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02-10-2015, 08:25 PM
I have been called a troll (and worse) at most political and atheist forums. But do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. It's too bad that so many people seem to only be interested in "homosexual" discussion. But I refuse to stoop to that level.

There is a concept in this country called "Freedom Of Speech." I already know that forums aren't obliged to allow people to exercise theirs at their forums. But the people who run forums probably personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech. So for them to deny people the right to exercise theirs is hypocritical. As well as showing a severe lack of decency, honor and dignity.

Also, you may have heard of people who say, "I may not agree with what you say. But I will defend with my life your right to say it." I challenge this forum to do what most others have not. Live up to that morality. Even a little. Because I have truhs to tell you that those who run this forum and probably you won't like. But if what you have to say doesn't offend some people, then chances are that what you have to say has no real value. It is my wish to debate people about anything I say. Will this forum allow such debate? Judging from all of the forums I have been banned from, probably not. But the truth must be spoken.

Anton Chigurh
02-10-2015, 08:31 PM
I have truhs to tellThat'll be my first time, hearing any of those.

By the way, I've found over the years that you really don't get banned just based on your expressed opinions, you get banned for violating the site rules. Stop blame shifting. If you get banned it's YOUR fault, not the site's fault.

Modify your behavior maybe?

02-10-2015, 08:35 PM
I have been called a troll (and worse) at most political and atheist forums. But do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. It's too bad that so many people seem to only be interested in "homosexual" discussion. But I refuse to stoop to that level.

There is a concept in this country called "Freedom Of Speech." I already know that forums aren't obliged to allow people to exercise theirs at their forums. But the people who run forums probably personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech. So for them to deny people the right to exercise theirs is hypocritical. As well as showing a severe lack of decency, honor and dignity.

Also, you may have heard of people who say, "I may not agree with what you say. But I will defend with my life your right to say it." I challenge this forum to do what most others have not. Live up to that morality. Even a little. Because I have truhs to tell you that those who run this forum and probably you won't like. But if what you have to say doesn't offend some people, then chances are that what you have to say has no real value. It is my wish to debate people about anything I say. Will this forum allow such debate? Judging from all of the forums I have been banned from, probably not. But the truth must be spoken.

Honestly. I doubt you will find anyone on this forum who won't allow you to TELL THE TRUTH. But, make certain, if you want to share more than your opinions or idea's here. THEY ARE HONEST, and TRUTHFUL.
Nobody can dispute the truth. Nor can anyone change the Truth. Stick to the TRUTH and it will SET YOU FREE.

Anton Chigurh
02-10-2015, 08:37 PM
Yeah problem is, "truth" is really nothing more than philosophy. Not to be confused with fact.

"Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is down the hall..." - Indiana Jones

02-10-2015, 08:37 PM
​*Time will tell....its your move...welcome...

02-10-2015, 09:00 PM

This guy just got banned over at another place! Wasn't the first time either...

Just remember, culty, no such thing as "free speech" on a privately owned board...

But this one is more free than most...

Anton Chigurh
02-10-2015, 09:02 PM

This guy just got banned over at another place! Wasn't the first time either...

Just remember, culty, no such thing as "free speech" on a privately owned board...

But this one is more free than most...Seems like the more religious right people are, the less they realize the Constitution protects us only from government action, not private. They don't even understand, like - the basics and stuff.

02-10-2015, 09:03 PM
Honestly. I doubt you will find anyone on this forum who won't allow you to TELL THE TRUTH. But, make certain, if you want to share more than your opinions or idea's here. THEY ARE HONEST, and TRUTHFUL.
Nobody can dispute the truth. Nor can anyone change the Truth. Stick to the TRUTH and it will SET YOU FREE.

As for your past, at other forums. I was asked not to incite trouble from new members, and chase them away. So, if you plan on being either a TROLL, or telling ONLY THE TRUTH. I say, have at it.
But...if your reputation from other forums arrives here as you attempt to challenge the rules.
You might as well GO AWAY NOW.

02-10-2015, 10:53 PM
By the way, I've found over the years that you really don't get banned just based on your expressed opinions, you get banned for violating the site rules.

