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04-24-2016, 05:38 PM
Someone was eventually going to go here so it might as well be me.What about pedophelia? How can you honestly seperate it from homosexuality? If you want to be consistent in your argument you can't say it is a seperate psychosis.

Homosexuality is not a mental disease....

Psychosis is a medical condition.

Pedophilia is a Predatory Mental Condition....

Not all Pedophiles are Gay... Not all Gays are Pedophiles

Your argument is completely baseless Atticus...

You cant condemn all Gays of being Pedophiles... That is intellectually dishonest.

04-24-2016, 05:40 PM
Are you serious? Really Jim?

Tell you what... reverse the circumstances... Imagine that you were homosexual and had to hide almost every detail of your life from 90+ percent of society every day of your life until you were ready to come out and tell your family and friends... Put that level of pressure on yourself trying to hide yourself from people that will harass and make fun of you and denigrate you once they find out... to some it is easier to commit suicide rather than come out to those they love.

So to call it a mental condition is incorrect... and insulting to those in the LGBTQ community.

I couldn't care less in the slightest bit what the queer community thinks, nor if I offend them. That's the pushiest and rudest group of folks in America.

And I'm 100% serious, I have always stated that it's a mental illness and never should have been removed.

04-24-2016, 06:11 PM
I couldn't care less in the slightest bit what the queer community thinks, nor if I offend them. That's the pushiest and rudest group of folks in America.

And I'm 100% serious, I have always stated that it's a mental illness and never should have been removed.

Thank you! Perfectly stated!

04-24-2016, 06:19 PM
Got an Apple Product? iPad, iPod? Computer? Tablet?, Laptop?

The CEO of Apple is Homosexual....

So...Gonna throw away all your gadgets?

04-24-2016, 06:19 PM
Thank you! Perfectly stated!

I agree!

04-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Got an Apple Product? iPad, iPod? Computer? Tablet?, Laptop?

The CEO of Apple is Homosexual....

So...Gonna throw away all your gadgets?

No, but I believe that he should seek psychiatric hypnotherapy to get the help he needs to put him on the right path.

04-24-2016, 06:23 PM
It is too late to fix a society that has degenerated so quickly, as all of us are now witnessing.

Political Correctness has become the Barometer Everyone seems to latch their feelings, and thoughts to these days. Everyone in society has found an excuse to become a SAD VICTIM of the other human beings who decide what words to say, what to think, what to believe, and how to behave to avoid insulting, offending, or bothering the VICTIMS of life in general.

Look at how far everyone on this thread has gone. Some of us are scolding, and complaining about how others think, talk, act, and treat everybody else as permanent VICTIMS of being human.

Personally. I am disgusted to read, and hear how some insist we must all BOW DOWN and KISS EACH OTHER'S ASS in order to avoid provoking, bothering, insulting, or offending others who are DOING THE VERY SAME THINGS....Only, using political correctness to declare how ONLY THEY KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT, or PROPER methods to use to soothe the Bleeding Heart, Perpetual Victims of Living.

04-24-2016, 06:35 PM
Got an Apple Product? iPad, iPod? Computer? Tablet?, Laptop?

The CEO of Apple is Homosexual....

So...Gonna throw away all your gadgets?

I'm not looking to toss anything away. I was commenting about the suicides, and my belief that homosexuality is a mental illness. That doesn't mean I have a reason to toss away any products.

But truth be told, I don't use a single Apple product that I can think of anyway. I do have a hand me down ipad but I don't use it. :)

04-24-2016, 06:56 PM
Since I also, do not have any apple products. That has nothing to do with it. But I do recall so many people, way back in 2000, and 2004 PROMISING they would leave the country if Bush was elected. Then, I remember all those people who said the same about Obama.

One thing....Homosexual, has nothing to do with whether the CEO, or even the President is Gay.

That kind of talk is nothing but MORE OF THE SAME old BS we hear, every time somebody threatens to boycott somebody, or a company.


Atticus Finch
04-24-2016, 07:18 PM
Homosexuality is not a mental disease....

Psychosis is a medical condition.

Pedophilia is a Predatory Mental Condition....

Not all Pedophiles are Gay... Not all Gays are Pedophiles

Your argument is completely baseless Atticus...

You cant condemn all Gays of being Pedophiles... That is intellectually dishonest.And you are being dishonest....no not all peds are gays is true or visa versa...but the connection is undeniable.....the same sex attraction.It's not an argument.It is an ugly truth though that many don't want to see. .Mark it down one day it will no longer be the LGBT community but thge LGBTP community.

04-24-2016, 07:28 PM
And you are being dishonest....no not all peds are gays is true or visa versa...but the connection is undeniable.....the same sex attraction.It's not an argument.It is an ugly truth though that many don't want to see. .Mark it down one day it will no longer be the LGBT community but thge LGBTP community.

And we mustn't forget...sponsored by NAMBLA. What a great opportunity for those jerkoffs?

Black Diamond
04-24-2016, 08:42 PM
And you are being dishonest....no not all peds are gays is true or visa versa...but the connection is undeniable.....the same sex attraction.It's not an argument.It is an ugly truth though that many don't want to see. .Mark it down one day it will no longer be the LGBT community but thge LGBTP community.
How far down the road do you see this happening?

04-24-2016, 08:59 PM
How far down the road do you see this happening?

Black Diamond. No real need for it to be identified with another Letter added to LGBT. We all know, there are thousands of genuinely weird, sickass, child molesters walking around...hiding behind their crybaby labels that the Liberal community protects with their endless Political Correctness Bullshit.

The most dangerous out there do not hide behind labels. They prefer to remain anonymous and hidden under the protections of the Growing LGBT crowd that keep emptying their CLOSETS.

04-24-2016, 11:25 PM
As far as I am concerned, every queer is a predator and a pedophile just waiting for the opportunity to violate some child. They're sick and twisted. They are mentally ill and just plain old depraved.

I have 2 visceral reactions when exposed to queers. Nausea is 1st. My gag reflex kicks in every time. Then if they don't vacate my immediate vicinity quickly I have to contain my desire to inflict great harm. The rage wells up inside me like at no other time. I always contain myself and plan to continue.

It's all their own fault. I had some queer salivating and looking at me like I was a meal when I was about 11 years old. I was horribly creeped out. I didn't even know those things existed. Then when I was 15 some guy pretended to friend me so he could hit on me. 17 the flaming queer janitor at GM Van Nuys snuck up behind me at the urinal to look over my shoulder and check out my package. All of them adult males.

My friends were at a church in San Francisco when queers surrounded it. They threatened to rape the children. They chanted the vilest things they could think of.

04-25-2016, 03:36 AM
As far as I am concerned, every queer is a predator and a pedophile just waiting for the opportunity to violate some child. They're sick and twisted. They are mentally ill and just plain old depraved.

I have 2 visceral reactions when exposed to queers. Nausea is 1st. My gag reflex kicks in every time. Then if they don't vacate my immediate vicinity quickly I have to contain my desire to inflict great harm. The rage wells up inside me like at no other time. I always contain myself and plan to continue.

It's all their own fault. I had some queer salivating and looking at me like I was a meal when I was about 11 years old. I was horribly creeped out. I didn't even know those things existed. Then when I was 15 some guy pretended to friend me so he could hit on me. 17 the flaming queer janitor at GM Van Nuys snuck up behind me at the urinal to look over my shoulder and check out my package. All of them adult males.

