nothing but insults?
You're dreaming, pal. :laugh2:

04-25-2008, 04:27 PM
............ :lol: ............ :laugh: ............... :pee:

Pot... kettle... black.

actually, your post is an example of the cast iron pot commenting on the white coffee mug calling the kettle black. I follow NO ONE around the board insulting them. I want nothing more than to talk about issues. I don't suffer fools lightly, and sometimes note my displeasure with their evasive tactics by sinking to an occasional obscenity. my bad.:fu:

Pale Rider
04-25-2008, 04:33 PM
actually, your post is an example of the cast iron pot commenting on the white coffee mug calling the kettle black. I follow NO ONE around the board insulting them. I want nothing more than to talk about issues. I don't suffer fools lightly, and sometimes note my displeasure with their evasive tactics by sinking to an occasional obscenity. my bad.:fu:

Nice try jerk off... you've proved time and again beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're in the running for the top board asswad. Pretending to be above the fray just shows, once again, that you're also a damn good liar.

And when it comes to your little lop eared, racist, America hating, Pentagon bombing terrorist lover, slum lord buddy, nigger, hussein, all you can do is deny, deny, deny. It's a pathetic display of just how far one can actually shove their head up their ass.

04-25-2008, 04:39 PM
do you have anything of value to say about this topic, or are you content to follow me around the board like some perverted stalker tossing nothing but insults?

wait, i thought i was your stalker....sheesh, you're one paranoid closet freak...thinking anytime someone replies to you on a public internet board they are a "stalker"

04-25-2008, 07:04 PM
Nice try jerk off... you've proved time and again beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're in the running for the top board asswad. Pretending to be above the fray just shows, once again, that you're also a damn good liar.

And when it comes to your little lop eared, racist, America hating, Pentagon bombing terrorist lover, slum lord buddy, nigger, hussein, all you can do is deny, deny, deny. It's a pathetic display of just how far one can actually shove their head up their ass.
Shit Pale, I hate when you do this. Why hold back? Tell him what you really think. :laugh2:

04-25-2008, 07:10 PM
Nice try jerk off... you've proved time and again beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're in the running for the top board asswad. Pretending to be above the fray just shows, once again, that you're also a damn good liar.

And when it comes to your little lop eared, racist, America hating, Pentagon bombing terrorist lover, slum lord buddy, nigger, hussein, all you can do is deny, deny, deny. It's a pathetic display of just how far one can actually shove their head up their ass.

I have never suggested that I was ABOVE the fray, just not beneath it. And when it comes to your nigger-hating racism disguised as "patriotism", you prove that we still have a long long way to go before the bigotry of our forefathers is erased.

04-25-2008, 07:12 PM
wait, i thought i was your stalker....sheesh, you're one paranoid closet freak...thinking anytime someone replies to you on a public internet board they are a "stalker"

when people follow someone else around a board and, rather than discuss the topic of the thread, they merely attack the target.... they are stalking.

But I would imagine, having chased your share of ambulances, your skills in that regard are fairly well developed.

04-25-2008, 07:17 PM
....the bigotry of our forefathers is erased. Speak for yourself, foreskinswallower.

04-25-2008, 07:22 PM
Speak for yourself, foreskinswallower.

speak for yourself, little boy fucker