This is only partially correct. I have been from a lot of boards (surprise! :cool: ) where I violated no stated rules. My lone transgression was to make the site owner unhappy. I was once banned from a flame board that supposedly had no rules.
Internet message boards are NOT a democracy. The first amendment does not exist here. All message boards are governed by the Golden Rule -- the person who shells out the gold to run the board makes the rules. Period. End of story.
DP is by far the most lenient and fairly run board I have ever been a member of. I say this having been banned from here multiple times. Jim has done a good job of creating and enforcing rules. He even banned one of brothers once!

I have been banned from numerous conservative boards (liberals are usually welcome). I have also been banned from liberal boards (usually for insulting Clinton and Carter). I have also been kicked off of boards relating to TV, music and even baseball (owner was a Yankees fan).
There are people opposed to open discussion. They don't want to hear any opinions contrary to their own. You probably know some of them. Perhaps you are one. :p

Anton Chigurh
02-10-2015, 10:59 PM
My lone transgression was to make the site owner unhappy.That's a universal, unwritten rule of all private property. Don't piss off the owner. So again, your fault not his.

02-10-2015, 11:36 PM
That may be the shittiest, arrogant, passive-aggressive, self-absorbed 'hello' post i have read. You should think about relaxing a little bit. Pull the stick out, and just let the convo happen.

02-10-2015, 11:37 PM
Dagnamit, DMP. I was going to say that .....:laugh2::laugh2:

Abbey Marie
02-11-2015, 12:21 AM
Cultsmasher, you are welcome here at DP. I have found over these many, many years on boards, that the people who also post fun things in the more relaxed forums (forii?) do much better overall.

Anyway, Jim our board owner, does believe in free speech, and has historically given a lot of leeway. Just don't be an a-hole, and you'll do fine.

02-11-2015, 01:35 AM
hes intimating if we dont like him being an ass we are anti-free-speech or somehow less-than.

02-11-2015, 02:00 AM
I have been called a troll (and worse) at most political and atheist forums. But do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. It's too bad that so many people seem to only be interested in "homosexual" discussion. But I refuse to stoop to that level.

There is a concept in this country called "Freedom Of Speech.".

Just maybe you should be aware of the facts that #1 A site owner can make and choose his/her rules, and #2 The 'Freedom of Speech'
you holler about will be limited by the TOU's of many Internet Sites.

Don't like those concepts? Then Why don't you open your own Website.??:lame2:

02-11-2015, 07:44 AM
I have been called a troll (and worse) at most political and atheist forums. But do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. It's too bad that so many people seem to only be interested in "homosexual" discussion. But I refuse to stoop to that level.

Did they call you a troll for solely voicing your opinions, which they disagreed with, or for HOW you posted? What one posts, and how they post it - big difference. And for message boards. the opposite of a troll is someone who posts like a regular contributing member.

There is a concept in this country called "Freedom Of Speech." I already know that forums aren't obliged to allow people to exercise theirs at their forums. But the people who run forums probably personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech. So for them to deny people the right to exercise theirs is hypocritical. As well as showing a severe lack of decency, honor and dignity.

"exercising" your freedom of speech would be with the government, as it was designed. While we refer to, and allow "freedom of speech" here, the term refers to the government - and DOES NOT mean someone can be disruptive to a message board without consequences. If one IS disruptive - allowing that person to ruin the board for others - now THAT would be a lack of decency and such.

Also, you may have heard of people who say, "I may not agree with what you say. But I will defend with my life your right to say it." I challenge this forum to do what most others have not. Live up to that morality. Even a little. Because I have truhs to tell you that those who run this forum and probably you won't like. But if what you have to say doesn't offend some people, then chances are that what you have to say has no real value. It is my wish to debate people about anything I say. Will this forum allow such debate? Judging from all of the forums I have been banned from, probably not. But the truth must be spoken.

I'll defend your right to say things - I just won't defend you if you are a troll in doing so. Again, big difference.

I offend people all the time with what I have to say - I just do my best to offend with my opinions and NOT with how I say it to other members of the board (not perfect though!).

Your debate is MORE than welcome here. But unfortunately your challenge IS NOT accepted. I challenge YOU to debate here, speak your mind and let us know what it is you have to say - without resorting to being a dick and someone coming here with guns blaring looking to start trouble. If that isn't you, then you'll do just fine here.