My friends were at a church in San Francisco when queers surrounded it. They threatened to rape the children. They chanted the vilest things they could think of.

I was on a Rosie message board back in 1999 and we were discussing child molestation, and the disgust that people felt. I posted this:

"I am sure that most of us have seen programs on the TV depicting a child molester in operation; possibly unshaven, clothes disheveled, speaking softly to a child in a secluded place, and working the child's mind that he will do his bidding. The actors work the scene so well that a feeling of loathing and disgust well up inside because we all know what is going to happen; and it is abhorrent.

There was a program which analyzed a child molester and murderer who was imprisoned, and agreed to view some store video surveillance tapes of customers with their children in various stores across the country and explain how he operated. This man was young, in his twenties, softspoken, bright, and cunning. He viewed a scene with a Mother and a boy around 5 years old. The Mother was walking slowly through the aisle of a sports section in a store, looking at the merchandise, and the boy was trailing behind, looking at the merchandise also. The boy stopped to examine something, to touch it and make his own evaluation of it, while the Mother, oblivious of her son's keen interest in the object, slowly moved on. A separation of around fifty or sixty feet occurred. The child molester viewed the scene, unemotionally, and said: "That child is mine." He explained how he would swiftly work the child's mind and have him follow along while he led him outside to his car. After he had explained how he operated, he said that he must die; that if let loose into society again he would do the same thing.

It is exasperating to realize that these things occur between two individuals; one cunning and determined; one helpless and frightened. If we could only view these scenes as they were occurring and prevent them from happening. We only know of them after the fact; much too late to intervene."

A woman wrote back: "The scenario of a stalker after a 5 yr. old is chilling. The thought of those kinds of people out there makes me want to be ever vigilant about my children. It makes my skin crawl to think of these people harming the poor, innocent children."

Atticus Finch
04-25-2016, 04:57 AM
How far down the road do you see this happening?Look how fast the gays are now viewed as normal.When I was in HS in the mid 70's it was viewed as depraved.Once the acceptance of depravity as normal starts it is just a matter of time.We are already screaming for the rights of the "sexually confused" to go into bathroom he or she wants depending how they feel that day.How many women or children will be the subject of sexual harassment or rape because some sicko will take advantage of the situation.I believe God has literally turned our society over to a reprobate mind.And like many civilizations in the past it will be our undoing.I believe that only a turning back to God will save us now.

04-25-2016, 05:07 AM
From The Associated Press 24 April 2016:
Former U.S. Sen. Harris Wofford talks tenderly of his two loves - his late wife Clare and his soon-to-be spouse Matthew Charlton...

...says he and the 40-year-old Charlton plan to marry April 30.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_CLARE_AND_MATTHEW?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-04-24-22-20-15)

Would this be a case of Pedophilia, or Pederasty?

04-25-2016, 05:51 AM
Why do so many trannies and fags commit suicide?

Possibly because many people don't have the common decency within them to treat "trannies and fags" as actual human beings, rather that sub-human entities to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse.

Atticus Finch
04-25-2016, 05:54 AM
how in the hell does a 90 yr old man get it up for a 40 yr old man?...The younger guy has got to be a gold digger....lol

04-25-2016, 06:00 AM
I have 2 visceral reactions when exposed to queers. Nausea is 1st. My gag reflex kicks in every time. Then if they don't vacate my immediate vicinity quickly I have to contain my desire to inflict great harm.

Well, that's nice.

04-25-2016, 06:01 AM
Possibly because many people don't have the common decency within them to treat "trannies and fags" as actual human beings, rather that sub-human entities to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse.

Probably never. Since you're wildly guessing, let us say they kill themselves because of the sub-humans pushing them to be martyrs for their agenda; refusing to get them help to understand and treat their illness, and enabling them to pursue an unfulfilled life. Because their gender is set by biology. The compassionate thing is to help them come to terms with who they are, not who they are now pressured to be because they don't understand their own biology.

04-25-2016, 09:35 AM
Possibly because many people don't have the common decency within them to treat "trannies and fags" as actual human beings, rather that sub-human entities to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse.

No! It's "self hatred" because they know that they are fuktup!

You'd think they would wise up, and get the help they need to put them on the right path in life. But no! They continue to wallow in their self pity, and their fuktupedness...

04-25-2016, 09:43 AM
Possibly because many people don't have the common decency within them to treat "trannies and fags" as actual human beings, rather that sub-human entities to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse.

Human beings, with obvious mental issues. I feel bad that some of them feel the only way out is to kill themselves, but that's semi normal with folks stricken with mental illnesses.

Abbey Marie
04-25-2016, 10:15 AM
Possibly because many people don't have the common decency within them to treat "trannies and fags" as actual human beings, rather that sub-human entities to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse.

Could be. Or maybe that's putting the cart before the horse. It's possible that these folks are mentally unstable, and it's that very instability that drives them towards transgender is in the first place.

04-25-2016, 10:27 AM
Well, that's nice.

It's nice that I do not act on my reaction. I didn't ask to have this reaction. Had one of them ever touched me I guarantee the violence would not be quelled.

04-25-2016, 10:33 AM
Could be. Or maybe that's putting the cart before the horse. It's possible that these folks are mentally unstable, and it's that very instability that drives them towards transgender is in the first place.

I have very little doubt that this is the case. And I believe the same for homosexuality and other gender confused mental illnesses.

04-25-2016, 10:53 AM
I've never heard a cogent argument as to what rights gays were being denied. I was OK with civil unions with the same marital benefits,(if you can really call them benefits),as a marriage between a man and a woman.But the radical gays insisted on calling it marriage for one reason and one reason only,and that was to stick a thumb in the eye of the Christian community. And as predicted by some the aberration of our society wasn't going to stop there.We now have the flavor of the day mentality.

Depends on your definition of "rights." But using the term they were denied the "right" of marriage, benefits is a better word IMO, that was previously allowed only to straights. And civil unions never held the same benefits of marriage and I think many people tend to agree with it now but would not have if marriage were still not allowed.

I also think you do a disservice by referring to "radical gays" when there easily "radical anti-gays." I think many times the anti-gays get in a fervor in attempting to deny something to gays that there wasn't really a movement around. Some lady in Miami initiated a campaign in the 70s?/80s? and the social conservatives started talking about the Marriage Amendment under Bush and before IIRC. I think things like that only accelerated widespread acceptance. Nevertheless there are many gay Christians who want nothing more than to be married in a church and accepted by the larger community.

Why do so many trannies and fags commit suicide?


Now, how dumb is that! Might as well let all the incarcerated out of prison and fix society because there will always be criminals and society should just get used to it.

There are, have been, and always will be gays; using criminals as an analogy is a fallacy. Most?, in the West anyway, don't have a problem with it and that number will grow. That of course doesn't help those who are ostracized from family, church, and community from feeling the pain.

I couldn't care less in the slightest bit what the queer community thinks, nor if I offend them. That's the pushiest and rudest group of folks in America.

And I'm 100% serious, I have always stated that it's a mental illness and never should have been removed.

Doesn't though make it a true statement.

And you are being dishonest....no not all peds are gays is true or visa versa...but the connection is undeniable.....the same sex attraction.It's not an argument.It is an ugly truth though that many don't want to see. .Mark it down one day it will no longer be the LGBT community but thge LGBTP community.

