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View Full Version : Obama's Latest Tax Screw Up Grounds For Impeachment

03-12-2013, 11:47 AM
Dontcha just love fundraising letters? "The world is coming to an end, send us money to prevent it." Cast your vote and get on our SPAM list.

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Obama's Latest Screw Up May Lead to Impeachment.

Dear Concerned Reader,


<map name="Map" id="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="5,373,228,464" href="http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/11793283:14849899231:m:1:371558391:36BD08C18DBC59B 78C323DBB7540817A:r" target="_blank"> </map> Fearing the very worst, the nation's super-rich are unloading their stocks at an alarming rate.

Even more troubling, the wealthiest 1% of Americans, who typically know the most, are the ones most anxious to sell.

You see, Obama just allowed 13 new tax increases to further slow the economy, wreck the stock market and make it even harder on the 12 million Americans already looking for work.

The bigger question is this…

Is Obama's Latest Tax
Screw Up Grounds
For Impeachment?

The poll results are likely to shock you.

Cast your vote now to see what America thinks.

Yes, impeach President Obama? Or No, higher taxes were necessary?

Thanks for your time on this urgent matter.

03-12-2013, 06:28 PM
Even more troubling, the wealthiest 1% of Americans, who typically know the most, are the ones most anxious to sell.

Just a point of inquiry, people don't know who the "1%" is.
That would be, movie stars, sport stars, anyone in gov't, and bill gates.

(a moron told me I was in the 1%, I'm more mid middle class... or 6 foot under dirt poor if you count college debt)

Back on topic. Why hasn't he been impeached already? I mean, he's already screwed this country more then any other president. I thought the presidents job was to HELP america, not... what he's doing.
Don't get me wrong, I love my country, just not the dipshit in charge of it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2013, 07:43 PM
Just a point of inquiry, people don't know who the "1%" is.
That would be, movie stars, sport stars, anyone in gov't, and bill gates.

(a moron told me I was in the 1%, I'm more mid middle class... or 6 foot under dirt poor if you count college debt)

Back on topic. Why hasn't he been impeached already? I mean, he's already screwed this country more then any other president. I thought the presidents job was to HELP america, not... what he's doing.
Don't get me wrong, I love my country, just not the dipshit in charge of it.

Bravo!!!! --:beer:--:salute:---Tyr

red states rule
03-18-2013, 04:24 AM
There is nothing known as of yet that would be a reason for impeachment. I am not happy we are stuck with this loser for another 4 years - but the takers turned out to vote in larger numbers then the producers. also 4 million R's stayed home so you can thank them as well. We will just have to do our best and endure the next 4 years and put up a strong candidate in 2016 and work like hell to take the Senate in 2014