I hope the one post and bailing isn't an indicator. I tend to agree with what DMP wrote above. Prove us wrong, even if we don't like your opinions.

Welcome to DP! :salute:

02-11-2015, 07:46 AM
hes intimating if we dont like him being an ass we are anti-free-speech or somehow less-than.

Yep. 700,000+ posts is all the proof we need that we allow people to speak their minds. The list of banned users, and their offenses, further proves that. The knuckleheads from over the years, some real jackasses, who still have active accounts, also proves we allow people to stick around even if their opinions suck. :)

Anton Chigurh
02-11-2015, 09:18 AM
hes intimating if we dont like him being an ass we are anti-free-speech or somehow less-than.Classic blame shifting and total lack of personal responsibility on his part, already. I bet he's a religious right evangelist conservative.

Anton Chigurh
02-11-2015, 09:21 AM
The knuckleheads from over the years, some real jackasses, who still have active accounts, :evilras:

That's ME!

02-11-2015, 09:29 AM
Classic blame shifting and total lack of personal responsibility on his part, already. I bet he's a religious right evangelist conservative.

HA! :)

Religious right conservatives. Sometimes I want to chock them, collectively.

But the kicker is - the guy is obviously NOT intellectually honest, nor is he one to avoid logical fallacy...he MUST be a liberal. Because today's liberals (with guys like Juan Williams, excepted from this label) are suffering from a mental disorder. Williams and his type are good solid people who simply disagree. "Progressives" today - see Just about EVERY major democrat politician, and Most main-stream media folk...are seriously (unless they are playing a role) fucked in the head.

Anton Chigurh
02-11-2015, 10:05 AM
HA! :)

Religious right conservatives. Sometimes I want to chock them, collectively.

But the kicker is - the guy is obviously NOT intellectually honest, nor is he one to avoid logical fallacy...he MUST be a liberal. Because today's liberals (with guys like Juan Williams, excepted from this label) are suffering from a mental disorder. Williams and his type are good solid people who simply disagree. "Progressives" today - see Just about EVERY major democrat politician, and Most main-stream media folk...are seriously (unless they are playing a role) fucked in the head.I have to confess personal knowledge of this particular self described troll, from other boards.

Get ready for thread after thread about how "God is the TRUUUUUTH" and such crap, and completely nonsensical political rants.

Personally I believe the dude is actually a hard lefty trolling as his version of a stereotype religious conservative. What REALLY gets his goat is when you ask him if he is posting to glorify God, or himself. He goes apeshit on that.:laugh:

02-11-2015, 11:23 AM
Cool man -

Look, I believe every self-professed Xtian who brags about their faith, or is in the least bit rude with their faith; those folks? Have No F'ing Clue; and likely make Jesus cry.

Anton Chigurh
02-11-2015, 11:40 AM
Cool man -

Look, I believe every self-professed Xtian who brags about their faith, or is in the least bit rude with their faith; those folks? Have No F'ing Clue; and likely make Jesus cry.And with Lyin' Brian Williams right there covering it!

By the way, this guy also habitually creates new accounts after banning. And again, and again. And again.

02-11-2015, 12:09 PM
Is that ConHog??

that's a loser-thing; the whole sneak-back-in.

02-11-2015, 01:42 PM
This issue is easily fixed, Jeff for SUPPER MOD, I will determine free speech, so get on board with me or adios Amigo !!! :laugh: See I believe in the American way, except I am going to by pass blaming GW or calling y'all racist, to the Galleys if ya don't agree with me. :laugh:

P.S. I was the brother that has been banned :salute:

02-11-2015, 03:30 PM
This issue is easily fixed, Jeff for SUPPER MOD, I will determine free speech, so get on board with me or adios Amigo !!! :laugh: See I believe in the American way, except I am going to by pass blaming GW or calling y'all racist, to the Galleys if ya don't agree with me. :laugh:

P.S. I was the brother that has been banned :salute:

Sure, you can moderate over supper. That's weird too, as we grew up calling it supper, but I've been calling it dinner ever since. Now saying supper sounds funny. Anyway, your typo, don't yell at me! I now knight thee 'supper mod'! :lol:

And I think galley was the kitchen, no? Maybe brig? Walk the plank?