And there is connection of both men and women abusing boys and girls. The dishonest argument is pointing out the one and claiming it as the only problem.

As far as I am concerned, every queer is a predator and a pedophile just waiting for the opportunity to violate some child. They're sick and twisted. They are mentally ill and just plain old depraved.

I have 2 visceral reactions when exposed to queers. Nausea is 1st. My gag reflex kicks in every time. Then if they don't vacate my immediate vicinity quickly I have to contain my desire to inflict great harm. The rage wells up inside me like at no other time. I always contain myself and plan to continue.

It's all their own fault. I had some queer salivating and looking at me like I was a meal when I was about 11 years old. I was horribly creeped out. I didn't even know those things existed. Then when I was 15 some guy pretended to friend me so he could hit on me. 17 the flaming queer janitor at GM Van Nuys snuck up behind me at the urinal to look over my shoulder and check out my package. All of them adult males.

My friends were at a church in San Francisco when queers surrounded it. They threatened to rape the children. They chanted the vilest things they could think of.

It seems you are saddle with a false belief.

Look how fast the gays are now viewed as normal.When I was in HS in the mid 70's it was viewed as depraved.Once the acceptance of depravity as normal starts it is just a matter of time.We are already screaming for the rights of the "sexually confused" to go into bathroom he or she wants depending how they feel that day.How many women or children will be the subject of sexual harassment or rape because some sicko will take advantage of the situation.I believe God has literally turned our society over to a reprobate mind.And like many civilizations in the past it will be our undoing.I believe that only a turning back to God will save us now.

Hopefully so and a turning to God that so many gays want.

Would this be a case of Pedophilia, or Pederasty?


04-25-2016, 11:06 AM
Doesn't though make it a true statement.

Nor does it if someone claims it's not.

04-25-2016, 05:22 PM
how in the hell does a 90 yr old man get it up for a 40 yr old man?...The younger guy has got to be a gold digger....lol

They have been friends, and whatever, for around 15 years.

04-25-2016, 07:01 PM
every one of your families has at least 1 gay member within the last 2 generations.

so... since all of you are so anti-gay why not just out them here and now... go ahead.

because all of you believe that gay=mental illness or pedophile.. so here is your chance..

expose them here and now.. have them arrested... throw them all in camps.

Hitler and Himmler both said that Homosexuals and all members of the LGBTQ Community were mentally defective..

Nice to see you all agree with the Third Reich.

When can we expect the Camps to be built?

Come on.. All of you that think being LGBTQ makes you a Pedophile or Mental Patient.. You gonna use Gas or Lethal Injection...

Come on.. be proud...

What I have seen on this thread has been absolute HATRED. I have DOZENS of Bisexual and Gay Friends. They are among the nicest and kindest people I know. All of you speak from a position of absolute ignorance. I do have to say this... Stand FIRMLY on the side of my friends in the LGBT Community.

By the way... common knowledge... Jim and all of you that are hating on LGBTQ people..

You completely insulted @WiccanLiberal (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2277) and have her near tears... She is Bi-Sexual.

That is the "B" in LGBTQ.

So here is a Hint... Since you consider her to be Mentally defective and in need of Therapy we will make this real easy for you....

We're DONE HERE.. You dont have to deal with the Bisexual Liberal Woman and the Conservative Guy that Cares about her.

What you're spewing is absolute Hatred.

So Have fun... Enjoy...



I may send the my friend from the National Council on Sexual Freedom to read this... Just so she can Laugh... Oh.. She is Gay as well

Black Diamond
04-25-2016, 07:14 PM
every one of your families has at least 1 gay member within the last 2 generations.

so... since all of you are so anti-gay why not just out them here and now... go ahead.

because all of you believe that gay=mental illness or pedophile.. so here is your chance..

expose them here and now.. have them arrested... throw them all in camps.

Hitler and Himmler both said that Homosexuals and all members of the LGBTQ Community were mentally defective..

Nice to see you all agree with the Third Reich.

When can we expect the Camps to be built?

Come on.. All of you that think being LGBTQ makes you a Pedophile or Mental Patient.. You gonna use Gas or Lethal Injection...

Come on.. be proud...

What I have seen on this thread has been absolute HATRED. I have DOZENS of Bisexual and Gay Friends. They are among the nicest and kindest people I know. All of you speak from a position of absolute ignorance. I do have to say this... Stand FIRMLY on the side of my friends in the LGBT Community.

By the way... common knowledge... Jim and all of you that are hating on LGBTQ people..

You completely insulted @WiccanLiberal (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2277) and have her near tears... She is Bi-Sexual.

That is the "B" in LGBTQ.

So here is a Hint... Since you consider her to be Mentally defective and in need of Therapy we will make this real easy for you....

We're DONE HERE.. You dont have to deal with the Bisexual Liberal Woman and the Conservative Guy that Cares about her.

What you're spewing is absolute Hatred.

So Have fun... Enjoy...



I may send the my friend from the National Council on Sexual Freedom to read this... Just so she can Laugh... Oh.. She is Gay as well
I hate communism. Guess I am lockstep with Adolf.

04-25-2016, 07:34 PM
every one of your families has at least 1 gay member within the last 2 generations.

so... since all of you are so anti-gay why not just out them here and now... go ahead.

because all of you believe that gay=mental illness or pedophile.. so here is your chance..

expose them here and now.. have them arrested... throw them all in camps.

Hitler and Himmler both said that Homosexuals and all members of the LGBTQ Community were mentally defective..

Nice to see you all agree with the Third Reich.

When can we expect the Camps to be built?

Come on.. All of you that think being LGBTQ makes you a Pedophile or Mental Patient.. You gonna use Gas or Lethal Injection...

Come on.. be proud...

What I have seen on this thread has been absolute HATRED. I have DOZENS of Bisexual and Gay Friends. They are among the nicest and kindest people I know. All of you speak from a position of absolute ignorance. I do have to say this... Stand FIRMLY on the side of my friends in the LGBT Community.

By the way... common knowledge... Jim and all of you that are hating on LGBTQ people..

You completely insulted @WiccanLiberal (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2277) and have her near tears... She is Bi-Sexual.

That is the "B" in LGBTQ.

So here is a Hint... Since you consider her to be Mentally defective and in need of Therapy we will make this real easy for you....

We're DONE HERE.. You dont have to deal with the Bisexual Liberal Woman and the Conservative Guy that Cares about her.

What you're spewing is absolute Hatred.

So Have fun... Enjoy...



I may send the my friend from the National Council on Sexual Freedom to read this... Just so she can Laugh... Oh.. She is Gay as well

Sorry if I have an opinion. I guess I'm a hater. Adios.

04-25-2016, 08:31 PM
every one of your families has at least 1 gay member within the last 2 generations.

so... since all of you are so anti-gay why not just out them here and now... go ahead.

because all of you believe that gay=mental illness or pedophile.. so here is your chance..

expose them here and now.. have them arrested... throw them all in camps.

Hitler and Himmler both said that Homosexuals and all members of the LGBTQ Community were mentally defective..

Nice to see you all agree with the Third Reich.

When can we expect the Camps to be built?

Come on.. All of you that think being LGBTQ makes you a Pedophile or Mental Patient.. You gonna use Gas or Lethal Injection...

Come on.. be proud...

What I have seen on this thread has been absolute HATRED. I have DOZENS of Bisexual and Gay Friends. They are among the nicest and kindest people I know. All of you speak from a position of absolute ignorance. I do have to say this... Stand FIRMLY on the side of my friends in the LGBT Community.

By the way... common knowledge... Jim and all of you that are hating on LGBTQ people..

You completely insulted @WiccanLiberal (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2277) and have her near tears... She is Bi-Sexual.

That is the "B" in LGBTQ.

So here is a Hint... Since you consider her to be Mentally defective and in need of Therapy we will make this real easy for you....

We're DONE HERE.. You dont have to deal with the Bisexual Liberal Woman and the Conservative Guy that Cares about her.

What you're spewing is absolute Hatred.

So Have fun... Enjoy...



I may send the my friend from the National Council on Sexual Freedom to read this... Just so she can Laugh... Oh.. She is Gay as well

Got news for you ... WE are NOT the ones that made being gay an issue. How the hell am I supposed to know if you're gay unless YOU have it stamped on your forehead and identify yourself as such? I don't wear shirts that say "heterosexual pride" nor have I asked for any special damned laws to protect me for it.

It is NOT normal behavior; however, what you do in the privacy of your own home is YOUR business. Keep it there.

04-25-2016, 08:45 PM
every one of your families has at least 1 gay member within the last 2 generations.

so... since all of you are so anti-gay why not just out them here and now... go ahead.

because all of you believe that gay=mental illness or pedophile.. so here is your chance..

expose them here and now.. have them arrested... throw them all in camps.

Hitler and Himmler both said that Homosexuals and all members of the LGBTQ Community were mentally defective..

Nice to see you all agree with the Third Reich.

When can we expect the Camps to be built?

Come on.. All of you that think being LGBTQ makes you a Pedophile or Mental Patient.. You gonna use Gas or Lethal Injection...

Come on.. be proud...

What I have seen on this thread has been absolute HATRED. I have DOZENS of Bisexual and Gay Friends. They are among the nicest and kindest people I know. All of you speak from a position of absolute ignorance. I do have to say this... Stand FIRMLY on the side of my friends in the LGBT Community.

By the way... common knowledge... Jim and all of you that are hating on LGBTQ people..

You completely insulted @WiccanLiberal (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2277) and have her near tears... She is Bi-Sexual.

That is the "B" in LGBTQ.

So here is a Hint... Since you consider her to be Mentally defective and in need of Therapy we will make this real easy for you....

We're DONE HERE.. You dont have to deal with the Bisexual Liberal Woman and the Conservative Guy that Cares about her.

What you're spewing is absolute Hatred.

So Have fun... Enjoy...



I may send the my friend from the National Council on Sexual Freedom to read this... Just so she can Laugh... Oh.. She is Gay as well

Captain America. Gotta disagree with you on this one. I HATE NOBODY. Especially, not members of the LGBT crew. Having MY OWN OPINION HERE, and offering it IS NOT hatred. If memory serves me. WE have a first amendment, and the FREEDOM to speak, or think whatever we want. That's the Beauty of being an AMERICAN.

YOUR BLANKET SCOLDING HERE makes me feel as if You have suddenly become the Liberal YOU claim to hate, and I KNOW...that's not YOU.

Telling us you have many LGBT friends sounds very much like someone who always says...I have Black friends. Which is another sign of trying to avoid being labeled as a Racist.

By the way. My youngest brother was gay when he passed before 2000. He died of an Overdose of pain killers he stole from our mother. I Loved him then, and I still love him. But I HAVE NEVER HATED HIM.

I am sorry if anyone offended Wiccan here. But she has always seemed to be much stronger, and more resilient toward everyone here. So if something like this BOARD bothers her that much. Perhaps she should stop taking part???
Just a friendly, heart-felt suggestion.

04-25-2016, 09:18 PM
Captain America. Gotta disagree with you on this one. I HATE NOBODY. Especially, not members of the LGBT crew. Having MY OWN OPINION HERE, and offering it IS NOT hatred. If memory serves me. WE have a first amendment, and the FREEDOM to speak, or think whatever we want. That's the Beauty of being an AMERICAN.

YOUR BLANKET SCOLDING HERE makes me feel as if You have suddenly become the Liberal YOU claim to hate, and I KNOW...that's not YOU.

Telling us you have many LGBT friends sounds very much like someone who always says...I have Black friends. Which is another sign of trying to avoid being labeled as a Racist.

By the way. My youngest brother was gay when he passed before 2000. He died of an Overdose of pain killers he stole from our mother. I Loved him then, and I still love him. But I HAVE NEVER HATED HIM.

I am sorry if anyone offended Wiccan here. But she has always seemed to be much stronger, and more resilient toward everyone here. So if something like this BOARD bothers her that much. Perhaps she should stop taking part???
Just a friendly, heart-felt suggestion.

My youngest daughter is gay. She knows I don't approve. She's STILL my daughter and knows I love her. There's no hatred of gays. That's old school even for people as old as us.

What I HATE are the flamers and the media for making an issue of it. I consider it improper conduct. Your sex life ain't my business. Leave it at home.

04-25-2016, 10:13 PM
I've written many times before, one example being earlier in the thread, that I don't want to know nor do I care about others sexual preferences. I don't spend my time worrying about what others do or don't do in their RL much less in their own homes. It's not my business.

However, once one makes it a public issue, one should expect that not everyone is going to think 'Oh, that's cool.' Not going to happen. Folks are entitled to their opinions, even calling groups 'mentally deranged,' or 'inferior.' They have that right, just as their audience has a right to make conclusions on them for how they express themselves. Most of us have a tendency to treat others to some degree by how they treat us.

I've always liked Wiccan, probably given her more rep than most considering that she doesn't post a lot. I had no idea that she was bi, it's not my business. I've never once asked anyone for such information. I don't tend to write much hate towards groups, it's certainly not my thing. Hell, I'm one who argued that while terrorists aren't my kind of people, they are human, thus people. ;)

I do think though that if one has a strong feeling regarding standing up against what they see as 'hate,' especially if a part of the reason is to back one's spouse, a rant rather than decent arguments isn't the best way to go. If one is going to exit, just do so or better yet, make a good point and exit. Just my opinion.

Sort of on point of topic, I found the following interesting-about a lesbian no less:

Navel-gazing about gender while the world burns

Rogue feminist Camille Paglia on the unreal world of America’s youth.
Carolyn Moynihan (http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/multiple_author/carolyn) | Apr 21 2016

Camille Paglia, an American college professor and social critic, is one of a kind: a feminist who objects to almost every form of feminism known to womankind; a sexual radical who believes in complete freedom of sexual expression, yet a realist who insists that women have to take full responsibility for the sexual choices they make; and a lesbian who objects to the current censorship of any discussion about the causes of homosexuality.

Paglia is, in fact, a notorious contrarian on practically every social issue. And for all her radicalism the 69-year-old often sounds more like an Italian grandmother of yesteryear (she is the child of Italian immigrants) than the political progressive and sexual radical she claims to be. At least, that is the impression left by the very interesting and entertaining interview with Ella Whelan of Spiked (the home of UK contrarianism) about feminism, recorded in the video above.

The video is half an hour long, but here is a taste of Paglia’s views on the issues flourishing in the American hothouse.