See, you would ban me just for being a spelling nazi!!

Anton Chigurh
02-11-2015, 04:25 PM
Jeff and Jim, save the thread!:laugh:

Is that ConHog??

that's a loser-thing; the whole sneak-back-in.Nope it's not Aaron although retreading IS his schtick.

This guy doesn't try to sneak at all, keeps re-registering using same nick just changed a little.

02-11-2015, 06:12 PM
That'll be my first time, hearing any of those.

By the way, I've found over the years that you really don't get banned just based on your expressed opinions, you get banned for violating the site rules. Stop blame shifting. If you get banned it's YOUR fault, not the site's fault.

Modify your behavior maybe?

Anton Chigurh,
Will I tell the truth? You will see for yourself. As for why I got banned at so many forums, it is because people don't like the truth. You may not believe me. But that is one truth.

Honestly. I doubt you will find anyone on this forum who won't allow you to TELL THE TRUTH. But, make certain, if you want to share more than your opinions or idea's here. THEY ARE HONEST, and TRUTHFUL.
Nobody can dispute the truth. Nor can anyone change the Truth. Stick to the TRUTH and it will SET YOU FREE.
You seem to have a high regard for this forum. Unfortunately, I have been banned by enough of them to expect little different here. But we shall see.

02-11-2015, 06:43 PM
You seem to have a high regard for this forum. Unfortunately, I have been banned by enough of them to expect little different here. But we shall see.

I do have a high regard for this forum. And, you are not the LONE RANGER, talking about being banned.

Look at my avatar with the word "Oldsalt", and ask around to see if anyone remembers my LIFETIME ban from a dizzy forum that will remain nameless. I'm surprised they haven't changed the name of that forum to the LOVE OBAMA OR ELSE forum.

Anton Chigurh
02-11-2015, 06:47 PM
Anton Chigurh,
Will I tell the truth? You will see for yourself. As for why I got banned at so many forums, it is because people don't like the truth. You may not believe me. But that is one truth.Problem is you don't understand the difference between "truth" and fact.

FACT: You have been banned in the past because you refuse to adhere to forum rules. Again, stop blame shifting.

It's not 30-plus forums, it's you.

02-11-2015, 07:25 PM
Anton Chigurh,
Will I tell the truth? You will see for yourself. As for why I got banned at so many forums, it is because people don't like the truth.

Gawd spoken like a delusional; deflect, deny, dodge

02-11-2015, 10:18 PM
Will I tell the truth? You will see for yourself. As for why I got banned at so many forums, it is because people don't like the truth. You may not believe me. But that is one truth.

Well, you've got lots of bluster so far, but no truth-telling as far as I can determine.

Share the truth, man! Lay it on us.

Abbey Marie
02-12-2015, 12:10 AM
HA! :)

Religious right conservatives. Sometimes I want to chock them, collectively.

But the kicker is - the guy is obviously NOT intellectually honest, nor is he one to avoid logical fallacy...he MUST be a liberal. Because today's liberals (with guys like Juan Williams, excepted from this label) are suffering from a mental disorder. Williams and his type are good solid people who simply disagree. "Progressives" today - see Just about EVERY major democrat politician, and Most main-stream media folk...are seriously (unless they are playing a role) fucked in the head.

Yikes, D, I'm pretty sure I am a religious right conservative. Please don't hit me!

Abbey Marie
02-12-2015, 12:12 AM
This issue is easily fixed, Jeff for SUPPER MOD, I will determine free speech, so get on board with me or adios Amigo !!! :laugh: See I believe in the American way, except I am going to by pass blaming GW or calling y'all racist, to the Galleys if ya don't agree with me. :laugh:

P.S. I was the brother that has been banned :salute:

Jeff, I support you for Super Mod! And I think we would be easily be friends in "real life"

Abbey Marie
02-12-2015, 12:14 AM
Cultsmasher, perhaps you can start by telling us why you chose Hitler as your avi?

02-12-2015, 12:56 AM
Cultsmasher, perhaps you can start by telling us why you chose Hitler as your avi?
Some of his obvious black hating posts make that clear or at least tell part of the story.