Today’s college students
“They have no sense of the great patterns of world history, the rise and fall of civilisations like Babylon and Rome that became very sexually tolerant, and then fell. If you’ve had no exposure to that, you can honestly believe that ‘There is progress all around us and we are moving to an ideal state of culture, where we all hold hands and everyone is accepted for what they are … and the environment will be pure…’ – a magical utopian view that we are marching to perfection. And the sign of this progress is toleration – of the educated class – for homosexuality, or for changing gender, or whatever.
“To me it’s a sign of the opposite, it’s symptomatic of a civilisation just before it falls: ‘we’ are very tolerant, not passionate, but there are bands of vandals and destroyers circling around the edge of our civilisation who will bring it down.”

On homosexuality
“There is censorship of discussion about the causes of various gender issues – for at least 25 years, now, in the case of homosexuality itself. In the 1980s there was talk of finding a gay gene, but when that was not found, silence . To even raise the question of how homosexuality is caused is considered homophobic. But I think it is imperative for everyone to ask questions about matters of development of the personality and sexual orientation.

“I’m waiting for some brave young gays to protest against the censorship.”

[B]On identity politics and transgenderism
“This hyper-self-consciousness about ‘Who am I? Where exactly am I on the gender spectrum?’ is mere navel-gazing, while in the Middle East ISIS is beheading people. It is a kind of madness of self-absorption.”

Noting that Hillary Clinton gave transgenders specific mention at the beginning and end of a rally speech last week, the interviewer asks why this issue gets so much attention in the news.

Paglia throws up her hands in exasperation at the daily coverage of “transgender bathrooms” in the US media. She suggests it is “symptomatic of people feeling that world events are out of their control.” Transgender activists can be very aggressive, she adds. As for the others:

“I really pity young people today in this environment because the pressures are enormous. It’s one thing to feel, ‘I’m not quite comfortable in the gender I was assigned at birth,’ but the pressures are to change, change, change, and to telegraph it to the world. People are pushed into making choices about surgical interventions and taking hormones, which is dangerous, and they will have all kinds of medical problems in the long run, I believe…

“I think there are authentic transgender people who had a genetic issue from the start, but they are a tiny, tiny minority of the population, and medical science is still developing to help these people.

“But now it’s become a fashion statement, or a mask [for other problems]. People are being induced to think that all their unhappiness -- in family life, in school, in relation to society – is to do with this gender issue. Well, maybe it isn’t. Maybe there are other issues a person needs to deal with.

“In the old days there were different kinds of guidance to help you focus and develop yourself psychologically, spiritually, culturally. Instead, now, all the unhappiness that people feel in these areas is consolidated in the gender issue. Maybe there is a gender issue for you, but it’s not the whole issue.”

Campus ‘rape culture’
“My generation fought for freedom from [parent-like supervision by college staff] but where women now want authority figures hovering over them. It’s not that they fear sex, but that they have no idea of what it is, because they have been raised in a culture where skimpy clothing is simply standard issue. They don’t have any sense whatever that exposure of the flesh or a particular choice of clothing can communicate a message of sexual interest or readiness.

“But the moment you say this your contemporary feminist will say, ‘You’re blaming the victim. We have the right to dress as we want.’ Of course. However, you have to be prepared for the reality of the world … which is a dangerous place. [Young women] have no idea about human psychology … that you don’t mess around with sexuality, which is extremely explosive, that you must be prepared to defend yourself, be alert to your environment…
“How can [a girl] be so stupid”, says Paglia, as to accept an invitation from a boy at a fraternity party to ‘come to my room’ and not know that he means ‘come and have sex’?

“She doesn’t want sex with strangers. Girls don’t want hook-ups, they want boyfriends ; the boys just want hook-ups. But in gender studies they are told that everything is exactly equal between boys and girls, and if boys are behaving badly they have to learn to be more like girls; they have to talk like girls, act like girls – and if you don’t, you are sexist. At the heart of this is a lack of respect for sexual differences … and I’m saying, Girls, wake up!”

Camille Anna Paglia is a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and a well-known social critic.

04-26-2016, 01:25 AM
Depends on your definition of "rights." But using the term they were denied the "right" of marriage, benefits is a better word IMO, that was previously allowed only to straights.

Point of order - that's flatly wrong. Sexual preference was never a condition of marriage. The ONLY requirement was opposite genders. Any man and woman of legal age could wed. Sexual preference is akin to eating preference, or what politics someone prefers. It's an internal choice - and the State had NO quizzes nor requirements of any preference; simply two tests - Biology-based gender and age.

Hitler and Himmler both said that Homosexuals and all members of the LGBTQ Community were mentally defective..

Nice to see you all agree with the Third Reich.

And they also liked having hair, drinking beer, wearing boots. Equating agreeing with ANYTHING Hitler did as tantamount to supporting his murderous ways is beyond silly.

You completely insulted @WiccanLiberal (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2277) and have her near tears... She is Bi-Sexual.

That is the "B" in LGBTQ.

Dude - She seems WAY TOUGH enough to handle (OMG!) WORDS on the internet. I've found her to be intelligent, fun, and solid. I doubt somebody like that would allow herself to be harmed in anyway by somebody posting online. In fact it might be a little insulting to think she were too weak to handle words.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2016, 07:50 AM
I've written many times before, one example being earlier in the thread, that I don't want to know nor do I care about others sexual preferences. I don't spend my time worrying about what others do or don't do in their RL much less in their own homes. It's not my business.

However, once one makes it a public issue, one should expect that not everyone is going to think 'Oh, that's cool.' Not going to happen. Folks are entitled to their opinions, even calling groups 'mentally deranged,' or 'inferior.' They have that right, just as their audience has a right to make conclusions on them for how they express themselves. Most of us have a tendency to treat others to some degree by how they treat us.

I've always liked Wiccan, probably given her more rep than most considering that she doesn't post a lot. I had no idea that she was bi, it's not my business. I've never once asked anyone for such information. I don't tend to write much hate towards groups, it's certainly not my thing. Hell, I'm one who argued that while terrorists aren't my kind of people, they are human, thus people. ;)

I do think though that if one has a strong feeling regarding standing up against what they see as 'hate,' especially if a part of the reason is to back one's spouse, a rant rather than decent arguments isn't the best way to go. If one is going to exit, just do so or better yet, make a good point and exit. Just my opinion.

Sort of on point of topic, I found the following interesting-about a lesbian no less:

I've always liked Wiccan, probably given her more rep than most considering that she doesn't post a lot. I had no idea that she was bi, it's not my business. I've never once asked anyone for such information. I don't tend to write much hate towards groups, it's certainly not my thing. Hell, I'm one who argued that while terrorists aren't my kind of people, they are human, thus people. ;)

Recent revelations about Wiccan have not changed my opinion of her and here great character/qualities...
She is very intelligent, always kind and nice to all.
Myself, I do not care what people do behind closed doors as long as they do not attempt to push an agenda on me.
As DMP stated--she seems strong and wise..
I have not altered my opinion of her and her great qualities as a fine person one little bit..
She and V4R ARE STILL MY FRIENDS , AND I HOPE THEY BOTH UNDERSTAND MY HARSH WORDS against gays are about gays as a group running a militant -in your face agenda.
MY EX-WIFE'S BABY BROTHER WAS GAY--AND A GREAT GUY. We were friends and it was a sad day for me when he passed on..
I am not always harsh and savage in my opinions, especially when I have information/knowledge of people and their important and positive character traits.

And note, who here would not defend their wife that they love??