02-12-2015, 12:58 AM
Jeff, I support you for Super Mod! And I think we would be easily be friends in "real life"
Jim said, 'Supper mod', but Jeff would be a good addition to staff, imo.

Jeff, were you really banned by Jim? I don't remember that, but certainly do remember when he banned Sir Evil. LOL!

02-12-2015, 02:41 AM
Sure, you can moderate over supper. That's weird too, as we grew up calling it supper, but I've been calling it dinner ever since. Now saying supper sounds funny. Anyway, your typo, don't yell at me! I now knight thee 'supper mod'! :lol:

And I think galley was the kitchen, no? Maybe brig? Walk the plank?

See, you would ban me just for being a spelling nazi!!

OK don't be a pecker head , forget the typo's all I have to hit is a one button that says Banned, easily done !! :laugh::laugh:

And FYI I knew you would let me be the Supper Mod :cool: OK maybe not but I now have a title :laugh:

02-12-2015, 02:51 AM
Jim said, 'Supper mod', but Jeff would be a good addition to staff, imo.

Jeff, were you really banned by Jim? I don't remember that, but certainly do remember when he banned Sir Evil. LOL!

I couldn't be a Mod of any kind, y'all have to be to politically correct, and my typo's :laugh: but I do love to kid Jim about it.

And yes Emmett banned me, it was my fault (I was being a A$$ about Virgil) back then I didn't use my head at all and deserved it many times probably, but I went to log on and it said I wasn't allowed to, I thought dang whats wrong with my computer and Jim called me at that point Laughing at me (prick) His exact words where come on Dude ya really don't think ya deserve it, that is when I told him I wanted to be a Mod . :laugh:

But to clarify it, Jim has Banned Sir Evil ( I am pretty sure about that one ) but I do know he did also Ban my sister, yes Jim is a equal opportunist :laugh2:

02-12-2015, 04:18 AM
I couldn't be a Mod of any kind, y'all have to be to politically correct, and my typo's :laugh: but I do love to kid Jim about it.

And yes Emmett banned me, it was my fault (I was being a A$$ about Virgil) back then I didn't use my head at all and deserved it many times probably, but I went to log on and it said I wasn't allowed to, I thought dang whats wrong with my computer and Jim called me at that point Laughing at me (prick) His exact words where come on Dude ya really don't think ya deserve it, that is when I told him I wanted to be a Mod . :laugh:

But to clarify it, Jim has Banned Sir Evil ( I am pretty sure about that one ) but I do know he did also Ban my sister, yes Jim is a equal opportunist :laugh2:

LOL! Your ban must have overlapped with mine, (see you lowly members, you too may one day hold this exhaulted position!) We will not speak of why I was banned, (truly unwarranted, seriously), but never you mind.

As Jeff testified, he is Jim's brother, he was banned at one point, though not by Jim. He also agreed that Sir Evil, John, was banned by the unforgiving owner; along with a sister. Neither of whom sins will be listed. We're nice like that. All's fair...

02-12-2015, 05:12 AM
LOL! Your ban must have overlapped with mine, (see you lowly members, you too may one day hold this exhaulted position!) We will not speak of why I was banned, (truly unwarranted, seriously), but never you mind.

As Jeff testified, he is Jim's brother, he was banned at one point, though not by Jim. He also agreed that Sir Evil, John, was banned by the unforgiving owner; along with a sister. Neither of whom sins will be listed. We're nice like that. All's fair...

Let's just say it as it is

Jim's a prick :laugh:

All seriousness I deserved it as do most, Jim is very fair and he has always been that way.

02-12-2015, 05:18 AM
Let's just say it as it is

Jim's a prick :laugh:

All seriousness I deserved it as do most, Jim is very fair and he has always been that way.

I agree. I was the exception that proves the rule, I think Jim might agree with that. I can see why he felt as he did, when he did, but I never betrayed him, I think now he knows that.

Truth to tell, even at the worst point, he was less harsh than others, whom also should have known better.

That is in the past, but I think the past few years speak for themselves.

02-12-2015, 05:27 AM
Problem is you don't understand the difference between "truth" and fact.