Food for thought my friends.. Just sayin'.... -Tyr

04-26-2016, 07:56 AM
What Tyr wrote regarding Wiccan can be extrapolated to many other individuals and groups. As I said, I don't ask what race someone is, what their sex lives are about, religion, etc. I do however try, maybe not always successfully, but do try not to write what could be perceived as hateful about groups in general.

Now with individuals it can be a different story, but again I do try not to instigate. I have and will return what is given to me-for good or not so much so.

04-26-2016, 08:13 AM
What Tyr wrote regarding Wiccan can be extrapolated to many other individuals and groups. As I said, I don't ask what race someone is, what their sex lives are about, religion, etc. I do however try, maybe not always successfully, but do try not to write what could be perceived as hateful about groups in general.

Now with individuals it can be a different story, but again I do try not to instigate. I have and will return what is given to me-for good or not so much so.

Hmmm ... maybe we need to get Jim to revise the profile group? What do you eat? What do you screw? What color is your hair? If anyone says sheep I'm gonna die laughing from a heart attack. :laugh:

Y'all are all right handed so I hate all of you anyway. Everything you do is ass-backwards. :laugh: Not to mention I bet most of you a-holes have hair. And you probably drive cars instead of a truck. Eat chicken and pork. Y'all should all just go shoot yourselves right now. :laugh2:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2016, 08:29 AM
Hmmm ... maybe we need to get Jim to revise the profile group? What do you eat? What do you screw? What color is your hair? If anyone says sheep I'm gonna die laughing from a heart attack. :laugh:

Y'all are all right handed so I hate all of you anyway. Everything you do is ass-backwards. :laugh: Not to mention I bet most of you a-holes have hair. And you probably drive cars instead of a truck. Eat chicken and pork. Y'all should all just go shoot yourselves right now. :laugh2:

I am left-handed, which is another reason I shoot rifles, pistols, shotguns and bows so well.
Being left-handed is a major plus in a fight as most people expect right-handed knock out shots.
I only ever knocked out two people with my right hand, the others(more than a dozen) all were and floored caught by a very powerful left shot.
We lefties have our known traits--many of which are great positives.

However, we face world tailored for right handed people, thus its adapt to meet the demands.

I save my bullets for my enemies and shooting myself seems to me to be a bit counter productive. ;)----Tyr

04-26-2016, 08:39 AM
I am left-handed, which is another reason I shoot rifles, pistols, shotguns and bows so well.
Being left-handed is a major plus in a fight as most people expect right-handed knock out shots.
I only ever knocked out two people with my right hand, the others(more than a dozen) all were and floored caught by a very powerful left shot.
We lefties have our known traits--many of which are great positives.

However, we face world tailored for right handed people, thus its adapt to meet the demands.

I save my bullets for my enemies and shooting myself seems to me to be a bit counter productive. ;)----Tyr

I'm a martial artist, was a kickboxer and boxer. I'm WELL aware of the advantages of getting in the ring with a goof that doesn't know how to deal. What just drives me nuts is a southpaw that doesn't know how to stay outside the opponents left foot. You take away all their power. I can actually fight both way (because of the karate and tae kwon do), but I AM a lefty and that's the way I play.

Same with basketball. If can go left and shoot, most people can't deal with you. Same with baseball. They like to make that strategic move of putting a lefty in on right handed batters but they can't pitch to us. You're either going to hit me with the ball or throw outside.

I hated shooting at first though. That shell casing ejects right down your shirt. Fucker is hot.

04-26-2016, 08:55 AM
Point of order - that's flatly wrong. Sexual preference was never a condition of marriage. The ONLY requirement was opposite genders. Any man and woman of legal age could wed. Sexual preference is akin to eating preference, or what politics someone prefers. It's an internal choice - and the State had NO quizzes nor requirements of any preference; simply two tests - Biology-based gender and age.

No it's not. The requirement of man/woman is couched on the definition of who wants to live together long term and raise a family; by default that is a straight marriage. Could a gay man and lesbian woman get married before? Of course but they don't want to because that's not the family or union that they want. The problem is the government stepped in to decide who to grant benefits to based on a definition in which they had, or should have had, no interest.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2016, 09:05 AM
I'm a martial artist, was a kickboxer and boxer. I'm WELL aware of the advantages of getting in the ring with a goof that doesn't know how to deal. What just drives me nuts is a southpaw that doesn't know how to stay outside the opponents left foot. You take away all their power. I can actually fight both way (because of the karate and tae kwon do), but I AM a lefty and that's the way I play.

Same with basketball. If can go left and shoot, most people can't deal with you. Same with baseball. They like to make that strategic move of putting a lefty in on right handed batters but they can't pitch to us. You're either going to hit me with the ball or throw outside.

I hated shooting at first though. That shell casing ejects right down your shirt. Fucker is hot.

I hated shooting at first though. That shell casing ejects right down your shirt. Fucker is hot.

Been there a couple times myself .....:laugh:
Until one experiences that burn, they haven't a clue just how hot that damn casing is.....
Hot enough once burned--you tend to never forget..--Tyr

04-26-2016, 09:37 AM
No it's not. The requirement of man/woman is couched on the definition of who wants to live together long term and raise a family; by default that is a straight marriage. Could a gay man and lesbian woman get married before? Of course but they don't want to because that's not the family or union that they want. The problem is the government stepped in to decide who to grant benefits to based on a definition in which they had, or should have had, no interest.

Incorrect. Insurance companies decided who gets what. I can understand fighting for THAT because it IS inequality. I should be able to give whatever I want to whoever I want. That is more of a family issue than a man/woman issue, and insurance companies that look for any excuse to not pay up.

The man/woman definition is couched on biology. PEOPLE brought the government into the fray, not the other way around.

04-26-2016, 01:08 PM
Incorrect. Insurance companies decided who gets what. I can understand fighting for THAT because it IS inequality. I should be able to give whatever I want to whoever I want. That is more of a family issue than a man/woman issue, and insurance companies that look for any excuse to not pay up.

The man/woman definition is couched on biology. PEOPLE brought the government into the fray, not the other way around.

You haven't shown how I was incorrect. :poke: PEOPLE did bring the government into the fray when the Federal government decided to grant benefits based on interpersonal relationships and the PEOPLE didn't complain, but now that the government has to grant benefits and administer laws equally, which was the heart of the SCOTUS decision, people are complaining about a governmental definition. Besides much of the private market, big companies anyway, had already granted equality to those relationships even before the decision so it's the Feds catching up to the market IMO.

04-26-2016, 07:14 PM
You haven't shown how I was incorrect. :poke: PEOPLE did bring the government into the fray when the Federal government decided to grant benefits based on interpersonal relationships and the PEOPLE didn't complain, but now that the government has to grant benefits and administer laws equally, which was the heart of the SCOTUS decision, people are complaining about a governmental definition. Besides much of the private market, big companies anyway, had already granted equality to those relationships even before the decision so it's the Feds catching up to the market IMO.

Sure I did. This was not a government issue UNTIL people brought them into it.

I think gays should have every right the rest of us do. I don't think we should have special laws based on aberrant behavior. The big complaint back when I pointed it out when you were still putting on your Huggies was that gays didn't have the same rights as the rest of us. I agreed with their cause only insofar as the insurance companies were screwing them. I was fine with I get to choose who or whatever the Hell I want to get my insurance/inheritance.

When you think you need a special law? I'm going over the rail. How about we ban sunlight? I have no hair and my head fries in a NY minute. I should have a special law protecting me. :rolleyes: Or I could just not whine about it and wear a ball cap. I think I'll have a parade instead. All us guys with shaved heads can dance around the street in thongs showing everyone our beet red heads. :rolleyes:

The shit is ridiculous.

04-27-2016, 07:37 AM
Sure I did. This was not a government issue UNTIL people brought them into it.

I think gays should have every right the rest of us do. I don't think we should have special laws based on aberrant behavior. The big complaint back when I pointed it out when you were still putting on your Huggies was that gays didn't have the same rights as the rest of us. I agreed with their cause only insofar as the insurance companies were screwing them. I was fine with I get to choose who or whatever the Hell I want to get my insurance/inheritance.

When you think you need a special law? I'm going over the rail. How about we ban sunlight? I have no hair and my head fries in a NY minute. I should have a special law protecting me. :rolleyes: Or I could just not whine about it and wear a ball cap. I think I'll have a parade instead. All us guys with shaved heads can dance around the street in thongs showing everyone our beet red heads. :rolleyes:

The shit is ridiculous.

Not really. Based on your post I'm not quite sure where we disagree; Everyone should have the same rights and laws. There shouldn't be, and aren't anymore, sodomy laws that are only prosecuted against certain people for example just as their shouldn't be marriage laws, and aren't anymore, that provide benefits to only one group of people. Just like we shouldn't have laws for/against particular religious groups they all should be protected under 1A. The question being what is the State's interest in legislating interpersonal relationships of consenting adults?

Abbey Marie
04-27-2016, 11:27 AM
Not really. Based on your post I'm not quite sure where we disagree; Everyone should have the same rights and laws. There shouldn't be, and aren't anymore, sodomy laws that are only prosecuted against certain people for example just as their shouldn't be marriage laws, and aren't anymore, that provide benefits to only one group of people. Just like we shouldn't have laws for/against particular religious groups they all should be protected under 1A. The question being what is the State's interest in legislating interpersonal relationships of consenting adults?

Should criminals have all the same rights as anyone else? How about terrorists? The unborn?

04-27-2016, 11:40 AM
Should criminals have all the same rights as anyone else? How about terrorists? The unborn?

Setting aside the unborn because they unfortunately don't but the rest??? They already do have the same rights but they've also broken laws and are subject to the penalties heretoforthwith.

04-27-2016, 11:55 AM
Not really. Based on your post I'm not quite sure where we disagree; Everyone should have the same rights and laws. There shouldn't be, and aren't anymore, sodomy laws that are only prosecuted against certain people for example just as their shouldn't be marriage laws, and aren't anymore, that provide benefits to only one group of people. Just like we shouldn't have laws for/against particular religious groups they all should be protected under 1A. The question being what is the State's interest in legislating interpersonal relationships of consenting adults?

Apples and oranges. You are entitled to your opinion. However, the states, not the federal gov't should decide what marriage is and isn't. The federal government should spend more time carrying out its own duties than meddling with the will of the people. Remember? That's what our law is supposed to be based on.

Perhaps the state's interest is they don't want raving gay pride parades in the streets of their cities? I wouldn't and don't. That is NOT legislating interpersonal relationships. It's legislating a term that activist gays demand to have. Ididn't start this crap. I ain't out in the street demanding I get treated special because I'm weird.

04-27-2016, 01:15 PM
Apples and oranges. You are entitled to your opinion. However, the states, not the federal gov't should decide what marriage is and isn't. The federal government should spend more time carrying out its own duties than meddling with the will of the people. Remember? That's what our law is supposed to be based on.

Perhaps the state's interest is they don't want raving gay pride parades in the streets of their cities? I wouldn't and don't. That is NOT legislating interpersonal relationships. It's legislating a term that activist gays demand to have. Ididn't start this crap. I ain't out in the street demanding I get treated special because I'm weird.

Equal Protection is not apples and oranges, it's in the Constitution. But I would agree with you about keeping the Federal government out of the definition but they put themselves in the defining business when they started doling out benefits based upon citizens meeting the marriage definition... and of course if 10A meant anything in this country which it doesn't. Pie in the sky "supposed to be" really means nothing at this point.

And parades aren't really at the heart of the matter, they've been having parades for far longer than any state allowed gay marriage. The real answer to the question is the State really has no business in regulating the relationships of consenting adults.

Abbey Marie
04-27-2016, 03:13 PM
Setting aside the unborn because they unfortunately don't but the rest??? They already do have the same rights but they've also broken laws and are subject to the penalties heretoforthwith.

In addition to being punished for their crime, felons are denied the right to vote.

04-28-2016, 05:07 AM
Probably never. Since you're wildly guessing...

My wild guess is built on two assumptions -
1 - People who are emotionally/physically bullied are more likely to commit suicide.
2 - People who are LGBT+ are more likely to be bullied.

I don't think either of those assumptions are outrageous.

04-28-2016, 05:12 AM
It's nice that I do not act on my reaction. I didn't ask to have this reaction. Had one of them ever touched me I guarantee the violence would not be quelled.

Well good for you for not acting on your psychopathic impulses, imposed on you by those bloody gays and their gayness.

04-28-2016, 05:14 AM
My wild guess is built on two assumptions -
1 - People who are emotionally/physically bullied are more likely to commit suicide.
2 - People who are LGBT+ are more likely to be bullied.

I don't think either of those assumptions are outrageous.

Then they should recognize that society does not accept their antics, and should seek help, or organize into a place where they can do their thing where all are the same.

04-28-2016, 05:25 AM
Then they should recognize that society does not accept their antics, and should seek help, or organize into a place where they can do their thing where all are the same.

Of course! - Segregation, how did we never think of that before...

04-28-2016, 06:03 AM
Equal Protection is not apples and oranges, it's in the Constitution. But I would agree with you about keeping the Federal government out of the definition but they put themselves in the defining business when they started doling out benefits based upon citizens meeting the marriage definition... and of course if 10A meant anything in this country which it doesn't. Pie in the sky "supposed to be" really means nothing at this point.

And parades aren't really at the heart of the matter, they've been having parades for far longer than any state allowed gay marriage. The real answer to the question is the State really has no business in regulating the relationships of consenting adults.

So let's define this. I agree with you in principle, but not practice. The state can tell me whatever it deems it wants to, and I'm probably on video every step I take, but they can't regulate marriage? I personally don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. It's nobody's business. I don't walk into work and start bragging about what I did with my GF. I don't run around in the street dressed like Bozo the Clown in a G-string announcing my normalcy.

Legally, I agree with you. That's always been my stance. It isn't ME nor anyone that thinks like me. It's a small minority demanding attention and actually getting it. The crap is getting old. IMO, Madeleine Murray OHare got God's justice. Being a weirdo does NOT give you special rights under the Constitution. Being part of the majority DOES. You want to be weird? Accept the consequences. Geez, you should have heard what people said about weightlifters in the 70s. We were dumb. Could lift a ton but couldn't spell it.

Everybody's got an excuse to attack others. But I'm sick of these people whining like little bitches over someone attacking them. Get over it. Someone who is looking to find something wrong with you always will.

Look at our country. We cater to less than 20% of population. And we're about to have a criminal as a President. What does that say about us?

04-28-2016, 11:08 AM
In addition to being punished for their crime, fons are denied the right to vote.

I'm really not picking up where you're going with this. People who violate the law are subject to its punishments.

04-28-2016, 11:11 AM
Then they should recognize that society does not accept their antics, and should seek help, or organize into a place where they can do their thing where all are the same.

As I've shown, much of society isn't concerned with their "antics" and acceptance grows with every generation.

04-28-2016, 11:18 AM
So let's define this. I agree with you in principle, but not practice. The state can tell me whatever it deems it wants to, and I'm probably on video every step I take, but they can't regulate marriage? I personally don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. It's nobody's business. I don't walk into work and start bragging about what I did with my GF. I don't run around in the street dressed like Bozo the Clown in a G-string announcing my normalcy.

Legally, I agree with you. That's always been my stance. It isn't ME nor anyone that thinks like me. It's a small minority demanding attention and actually getting it. The crap is getting old. IMO, Madeleine Murray OHare got God's justice. Being a weirdo does NOT give you special rights under the Constitution. Being part of the majority DOES. You want to be weird? Accept the consequences. Geez, you should have heard what people said about weightlifters in the 70s. We were dumb. Could lift a ton but couldn't spell it.

Everybody's got an excuse to attack others. But I'm sick of these people whining like little bitches over someone attacking them. Get over it. Someone who is looking to find something wrong with you always will.

Look at our country. We cater to less than 20% of population. And we're about to have a criminal as a President. What does that say about us?

PP1 - IMO the state should regulate contracts which is where the state's concerns with marriage should end. Two consenting adults engaging in an agreement of a personal nature that may very well have children as part of a dissolution.

PP2 - The only right being in the majority gets you is your preferred candidate is elected to represent you in the halls of government. Being in the majority doesn't get you special rights and we're in agreement that neither does being in the minority.

PP3 & 4 - I think we're in agreement. :scared:

Abbey Marie
04-28-2016, 02:04 PM
I'm really not picking up where you're going with this. People who violate the law are subject to its punishments.

Prison is punishment for crime. Not being allowed to vote is denying a right that almost everyone has.

04-28-2016, 04:29 PM
Prison is punishment for crime. Not being allowed to vote is denying a right that almost everyone has.

:confused: Yes, everyone is extended the same rights until their punishment is meted out.

05-18-2016, 02:18 PM
From The Associated Press 17 May 2016:
A gay Texas pastor who sued Whole Foods after he bought a cake that he alleged had a slur written on it in icing has dropped his lawsuit against the grocer. Jordan Brown of Austin dropped the suit and issued an apology on Monday. Brown said he was "wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story."

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_WHOLE_FOODS_CAKE_LAWSUIT?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-17-02-52-10)

Whole Foods should vigorously pursue their lawsuit against him for the defamation that he caused.

05-18-2016, 03:03 PM
PP1 - IMO the state should regulate contracts which is where the state's concerns with marriage should end. Two consenting adults engaging in an agreement of a personal nature that may very well have children as part of a dissolution.

PP2 - The only right being in the majority gets you is your preferred candidate is elected to represent you in the halls of government. Being in the majority doesn't get you special rights and we're in agreement that neither does being in the minority.

PP3 & 4 - I think we're in agreement. :scared:

Being in the majority does not give you special rights. I agree with that. It gives you right of democracy. That's not special. It's a rule of law that the left has convoluted by special legislation.

I could care less about civil unions. This is a contrived war over a word. That was said a decade ago but the gays weren't happy until they usurped the word "marriage". That's tyranny of the minority. Nothing democratic about THAT.

05-20-2016, 12:35 PM
From The Associated Press 19 May 2016:
Amid shouts of 'shame,' House GOP defeats gay rights measure — Democrats shouted "Shame! Shame!," but seven Republicans switched their votes under pressure from House leaders Thursday and defeated a measure to protect gay rights.

article (https://www.yahoo.com/news/amid-shouts-shame-house-gop-defeats-gay-rights-163000520--politics.html)

Atticus Finch
05-20-2016, 08:19 PM
The main problem with democracy is that it allows for tyranny by majority.

As opposed to tyranny by the minority?...the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few

Black Diamond
05-20-2016, 08:43 PM
As opposed to tyranny by the minority?...the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few

Good evening Mr Spock.

Black Diamond
05-20-2016, 08:44 PM
:confused: Yes, everyone is extended the same rights until their punishment is meted out.

Using that model, if you're on parole you can't vote.

Atticus Finch
05-21-2016, 06:16 AM
Good evening Mr Spock.Live long and prosper.:salute:

05-21-2016, 08:30 AM
From The Associated Press 20 May 2016:
Honolulu has agreed to pay $80,000 to settle a lawsuit from two gay women who allege a police officer wrongfully arrested them after seeing them kissing in a grocery store. ...Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero were visiting Hawaii from Los Angeles last year when, according to the their lawsuit, they were harassed and arrested because the officer didn't like their public displays of affection in a Foodland store on Oahu's North Shore.

...Wilson said she and Guerrero are no longer a couple...

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HAWAII_GAY_COUPLE_POLICE_LAWSUIT?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-20-23-01-25)

"LUV" is fleeting...

05-23-2016, 07:50 PM
From The Associated Press 20 May 2016:
Honolulu has agreed to pay $80,000 to settle a lawsuit from two gay women who allege a police officer wrongfully arrested them after seeing them kissing in a grocery store. ...Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero were visiting Hawaii from Los Angeles last year when, according to the their lawsuit, they were harassed and arrested because the officer didn't like their public displays of affection in a Foodland store on Oahu's North Shore.

...Wilson said she and Guerrero are no longer a couple...

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HAWAII_GAY_COUPLE_POLICE_LAWSUIT?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-20-23-01-25)

"LUV" is fleeting...

Sure would be nice to include the ENTIRE reasons for that officer arresting those two.

Who knows? Maybe they left out the most important part of the story's context.

Such as.....telling everyone the TWO women were both laying on the floor, bare-assed naked, and singing "Y.M.C.A"....:laugh::laugh:

05-24-2016, 12:51 PM
Being in the majority does not give you special rights. I agree with that. It gives you right of democracy. That's not special. It's a rule of law that the left has convoluted by special legislation.

I could care less about civil unions. This is a contrived war over a word. That was said a decade ago but the gays weren't happy until they usurped the word "marriage". That's tyranny of the minority. Nothing democratic about THAT.

Those who win the election get to pass laws and they pass them under Constitutional muster... or did. And they didn't really usurp anything, they won the right to use a state (government) defined word.

As opposed to tyranny by the minority?...the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few

There should be no tyranny at all. The Constitution guarantees "equal protection."

Using that model, if you're on parole you can't vote.

It's part of punishment.

05-24-2016, 12:53 PM
From The Associated Press 20 May 2016:
Honolulu has agreed to pay $80,000 to settle a lawsuit from two gay women who allege a police officer wrongfully arrested them after seeing them kissing in a grocery store. ...Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero were visiting Hawaii from Los Angeles last year when, according to the their lawsuit, they were harassed and arrested because the officer didn't like their public displays of affection in a Foodland store on Oahu's North Shore.

...Wilson said she and Guerrero are no longer a couple...

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HAWAII_GAY_COUPLE_POLICE_LAWSUIT?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-20-23-01-25)

"LUV" is fleeting...

Doesn't this story belong in your 'cops on power trips' thread?

05-30-2016, 07:38 PM
Gay is a behavior. Most folks find that type of behavior disgusting.