FACT: You have been banned in the past because you refuse to adhere to forum rules. Again, stop blame shifting.

It's not 30-plus forums, it's you.

I got banned a couple of weeks ago by a forum I had not visited in nearly a year. They didn't just ban me, they IP banned me. I can't even stop by to look at the forum unregistered.

02-12-2015, 07:55 AM
Jeff was only a temporary ban - I had banned both Janeen and John for life!! LOL Fuckers pissed me off so I gave them the axe! It's always easier to mess with family, kind of feels like just an extension of childhood. Hell, my Dad would still tell you that we never grew up! But yeah, if you deserve it, and earn it, you might get the boot. :)

And Kath, that issue was different than your typical board issue. I made some knee jerk reactions based on my feelings. Incorrect decisions and reactions. Like I said, I'm not perfect! ('bout as close as you get though) :)

But water under the bridge, and things worked themselves out. I think with good people that tends to happen. Even family and good friends have fights at times. I think, looking back, what matters most is where things are now, and how friends and family responded and got to where we are. :)

So you see that, Hitler lover, does that answer your question? If friends and family get banned on occasion, what do you think your odds are? :coffee:

02-12-2015, 07:58 AM
I got banned a couple of weeks ago by a forum I had not visited in nearly a year. They didn't just ban me, they IP banned me. I can't even stop by to look at the forum unregistered.

No other reason? It's possible they banned an "ip block" and you were caught up in it. I banned some AOL blocks back in the day and banned a bunch by accident. This just means instead of banning one IP address, they did a block, which can be likely 250+ addresses, or more. That's one explanation. I can't imagine anyone banning you. You're like the least offensive poster!

02-12-2015, 09:10 AM
What the hell do you people do? I have yet to be banned at any message board!

And don't be doing it just to make point, Jim! I have your phone number and get up around 4:00am...

02-12-2015, 09:22 AM
What the hell do you people do? I have yet to be banned at any message board!

And don't be doing it just to make point, Jim! I have your phone number and get up around 4:00am...

Shit, that's right, forgot you had the number! :)

Want to feel what it's like to get banned? Go over and join democrat underground - then make a post condemning Obama.

Anton Chigurh
02-12-2015, 12:50 PM
I got banned a couple of weeks ago by a forum I had not visited in nearly a year. They didn't just ban me, they IP banned me. I can't even stop by to look at the forum unregistered.I would bet they use "Spam O Matic" there, it is very bad about IP banning legitimate people, by automation. And without the forum owners and staff crew even knowing it. It is a terrible spam solution, way too aggressive and invasive.

You really shouldn't ever ban IPs today - today's spammer might be tomorrows legitimate user. Because the auto-spamming programs can and do, spoof legitimate service IP addresses. Also, like Jim mentioned about AoL back in the day - a vast majority of mobile ISPs use the same type of proxy system AOL does. Lots of these get banned today and its unfortunate.

02-12-2015, 01:26 PM
Here's a fun fact. My initial reply to this thread, and the other thread started by the OP - neither of those replies were made having actually read the OP. I skimmed this one, then figured it out. The Free-Speech thread? Haven't read more than 3 words of the OP.

See - my vibes and stuff about people are generally correct. :)

02-12-2015, 05:22 PM
I do have a high regard for this forum. And, you are not the LONE RANGER, talking about being banned.

Look at my avatar with the word "Oldsalt", and ask around to see if anyone remembers my LIFETIME ban from a dizzy forum that will remain nameless. I'm surprised they haven't changed the name of that forum to the LOVE OBAMA OR ELSE forum.
I don't pretend to be the lone ranger. Also, forums have so many rules that I don't even bother reading them. I just wing it and hope I don't break one. For example, is there a rule against naming other forums? If so, it is about to be broken.

You talk about getting a lifetime ban from a dizzy forum. I have been baned (sometimes more than once) from Political forum: Debate politics: The politics forums: Atheist nexus: Atheist forum: U.S. message board: Political hotwire: The political forums: Just plain politics: U.S. politics online: Defending the truth: Atheist forums: Thinking atheist forum: Atheism & agnosticism forum: McRumors forum and after posting my first and last thread there, stormfront.

People just don't like it when you speak the truth. They really, really, really don't like it. And as far as forums are concerned, it is probably bad for business. But I will speak the truth as long as I can find a place to do so.

Another problem is that when I join forums, people probably are dismissive and think, "Oh, another wacko Nazi." But out of the many threads I have written on many forums and the many hundreds of debates I have been involved in, I was only sucessfully refuted once. It was when I accused the actress Melissa Joan Hart of dating a negro. Apart from that, I have crushed cults. So it may have been a case of either ban me or turn their members into National Socialists.

Problem is you don't understand the difference between "truth" and fact.

FACT: You have been banned in the past because you refuse to adhere to forum rules. Again, stop blame shifting.

It's not 30-plus forums, it's you.
Anton Chigurh,
You cant speak the truth without stating facts. Neither can you state facts without stating the truth. I of course state fact and truth. However you want to look at it. Some of my facts come from the internet. Even though there is sometimes bullshit to be found there, I try my best to separate fact from fiction. When forum rules get in the way of speaking the truth, I ignore them.

Gawd spoken like a delusional; deflect, deny, dodge
You are apparently an idiot. I KNOW people don't like the truth. For example, why is it that you think religion exists. If anybody areund here is delusional, it is you.

Cultsmasher, perhaps you can start by telling us why you chose Hitler as your avi?
You will find out.

02-12-2015, 06:21 PM
You are apparently an idiot. I KNOW people don't like the truth. For example, why is it that you think religion exists. If anybody areund here is delusional, it is you.

You know what? I understand why you now brag so much about being banned other places. You, whoever you are, or claim to be. Have a huge CHIP on your shoulder. You wanna be the bully here?
You should probably begin to understand. If you are daring the owner of this forum to either ban you, or ignore you. You should take your disgusting, seemingly immature attitude somewhere else, where you will be happily accepted as the local TRASH source for troubled, mentally challenged bullies to hide.

Why must you be the phony here. We've all seen so many like you, and it appears. You will never learn.

02-12-2015, 06:47 PM
Well, you've got lots of bluster so far, but no truth-telling as far as I can determine.

Share the truth, man! Lay it on us.
Night Train,
I stated some truths in my thread, "What does "freedom of speech" mean." I just finished another thread called, "Read this. If you dare." There are some truths told there too.

You know what? I understand why you now brag so much about being banned other places. You, whoever you are, or claim to be. Have a huge CHIP on your shoulder. You wanna be the bully here?
You should probably begin to understand. If you are daring the owner of this forum to either ban you, or ignore you. You should take your disgusting, seemingly immature attitude somewhere else, where you will be happily accepted as the local TRASH source for troubled, mentally challenged bullies to hide.

Why must you be the phony here. We've all seen so many like you, and it appears. You will never learn.
Yes. I do have a huge chip on my shoulder. It's called "Patriotism." But being the slave that you obviously are, you wouldn't know anything about that. You may think you do. But you don't. At least not if you're White. If you want to get a little better concept of what true patriotism is all about, check out my thread, "Read this. If you dare."

02-12-2015, 06:54 PM
I don't pretend to be the lone ranger. Also, forums have so many rules that I don't even bother reading them. I just wing it and hope I don't break one. For example, is there a rule against naming other forums? If so, it is about to be broken.

You talk about getting a lifetime ban from a dizzy forum. I have been baned (sometimes more than once) from Political forum: Debate politics: The politics forums: Atheist nexus: Atheist forum: U.S. message board: Political hotwire: The political forums: Just plain politics: U.S. politics online: Defending the truth: Atheist forums: Thinking atheist forum: Atheism & agnosticism forum: McRumors forum and after posting my first and last thread there, stormfront.

People just don't like it when you speak the truth. They really, really, really don't like it. And as far as forums are concerned, it is probably bad for business. But I will speak the truth as long as I can find a place to do so.

Another problem is that when I join forums, people probably are dismissive and think, "Oh, another wacko Nazi." But out of the many threads I have written on many forums and the many hundreds of debates I have been involved in, I was only sucessfully refuted once. It was when I accused the actress Melissa Joan Hart of dating a negro. Apart from that, I have crushed cults. So it may have been a case of either ban me or turn their members into National Socialists.

Okay bully. You can enjoy being a skinhead, or nazi all by yourself. Your sickness is just about being matched by present day ISIS, and members of the Westboro Baptist (non)Church.
Using your idol as your avatar is all any of us need to know about your brand of truth. None of it is True.

02-12-2015, 06:58 PM
Yes. I do have a huge chip on my shoulder. It's called "Patriotism." But being the slave that you obviously are, you wouldn't know anything about that. You may think you do. But you don't. At least not if you're White. If you want to get a little better concept of what true patriotism is all about, check out my thread, "Read this. If you dare."

Funny how you brag about patriotism, when I remember my 30 years in our Navy, constantly ready to fight the brand of patriotism you so blindly hail as something special. The only thing special about your bragging about your form of patriotism is. Nothing.

02-12-2015, 08:29 PM
Anton Chigurh,
Will I tell the truth? You will see for yourself. As for why I got banned at so many forums, it is because people don't like the truth. You may not believe me. But that is one truth.

You seem to have a high regard for this forum. Unfortunately, I have been banned by enough of them to expect little different here. But we shall see.

You are hard-headed!

Might need to tone back and listen and stop preaching.

There is a failing audience now that is getting sick of your ignorant rants.

Funny how you brag about patriotism, when I remember my 30 years in our Navy, constantly ready to fight the brand of patriotism you so blindly hail as something special. The only thing special about your bragging about your form of patriotism is. Nothing.

37 years...USCG.:salute:

That clown has the patriotism (note lower case) of a weasel.

yeah...insult that is deserved..

02-13-2015, 08:27 PM
I have been called a troll

You came here to lay the truth upon us and this is the only truth I've seen from you, in your first post. Like a friend said, you're a pollutant. You had your freedom to speak. Now go fuck yourself.

02-13-2015, 08:31 PM
You came here to lay the truth upon us and this is the only truth I've seen from you, in your first post. Like a friend said, you're a pollutant. You had your freedom to speak. Now go fuck yourself.

You meanie! You took away our kick toy! :no:

02-13-2015, 08:40 PM
You came here to lay the truth upon us and this is the only truth I've seen from you, in your first post. Like a friend said, you're a pollutant. You had your freedom to speak. Now go fuck yourself.

JIM.. That was funny. Truth is, as we have all seen here. This idiot has been doing JUST THAT to any other skinheaded idiots who talk, think, and contaminate the air we all breathe.
Thanks for removing the bragging machine of polluted lobotomy failure.

02-13-2015, 08:50 PM

02-13-2015, 08:52 PM
You meanie! You took away our kick toy! :no:

We still have you, dearie!

Anton Chigurh
02-13-2015, 08:52 PM
This puke was the most fun I've seen Gabby have since I've been here. :laugh:

02-13-2015, 08:53 PM


02-13-2015, 08:55 PM
You meanie! You took away our kick toy! :no:



02-13-2015, 09:06 PM
What a despicable, evil little worm he was.

I daresay that he was even worse than Virgil, and that says a lot.

Buh-bye, Nazi boy! How did Jim's digital boot breaking off in your ass feel on the way out of the door? :banned:

02-15-2015, 11:13 AM
That's a universal, unwritten rule of all private property. Don't piss off the owner. So again, your fault not his.

That sorta quashes debate if your views are in opposition to his!

02-15-2015, 12:28 PM
That sorta quashes debate if your views are in opposition to his!

You're assuming the owner would be pissed at opposing views. I think what would piss off the owner more, would be how the visitor upholds themselves. I have no issue at all with opposing views, other than them being dumb. :) But bottom line, no one would ever be banned just because of their opinions. This guy (this thread starter) thinks/thought he should be allowed to go around to boards and be a total asshole as he presents his opinions, and try to rile up the community, and make others want to leave, and do so as he pleases - because he thinks freedom of speech gives him that right. I gave him a few hints. He said he doesn't even bother reading the rules.

I think that's what Anton meant when he said it's a universal rule to not piss of the owner - don't come being a troll and have a goal of being a disruption, which is exactly what this character set out to do.

Abbey Marie
02-15-2015, 12:38 PM
That sorta quashes debate if your views are in opposition to his!

I like your avi, Olivia. :thumb: