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05-23-2018, 07:52 AM
Since this thread is so popular on another board, I thought I'd see what kind of life one might have here. This thread is for general, every day chit chat, nothing in particular but a thread where we keep POLITICS and RELIGION OUT. This is simply a "what are you up to" thread...

... like I have to take the new Camaro back up to the dealer tomorrow for a total detailing job. When I got the car home I washed and waxed it and noticed the paint was far from perfect. The hood especially. There's quite a few little issues, a couple are outright deep dings. I'd take care of that myself if the car was used. I'm pretty good with a buffer and I have all the latest and greatest, DeWalt buffer, Chemical Guys pads and solutions, but the car is new so I want it perfect from the dealer.

Also found out it's what's called a 2SS. They make a 1SS and a 2SS, and the 2SS has all the cool options like the Z71 has which includes the door and dash lit trim stuff that changes colors, the active vents in the hood, the high rear spoiler, 20 inch wheels, Brembo brakes with a 6 piston in front and 4 piston in the rear, the active dual mode exhaust, the 4 diving modes, "Track Mode" is only on the 2SS and Z71, different displays and functions in the dash and Head Up Display, etc. All these goodies can only be found on the 2SS and the Z71. So my little black Camaro really is basically just a Z71 without the supercharger.

So now that I've bored everyone for the umpteenth time about my car, somebody change the subject... :laugh:

05-23-2018, 08:07 AM
Well, pretty dead here this morning... time to hit the shower... got a massive yard chore that I can't put off any longer, better get to it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-23-2018, 08:18 AM
Got up, got Justin ready to go to his last day of school this term.
Then I went to pick up my wife from her work. We discussed family issues and then stop got her breakfast.
Came home, checked my poetry site, its comments etc.
Then I came here to read, maybe even stop to compose a poem.
So basically a slow morning. Nothing of import going on..
My now boring life.....
Since I no longer hang out in bars/clubs raising hell.--Tyr

05-23-2018, 08:27 AM
Having coffee and relaxing for 7 more minutes. The "Big Clean " follows. Nearly ready to load the trailer next Tuesday.

Timing is everything! I'm moving on the 30th. Weather at Casa Grande then, 97. The 30TH? 106!

Crossing my fingers that the electric is on the 29th, and wifi the 30th!

05-23-2018, 08:31 AM
Having coffee and relaxing for 7 more minutes. The "Big Clean " follows. Nearly ready to load the trailer next Tuesday.

Timing is everything! I'm moving on the 30th. Weather at Casa Grande then, 97. The 30TH? 106!

Crossing my fingers that the electric is on the 29th, and wifi the 30th!We're hitting 100 by the weekend here too. Means I need to get off my ass and go run. Middle of the day runs are over for the duration of summer.

05-23-2018, 09:07 AM
Pacing myself. Got all the surface cleaning done, next, the floors. It's much easier to clean 400 some sq footage. Over nearly 4000.

Also cleaning up over 1 person, easier than 5÷!

Finding the silver lining,

Meeting a friend who's spatially gifted for breakfast, then going to storage unit to determine which trailer to rent for the move. We'll go resrve that, then going hiking by Sedona airport.

I've pretty much am ready to go. Can't pack up anymore until Tuesday. Wednesday morning we're off!

Black Diamond
05-23-2018, 09:12 AM
We're hitting 100 by the weekend here too. Means I need to get off my ass and go run. Middle of the day runs are over for the duration of summer.
If your son in law was complaining about the heat a few weeks ago...

05-23-2018, 09:46 AM
Getting ready to pack and head south for my son's university graduation.
He will be getting his doctorate in Physical Therapy.

I cannot take the cat along, so he will be confused for a few days - and likely
pissed at me when I get back!

05-23-2018, 10:09 AM
Pacing myself. Got all the surface cleaning done, next, the floors. It's much easier to clean 400 some sq footage. Over nearly 4000.

Also cleaning up over 1 person, easier than 5÷!

Finding the silver lining,

Meeting a friend who's spatially gifted for breakfast, then going to storage unit to determine which trailer to rent for the move. We'll go resrve that, then going hiking by Sedona airport.

I've pretty much am ready to go. Can't pack up anymore until Tuesday. Wednesday morning we're off!
Just listening to you talking about your move makes me tired... :laugh:

I'm about ready to hook up the wagon and go rake around my lilac bush where I had sucker trees and mile high weeds growing that a couple friends and their machines I don't have, have, that dug them all out and left piles. Lots of work, the sweat will be pouring off me shortly, and I'd rather do that than move! ... :laugh:

I feel for ya, Kath... pace yourself, even though it sounds like you have everything well under control.

05-23-2018, 10:11 AM
Getting ready to pack and head south for my son's university graduation.
He will be getting his doctorate in Physical Therapy.

I cannot take the cat along, so he will be confused for a few days - and likely
pissed at me when I get back!
I'll tell ya, cats are funny. My big old tiger cat, Buttons, he'd meet me at the door when I came home and have all kinds of stories. My little campfire usually doesn't budge. She doesn't give a rats behind if I'm coming or going. Sometimes she'll be at the door but that usually means I haven't gotten her her dry afternoon crunchies, and she wants me to GET TO IT.

They're all a little different.

Abbey Marie
05-23-2018, 10:43 AM
Made myself scrambled egg on toast, and a pot of Italian Roast coffee.
Two loads of laundry done.
While wash was going, watched the movie “Failure to Launch” because of the 30 year old guy who won’t leave his parent’ house. Eh.
About to have lunch with our daughter at a local pub.
Weather is very nice- 75 and sunny

05-23-2018, 10:53 AM
Note to self: ... wearing black T-shirt outside in the sun to rake dirt... STUPID... :slap:

05-23-2018, 10:54 AM
Made myself scrambled egg on toast, and a pot of Italian Roast coffee.
Two loads of laundry done.
While wash was going, watched the movie “Failure to Launch” because of the 30 year old guy who won’t leave his parent’ house. Eh.
About to have lunch with our daughter at a local pub.
Weather is very nice- 75 and sunny
I'm waiting "The Monuments Men" to get here. Bought it on ebay, supposed to be a true story. Trailer looked good.

05-23-2018, 12:34 PM
Work done. Sitting in coffee shop meeting my friend. Going to figure out trailer, reserve. Then hiking and swimming.

05-23-2018, 12:39 PM
Work done. Sitting in coffee shop meeting my friend. Going to figure out trailer, reserve. Then hiking and swimming.
I'm taking a break too... shirt is soaked with sweat... hardly a 1/3 done with what I have to do.

I'd rather go "hiking and swimming"... ;)

05-23-2018, 02:11 PM
Freakin' MOSQUITOES are STILL just UNREAL... :scared:

So I bought another insect fogger. Had one but it gave up the ghost. Bought a different one that's supposed to be better. The things do work...


05-23-2018, 04:22 PM
Well, enough sweating, mosquitoes and inhaling gnats for one day... I need beer.

Abbey Marie
05-23-2018, 07:17 PM
Building your Purple Martin house yet?


05-23-2018, 10:31 PM
Building your Purple Martin house yet?

If I do, it'll have to be after I'm done with all this yard work.

I have to take the Camaro up to the dealer in the morning and drop it off. They're going to give me a loaner and I have a few errands. They'll have it all day I think, maybe even overnight. They're not going to live me but I'm going to ask them to redo one of the big red stripes on the hood, it's crooked. I'm sure they'll love that... :rolleyes:

They can write it off as warranty... it shouldn't cost them anything.

Abbey Marie
05-23-2018, 11:02 PM
Are you spraying anything with DEET on yourself? I hate bugs!!

05-24-2018, 12:03 AM
Getting late 1:07am...wife in bed...Cat well-fed and outside...doors locked...Pistol next to computer...Last stop here... (Oh..before I forget)..saw this warning minutes ago... ...

`Breaking: Latest GFS weather model shows a strong tropical storm slamming into the West Coast of Florida on Sunday morning`



05-24-2018, 01:20 AM
I'm in an empty house after my kid left for portugal yesterday - she'll spend a week in Porto just doing whatever adult teens do. I bet I could have measured the stillness in the house last night - I heart my daughter's cat, Ziva (her brother Tony is with my son and ex) exploring the house, but just knowing my kid won't be in made things feel different. I felt markedly single. I tried to fall asleep by 6p, but only napped, then was up till 11. Woke up 2hrs early today, too.

05-24-2018, 06:39 AM
Are you spraying anything with DEET on yourself? I hate bugs!!
Yeah I've been using some Cutter insect repellent.

Can't wait until that new insect sprayer gets here though. I had a Black Flag fogger before and those things work.

The village finally came by with the big sprayer on the truck late yesterday afternoon. They had to do something. This is the worst I've ever seen the mosquitoes here in this town in the 30 years I've here.

05-24-2018, 06:44 AM
I'm in an empty house after my kid left for portugal yesterday - she'll spend a week in Porto just doing whatever adult teens do. I bet I could have measured the stillness in the house last night - I heart my daughter's cat, Ziva (her brother Tony is with my son and ex) exploring the house, but just knowing my kid won't be in made things feel different. I felt markedly single. I tried to fall asleep by 6p, but only napped, then was up till 11. Woke up 2hrs early today, too.
Your kid is a teenager, and spending time "alone" in Portugal?

I can relate to feeling "single." I've been single for 31 years. Unmarried, actually, I've had plenty of girl friends, but I have lived alone all that while. It's the norm for me. Doubt I could share my house with someone else at this point. I'd feel invaded.

05-24-2018, 06:45 AM
Well, I better shower up quick before I take the car up to the dealer and piss them off... I'm out.

05-24-2018, 06:51 AM
Your kid is a teenager, and spending time "alone" in Portugal?

I can relate to feeling "single." I've been single for 31 years. Unmarried, actually, I've had plenty of girl friends, but I have lived alone all that while. It's the norm for me. Doubt I could share my house with someone else at this point. I'd feel invaded.

She's with a friend. She's good. She'll protect him if something goes wrong.

I definitely need time to wipe my slate clean. Not 31 years probably :) Doubt I'll be alive that long!

05-24-2018, 07:49 AM
If your son in law was complaining about the heat a few weeks ago...He'll get his waterworks going. Sad thing is, *I* inadvertently gave him the excuse after I first got here not really knowing how he is. He was bitching about it and having to mow the lawn when he got home and I told him I understood completely.

The heat here in the summer IS a bitch. It used to suck the life out of me especially in July and August. But here's the difference:

I would get up, shower and shave, jump on the board I was running for about 30 minutes, and go to work by 7 (on a normal day). Work until 3:30 or 5:30 depending on the job. Come home and catch about 20 minutes in the recliner. Water all the plants my wife had to have that I got to take care of. Do whatever chores needed to get done. At 6 I'd run 3 miles-4 miles. Usually about 95-100 around that time. Come home and lift weights,then work out on the bag or do kata for 20-30 minutes. Shower. Get anything i needed for work the next day ready and deal with the old lady's latest drama moment. Then I'd get, depending on how late I was willing to stay up, anywhere from an hour or two on the board before I went to bed. Repeat. 5-6 days a week, depending on the job.

By comparison, this guy comes home and sits in the recliner until my daughter gets home. He is kind enough to put his dirty tupperware in the sink that if I don't wash it it'll sit there. He'll half-ass help my daughter get the kids and their stuff in. I get to clean the baby's bottles and make the younger granddaughter's lunch for the next day or he'll put it off and they'll have to scramble in the morning. If my daughter dares want to lay down for few minutes he bitches how he doesn't get to when he just spent an hour and a half playing on his phone. If my daughter doesn't get up and cook him dinner like a good little wifey he cries like a bitch and has a tantrum any 3 years old would be proud of. In the morning, I get a half hour earlier than they do so I can suck down mass quantities of coffee before I have to get Sybil up. ALWAYS a joy :rolleyes: Clean the cat boxes and feed all the animals. Cook my daughter's breakfast. He DOES get himself dressed and bitch about how he can't be late.

Point is, yes, it's freakin' hot. Right now we have the added pleasure of humidity off the Gulf. But that doesn't mean you get to drop your pack the second you walk in the door and do nothing. The family and the house are STILL here. That shit you ignore yesterday is STILL there. If your wife is sick like my daughter is now, the kids don't just vanish and/or suddenly become self sufficient adults. You got 18 and life to go, brother. You're the one that wanted 3 kids when you can't handle even one, and at age 35.

Now step to the plate. I don't see that happening.

05-24-2018, 08:20 AM
I'm in an empty house after my kid left for portugal yesterday - she'll spend a week in Porto just doing whatever adult teens do. I bet I could have measured the stillness in the house last night - I heart my daughter's cat, Ziva (her brother Tony is with my son and ex) exploring the house, but just knowing my kid won't be in made things feel different. I felt markedly single. I tried to fall asleep by 6p, but only napped, then was up till 11. Woke up 2hrs early today, too.

I feel ya. It's not really 'empty' yet, but the wall is marked. I didn't feel the 'stirrings' of loss with college, first long solo trips, even first apartments. It hit when youngest was married to a really good woman for him. All were good, none would fly back.

I was happy they were on their own paths, but a bit melancholy. Suddenly after a few months, I was celebrating them and myself. For really the first time since my baby girl was born, I really could figure out myself. The good and the not so. While I'd been working on it for half a decade, it was after the wedding that I took the steps I always had urged the kids to: minimize and work on flaws, drop the negative. Follow your heart and passions, which should be based on your gifts. Enjoy life.

05-24-2018, 08:32 AM
I feel ya. It's not really 'empty' yet, but the wall is marked. I didn't feel the 'stirrings' of loss with college, first long solo trips, even first apartments. It hit when youngest was married to a really good woman for him. All were good, none would fly back.

I was happy they were on their own paths, but a bit melancholy. Suddenly after a few months, I was celebrating them and myself. For really the first time since my baby girl was born, I really could figure out myself. The good and the not so. While I'd been working on it for half a decade, it was after the wedding that I took the steps I always had urged the kids to: minimize and work on flaws, drop the negative. Follow your heart and passions, which should be based on your gifts. Enjoy life.

Thanks Kath. I suppose the measure of successful parenting is that our kids do not need us. WANT us, sure...but not need. It is, as they say, what it is. And life is good.

05-24-2018, 09:24 AM
The following pics were from yesterday's hike at Sedona Airport trails. There's an "upper" trail and lower trail. We chose the lower.

Today three of us are going to Red Rock Crossing to swim. Out to dinner, as in "goodbye," though one is making the drive down to help.

Tomorrow the RV "lifers" are giving me a goodbye get together. I've only been there 3 months, but have felt a "community" there like no where else.

Change, has been for the good.





05-24-2018, 10:22 AM
She's with a friend. She's good. She'll protect him if something goes wrong.
That's awesome, man... ;)

I definitely need time to wipe my slate clean. Not 31 years probably :) Doubt I'll be alive that long!
Ya know... I never really intended to be single/live alone for this long, it just happened. To be perfectly honest, I think I got older and with major neurosurgery happening, I just lost the drive. I really never "chased" girls in my life. I just ran into them here and there and things clicked. That kinda ground to a halt... so... I've lived alone for a long time and now it's, normal, for me.

I do have my 'girl-friend', Heather, but it's not hot and heavy. Maybe if she had more to offer a serious relationship I'd pursue that more, but she's piss poor and still lives with mommy and daddy, at 43 years old. That just doesn't cut it for me, and good looks alone doesn't do it either.

05-24-2018, 10:23 AM
He'll get his waterworks going. Sad thing is, *I* inadvertently gave him the excuse after I first got here not really knowing how he is. He was bitching about it and having to mow the lawn when he got home and I told him I understood completely.

The heat here in the summer IS a bitch. It used to suck the life out of me especially in July and August. But here's the difference:

I would get up, shower and shave, jump on the board I was running for about 30 minutes, and go to work by 7 (on a normal day). Work until 3:30 or 5:30 depending on the job. Come home and catch about 20 minutes in the recliner. Water all the plants my wife had to have that I got to take care of. Do whatever chores needed to get done. At 6 I'd run 3 miles-4 miles. Usually about 95-100 around that time. Come home and lift weights,then work out on the bag or do kata for 20-30 minutes. Shower. Get anything i needed for work the next day ready and deal with the old lady's latest drama moment. Then I'd get, depending on how late I was willing to stay up, anywhere from an hour or two on the board before I went to bed. Repeat. 5-6 days a week, depending on the job.

By comparison, this guy comes home and sits in the recliner until my daughter gets home. He is kind enough to put his dirty tupperware in the sink that if I don't wash it it'll sit there. He'll half-ass help my daughter get the kids and their stuff in. I get to clean the baby's bottles and make the younger granddaughter's lunch for the next day or he'll put it off and they'll have to scramble in the morning. If my daughter dares want to lay down for few minutes he bitches how he doesn't get to when he just spent an hour and a half playing on his phone. If my daughter doesn't get up and cook him dinner like a good little wifey he cries like a bitch and has a tantrum any 3 years old would be proud of. In the morning, I get a half hour earlier than they do so I can suck down mass quantities of coffee before I have to get Sybil up. ALWAYS a joy :rolleyes: Clean the cat boxes and feed all the animals. Cook my daughter's breakfast. He DOES get himself dressed and bitch about how he can't be late.

Point is, yes, it's freakin' hot. Right now we have the added pleasure of humidity off the Gulf. But that doesn't mean you get to drop your pack the second you walk in the door and do nothing. The family and the house are STILL here. That shit you ignore yesterday is STILL there. If your wife is sick like my daughter is now, the kids don't just vanish and/or suddenly become self sufficient adults. You got 18 and life to go, brother. You're the one that wanted 3 kids when you can't handle even one, and at age 35.

Now step to the plate. I don't see that happening.
Sounds like they should paying YOU to live there, pard. No offense, but you're a live in nanny, and they get paid.

It's hot here too, Gunny, especially for this time of year. We pretty went straight from winter to summer.

05-24-2018, 10:25 AM
The following pics were from yesterday's hike at Sedona Airport trails. There's an "upper" trail and lower trail. We chose the lower.

Today three of us are going to Red Rock Crossing to swim. Out to dinner, as in "goodbye," though one is making the drive down to help.

Tomorrow the RV "lifers" are giving me a goodbye get together. I've only been there 3 months, but have felt a "community" there like no where else.

Change, has been for the good.




Yup... looks all too familiar... good ole AZ.

Where are you moving to, Kath?

05-24-2018, 10:32 AM
So I dropped the Camaro off at the dealer and showed my salesman, Colin, the couple small but deep dings and the spots in the paint, and then said, "you're not going to like this now," and a service writer in ear shot chuckled, but I started pointing out the gross misplacement of the big hood stripe and how both were badly trimmed on the front edge, and a few buckles in the stripe under the rear spoiler, and he had to admit that it was a shitty job. He said that they had had a guy come in to put those on. I said I couldn't imagine how anyone could put those huge stripes on and when done look at them and just go... aaaa... good enough. Aaaaah, NO. Even I know to do a job like that the hood should be measured and reference tape laid down to keep things straight and even. This is a 2SS Chevy Camaro. This car could very well be in a car show at some point, and people will surely stand in front of it and look at those stripes. If me and my neighbor spotted the crappy trim job and how far off one of the stripes is, then most other car nuts will too, and that just isn't going to cut it. So he said there's a guy from Minnesota that they know of that is supposed to be top notch for installing those factory stripes, so they're going to order new ones have that guy remove the old ones and then put on the new ones, the right way. They didn't even flinch though when I said I thought they should be redone. I told Colin that I didn't mean to be a picking son of a bitch and he said don't give it another thought, that he would be the same way. He's a younger guy and also is a car nut and has a couple hotrods himself. So, I'm pretty happy. It's getting clay barred and buffed today and new stripes are on order. It's all warranty work anyway, they can write it all off. I do hope that they put a bug in the guys ear that did such a pathetic job on the stripes though. Other than that, the car is mint, no other complaints.

05-24-2018, 10:42 AM
OH... and before I forget... rule #3 for the coffee shop, and I hope everyone agrees, we should try and keep everything friendly in here. No nasty insults or fighting. Just keep things laid back and have fun.

Think I'll pull out the JD and go mow some grass.

05-24-2018, 10:50 AM
Yup... looks all too familiar... good ole AZ.

Where are you moving to, Kath?

Caasa Grande, in the Valley. Teaching starts at the end of July.

05-24-2018, 10:54 AM
Caasa Grande, in the Valley. Teaching starts at the end of July.
Wow... you're moving down to the "frying pan"... ;)

I hope you can deal with bumper to bumper traffic better than I can. I get horrible road rage. Can hardly stand Madison traffic.

If there's more than 3 cars at a stop sign here in little Podunk, it's a traffic jam... :laugh:

We don't even have a stop light in town.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Muscoda,+WI+53573/@43.1893217,-90.439231,3304m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87fda7eccb2377ff:0x724db 763ac2dd00!8m2!3d43.1849868!4d-90.4431807

05-24-2018, 11:02 AM
Wow... you're moving down to the "frying pan"... ;)

I hope you can deal with bumper to bumper traffic better than I can. I get horrible road rage. Can hardly stand Madison traffic.

If there's more than 3 cars at a stop sign here in little Podunk, it's a traffic jam... :laugh:

We don't even have a stop light in town.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Muscoda,+WI+53573/@43.1893217,-90.439231,3304m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87fda7eccb2377ff:0x724db 763ac2dd00!8m2!3d43.1849868!4d-90.4431807

Phoenix is for evenings or weekend. Traffic is crazy there.

I'm working less than 5 minute drive from complex. I'll ride my bike when under 90. I get to school by 6:45, I'm a morning person. Will probably be home by 4:15.

I've a pool and AC, so I'll survive. Just in case, I'm bringing a fan. LOL!

05-24-2018, 11:08 AM
Phoenix is for evenings or weekend. Traffic is crazy there.

I'm working less than 5 minute drive from complex. I'll ride my bike when under 90. I get to school by 6:45, I'm a morning person. Will probably be home by 4:15.

I've a pool and AC, so I'll survive. Just in case, I'm bringing a fan. LOL!
Sounds good.

If you ever get down to Tombstone, would love to see pics of it now. I was there long, long ago. I don't have much of a visual memory of it.

I drove semi truck for DSW out of Tucson for a brief while... 'til my co-driver fell asleep at the wheel and rolled the truck. That was the end of my truckin' days.

05-24-2018, 11:13 AM
At Tucson VA complex with friend who is getting follow up visit after brain MRI and some cardio tests.

05-24-2018, 11:40 AM
Sounds good.

If you ever get down to Tombstone, would love to see pics of it now. I was there long, long ago. I don't have much of a visual memory of it.

I drove semi truck for DSW out of Tucson for a brief while... 'til my co-driver fell asleep at the wheel and rolled the truck. That was the end of my truckin' days.

Sassy Lady and I have plans to do just that when the weather cools!

05-24-2018, 11:41 AM
At Tucson VA complex with friend who is getting follow up visit after brain MRI and some cardio tests.


05-24-2018, 11:52 AM
OH... and before I forget... rule #3 for the coffee shop, and I hope everyone agrees, we should try and keep everything friendly in here. No nasty insults or fighting. Just keep things laid back and have fun.

Think I'll pull out the JD and go mow some grass.:fu:

(you should have just planned on THIS when you hit "enter" :) )

05-24-2018, 12:49 PM

(you should have just planned on THIS when you hit "enter" :) )
You ANIMAL ... :slap: ... :laugh:

Abbey Marie
05-24-2018, 01:35 PM
Made a pot of coffee, ate Cheerios with fresh blueberries, two more loads of laundry.
Can hardly handle the excitement, lol.

Not complaining, though. As AT can tell you, after a heart attack you really learn to appreciate the little things, and just being able to be home and vertical.

Between the bone-on-bone terrible hip, and the tiredness from the heart, my body seems to want to put on weight. At least I’m good at something.

05-24-2018, 01:59 PM
Made a pot of coffee, ate Cheerios with fresh blueberries, two more loads of laundry.
Can hardly handle the excitement, lol.

Not complaining, though. As AT can tell you, after a heart attack you really learn to appreciate the little things, and just being able to be home and vertical.

Between the bone-on-bone terrible hip, and the tiredness from the heart, my body seems to want to put on weight. At least I’m good at something.
Sometimes I feel like I have zero energy too, Ab, like someone just pulled the plug on me.

I just pop a couple oxy's and I'm off to the races... ;)

Abbey Marie
05-24-2018, 02:02 PM
Sometimes I feel like I have zero energy too, Ab, like someone just pulled the plug on me.

I just pop a couple oxy's and I'm off to the races... ;)

Ooh, not going there! Tylenol is all this old mare can handle, lol.

05-24-2018, 02:09 PM
Ooh, not going there! Tylenol is all this old mare can handle, lol.
I've been getting oxycodone from the VA for over 15 years for chronic pain management. They don't give me enough to even get hooked on it.

I only take it occasionally, and it gives me a pretty good buzz. I call it "pill cocaine."

Abbey Marie
05-24-2018, 02:15 PM
I've been getting oxycodone from the VA for over 15 years for chronic pain management. They don't give me enough to even get hooked on it.

I only take it occasionally, and it gives me a pretty good buzz. I call it "pill cocaine."

Sounds like you are handling it just right.

I can’t handle narcotics. I feel weird in the head, in a bad way, and I cant keep it down. Even a day after surgery, I pretty much just can take Advil or Tylenol. Even IV Morphine, I have to keep that little plastic tray very close. I especially loathe Codeine.

05-24-2018, 02:54 PM
Sounds like you are handling it just right.

I can’t handle narcotics. I feel weird in the head, in a bad way, and I cant keep it down. Even a day after surgery, I pretty much just can take Advil or Tylenol. Even IV Morphine, I have to keep that little plastic tray very close. I especially loathe Codeine.
Morphine and Prednisone are on my allergic list at the VA. Morphine makes me feel like I have to force myself to breath, and I've been in intensive care getting pumped full of that stuff and I HAVE quit breathing.

Prednisone makes my heart pound.

05-24-2018, 06:14 PM
AWESOME news on the car... took it in today to have the body shop fix a couple tiny nicks and clay bar and buff it, and then talked about the crooked stripes on the hood. Last word was they were going to order new stripes and have a different guy put them on. Well, salesman just called and asked if I'd like them to PAINT the stripes on. I about fainted. I didn't like the stripe decals anyway and had already thought about having them painted. He said their body shop manager used to do high end paint jobs in a custom shop on hotrods and boats and is really good, said he can lay down stripes on the car and make it look awesome... I said HELL YEAH... AWESOME... DO IT.

I'm one happy camper. In the meantime I won't have my car 'til Wednesday of next week, and have to drive this funky little new Buick Regal OLD DUDE CAR. I guess I'll live... :laugh:

(Now go ahead and make a comment about me being an old dude... HA!)

05-24-2018, 06:50 PM
What a great day, though bittersweet. Stayed over at friend's home last night, both up early with coffee. Third friend came over around 10:30 a.m., then we walked to pedestrian trail onto Crescent Moon National Park.

Water level down, waiting for monsoons, so we waded a bit, Janet the only one to submerge. That is snowmelt from Flagstaff mountains, damn cold. Yes, I'm a wuss!

Walked back to Myriam's home, she had dr appt, so Janet and I took off to The Hideaway. I had sweet & spicy sausage and pepper grilled sammy, Janet chose a grinder. Heavenly sammies.

Then it was "goodbye" for now, though we'll see each other Saturday at Safeway, not the same...

She'd hoped to drive down with me, but we're both happy her brother and SIL are coming in from Maine on Monday.

I'll post sime pics later, got to get to wifi to upload.

05-24-2018, 07:27 PM
What a great day, though bittersweet. Stayed over at friend's home last night, both up early with coffee. Third friend came over around 10:30 a.m., then we walked to pedestrian trail onto Crescent Moon National Park.

Water level down, waiting for monsoons, so we waded a bit, Janet the only one to submerge. That is snowmelt from Flagstaff mountains, damn cold. Yes, I'm a wuss!

Walked back to Myriam's home, she had dr appt, so Janet and I took off to The Hideaway. I had sweet & spicy sausage and pepper grilled sammy, Janet chose a grinder. Heavenly sammies.

Then it was "goodbye" for now, though we'll see each other Saturday at Safeway, not the same...

She'd hoped to drive down with me, but we're both happy her brother and SIL are coming in from Maine on Monday.

I'll post sime pics later, got to get to wifi to upload.
The sammiches sound delicious.

Goodbyes are always sad. My big sis cried when I left Montana last summer. They're thinking of coming over to Wisco again this year though.

05-25-2018, 02:57 AM
I'll post sime pics later, got to get to wifi to upload.

Where the pics? :)

05-25-2018, 04:25 AM
Where the pics? :)

I'm going to the library later.:)

I'm going to miss people here; nature's beauty here in Northern AZ, but will be happy with normal cell and wifi. :)

05-25-2018, 04:37 AM
Northern AZ will be measurably less-attractive with you gone.

05-25-2018, 06:03 AM
Northern AZ will be measurably less-attractive with you gone.

You say the sweetest things. You're so lucky I'm not a cougar type old lady!

05-25-2018, 06:25 AM
You say the sweetest things. You're so lucky I'm not a cougar type old lady!

why does that make me Lucky? Seems i'm UNlucky :D

05-25-2018, 06:42 AM

I'm revving up for the move! Can't wait for school to start!

Thanks for all the nice and giggles this morning! I needed them!

05-25-2018, 07:16 AM
I'm going to the library later.:)

I'm going to miss people here; nature's beauty here in Northern AZ, but will be happy with normal cell and wifi. :)
It's that mystic energy portal up there in Sedona that knocks out the cell phone and wifi... ;)

05-25-2018, 07:18 AM

I'm revving up for the move! Can't wait for school to start!

Thanks for all the nice and giggles this morning! I needed them!

to where are you moving? I guess I missed that part. :)

05-25-2018, 07:51 AM
It's that mystic energy portal up there in Sedona that knocks out the cell phone and wifi... ;)

Ah, the vortexes. LOL!

05-25-2018, 07:53 AM
to where are you moving? I guess I missed that part. :)

Casa Grande, Between Phoenix and Saasy Lady. Got a teaching position for 7/8 social studies.

05-25-2018, 08:06 AM
That is smack-dab into the frying pan!! Hot, hot HOT weather, yeah? dang. if I'm out on an expedition when I return, me and the pups will stop in and say hello!

05-25-2018, 08:11 AM
That is smack-dab into the frying pan!! Hot, hot HOT weather, yeah? dang. if I'm out on an expedition when I return, me and the pups will stop in and say hello!

That would so Grande! ;) I so suck at texting!

05-25-2018, 08:56 AM
mmmMMMMmmmm... Walmart Deli soft chocolate chunk cookies and coffee... :coffee:

05-25-2018, 11:31 AM
Getting headlight fixed. Remembered last time I had trailer, they couldn't get the lights to work, so gettthat checked. Wish me luck, electrical never good repairs.

05-25-2018, 11:48 AM
Getting headlight fixed. Remembered last time I had trailer, they couldn't get the lights to work, so gettthat checked. Wish me luck, electrical never good repairs.

Headlight fixed. Problem with electric hook up from back, not so good. :(

05-25-2018, 01:13 PM
Headlight fixed. Problem with electric hook up from back, not so good. :(

I lucked out, ended up being a fuse, only $112 with labor. When it's electric, I freak.

Abbey Marie
05-25-2018, 05:14 PM
Getting headlight fixed. Remembered last time I had trailer, they couldn't get the lights to work, so gettthat checked. Wish me luck, electrical never good repairs.

Now don’t make any more wrong turns with that trailer. I recall you had some issues last road trip!

05-25-2018, 07:50 PM
I lucked out, ended up being a fuse, only $112 with labor. When it's electric, I freak.
OMG... incredible... when most modern cars are already hard wired from the factory for the small, flat, 4 wire wafer trailer plug hook up, $112 to change a FUSE blows my mind... what an absolute RIP OFF.

I take it no warranty on your car...

05-25-2018, 07:53 PM
Now don’t make any more wrong turns with that trailer. I recall you had some issues last road trip!

When I put things into storage, that trailer back lights wouldn't work. There was a kid, maybe 17 who made all sorts of errors, hooking up, billing..,

I thought the problem was likely him.

Didn't want to chance it thpugh, so had service check. It was "missing" the fuse. Yes, the kid had "checked" fuses, but obviously either knocked it out or removed., I felt lucky to get out just over $100.

05-25-2018, 07:57 PM
When I put things into storage, that trailer back lights wouldn't work. There was a kid, maybe 17 who made all sorts of errors, hooking up, billing..,

I thought the problem was likely him.

Didn't want to chance it thpugh, so had service check. It was "missing" the fuse. Yes, the kid had "checked" fuses, but obviously either knocked it out or removed., I felt lucky to get out just over $100.

I'm good to go now. Pick up trailer Tuesday, load, go to my friend's hme in Sedona. We'll take two cars and trailer. She's spending the night, has to be back in Sedona Thursday by 4

Hopefully I'll have laptop working and as little texting as possible.

05-25-2018, 08:00 PM
Now don’t make any more wrong turns with that trailer. I recall you had some issues last road trip!
YA... google maps routes you right through the heart of Phoenix, which I would avoid like the PLAGUE. I'd shoot around the 101 loop or something, I'd stay away from through downtown, unless you want to sit in bumper to bumper, inch worming along traffic.

05-25-2018, 10:14 PM
Now don’t make any more wrong turns with that trailer. I recall you had some issues last road trip!

LOL! I remember now, when I came into the complex in Sedona and got stuck! The police had to come, like 8 responded, Had to remove the trailer, move the car, then reattach.

No worries, I know exactly where I am going, they are set in circles, no reversing!

05-25-2018, 10:16 PM
YA... google maps routes you right through the heart of Phoenix, which I would avoid like the PLAGUE. I'd shoot around the 101 loop or something, I'd stay away from through downtown, unless you want to sit in bumper to bumper, inch worming along traffic.

Straight shot. 17 to 10S. Exit, go straight 2 lights, turn left to complex, turn left into.

05-26-2018, 01:08 AM
i want a road trip. :)

Abbey Marie
05-26-2018, 01:32 AM
LOL! I remember now, when I came into the complex in Sedona and got stuck! The police had to come, like 8 responded, Had to remove the trailer, move the car, then reattach.

No worries, I know exactly where I am going, they are set in circles, no reversing!

Yes, that was it! I recall you had a rough time of it.

05-26-2018, 04:41 AM
i want a road trip. :)

I have space ... Kath doesn't.

Cougar purring .....

05-26-2018, 04:48 AM
I've been watching Jordan Peterson videos and resin art videos today. Looking for a hobby.

Neighbor called around 9 this evening and asked if their 19 year old daughter could spend the night up here. They are out of town and a guy walked way down their dirt road driveway to ask if they wanted a quote on window replacements. After dark, remote property and the dogs went camping 2nd with rest of family so she was home all alone. Called 911 and they said she should probably find someone to stay with. So I've been debating with 19 year old collage kid about societal beak down.

Finally headed to bed ...TTYT

05-26-2018, 06:55 AM
I have space ... Kath doesn't.

Cougar purring .....

Good news! I found a bed? LOL! With my Euro chair, I can sleep two. Both are single, so I'm going to get queen air mattress if needed.

ONly rule is, me and my shoulder get the chair! LOL!~

05-26-2018, 06:58 AM
Good news! I found a bed? LOL! With my Euro chair, I can sleep two. Both are single, so I'm going to get queen air mattress if needed.

ONly rule is, me and my shoulder get the chair! LOL!~

Purring aside, got to get to Sassy' s her home is an oasis in a desert of beauty!

05-26-2018, 07:16 AM
Straight shot. 17 to 10S. Exit, go straight 2 lights, turn left to complex, turn left into.
Well, you're going right through the very heart of Phoenix downtown then. You'll be in the worst traffic there is, bumper to bumper, stop and start, inch along.

05-26-2018, 07:21 AM
What a great day, though bittersweet. Stayed over at friend's home last night, both up early with coffee. Third friend came over around 10:30 a.m., then we walked to pedestrian trail onto Crescent Moon National Park.

Water level down, waiting for monsoons, so we waded a bit, Janet the only one to submerge. That is snowmelt from Flagstaff mountains, damn cold. Yes, I'm a wuss!

Walked back to Myriam's home, she had dr appt, so Janet and I took off to The Hideaway. I had sweet & spicy sausage and pepper grilled sammy, Janet chose a grinder. Heavenly sammies.

Then it was "goodbye" for now, though we'll see each other Saturday at Safeway, not the same...

She'd hoped to drive down with me, but we're both happy her brother and SIL are coming in from Maine on Monday.

I'll post sime pics later, got to get to wifi to upload.

Some of the pics darin:






05-26-2018, 07:25 AM
Yesterday was busy, car, library, party held by neighbors which was great fun, then off with Myriam to catch the band one of her neighbors plays in at the Hyatt Sedona:


05-26-2018, 08:39 AM
Well, it's Saturday, it's also Memorial Day weekend, I had the news on but the TV has been on MUTE again for over an hour. I just get so sick of listening to talking heads. As soon as they say... "let's bring on so and so to get their REACTION"... I'm done... don't need any REACTIONS from anybody, I'm smart enough to form my OWN REACTION, thank you. Seems as time goes by, I just have less and less desire to watch these talking heads on TV. It's 60% listening to opinion, 10% factual news reporting, and 30% commercials about drugs, pillows or travel websites.

Time to slam on some high volume tunes and kick off this weekend right, time for Spotify.

Wish I had my new hotrod...

05-26-2018, 09:16 AM
Spotify was reading my mind, in my Daily Mixes they have some smokin' hot good Rockabilly... just perfect.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2018, 10:17 AM
Daughter is at a tailgate in Maryland.
Russ is “working from home” all morning.
So here I sit drinking my coffee from a moose mug, at loose ends. Le sigh.


05-26-2018, 11:34 AM
So I'm out in the garage doing curls (not that Olympic shuffleboard-looking crap but with weights) and up walks two guys and I immediately recognized one. He was in the 11th MEU in Somalia when I was. They were handing out flyers for some Memorial Day service at the church up the road. The other guy was retired Air Force.

First thing he asked was how did I end up here. I was born here? We chit-chatted a bit and they moved on. That was MY surreal moment for the day :)

05-26-2018, 11:39 AM
So I'm out in the garage doing curls (not that Olympic shuffleboard-looking crap but with weights) and up walks two guys and I immediately recognized one. He was in the 11th MEU in Somalia when I was. They were handing out flyers for some Memorial Day service at the church up the road. The other guy was retired Air Force.

First thing he asked was how did I end up here. I was born here? We chit-chatted a bit and they moved on. That was MY surreal moment for the day :)
Small world... :salute:

I'm out in the shop cleaning... I can make a mess out here lightening fast.

05-26-2018, 11:48 AM
Small world... :salute:

I'm out in the shop cleaning... I can make a mess out here lightening fast.I bet you can't beat my youngest granddaughter. She can destroy one room completely in about a second or two. She's the if she's looking for something everything else gets thrown over her shoulder type and talk about OCD? If she's looking for something she'll destroy everything in her path until she finds it :(

05-26-2018, 11:59 AM
I bet you can't beat my youngest granddaughter. She can destroy one room completely in about a second or two. She's the if she's looking for something everything else gets thrown over her shoulder type and talk about OCD? If she's looking for something she'll destroy everything in her path until she finds it :(
When I get going on a project tools are everywhere, floor is dirty, shit scattered all over, then it's time to clean.

I don't mind. I love my shop. One of the big reasons I bought this place. I spend the majority of my time out here, it's where all my toys are... ;)

05-26-2018, 12:01 PM
The newest toy. I have officially declared WAR on the mosquitoes...


Abbey Marie
05-26-2018, 12:02 PM
When I get going on a project tools are everywhere, floor is dirty, shit scattered all over, then it's time to clean.

I don't mind. I love my shop. One of the big reasons I bought this place. I spend the majority of my time out here, it's where all my toys are... ;)

That’s the way guys I know cook, too. I’m more of a clean up the kitchen as I go type.

05-26-2018, 12:05 PM
That’s the way guys I know cook, too. I’m more of a clean up the kitchen as I go type.
Yeah... kitchen too... :laugh:

And I hate to wash dishes almost as much as I hate to have to fold clothes, and I even have one of the cool little clothes folder deals.

05-26-2018, 12:26 PM
When I get going on a project tools are everywhere, floor is dirty, shit scattered all over, then it's time to clean.

I don't mind. I love my shop. One of the big reasons I bought this place. I spend the majority of my time out here, it's where all my toys are... ;)Yeah, but that little phrase "time to clean" doesn't register nor compute to this little "Denise the Menace" :laugh:

05-26-2018, 12:34 PM
Yeah, but that little phrase "time to clean" doesn't register nor compute to this little "Denise the Menace" :laugh:
I'll tell ya, growing up on a farm us kids had household "chores" to do, and that included cleaning our rooms, making our own bed, helping wash and wipe dishes, vacuuming, mowing the lawn, etc, on top of our farm chores, and that was as soon as we were old enough to do them. If we could make a mess we were old enough to clean it up too. We weren't allowed to just "play" all the time, although there was plenty of time for that. I'm glad my parents made us do that. I might have grumbled a little now and then but for the most part no one listened anyway. Just do your chores, shut the hell up and get them done, THEN you can PLAY. I'm pretty much the same way still.

05-26-2018, 12:43 PM
I'll tell ya, growing up on a farm us kids had household "chores" to do, and that included cleaning our rooms, making our own bed, helping wash and wipe dishes, vacuuming, mowing the lawn, etc, on top of our farm chores, and that was as soon as we were old enough to do them. If we could make a mess we were old enough to clean it up too. We weren't allowed to just "play" all the time, although there was plenty of time for that. I'm glad my parents made us do that. I might have grumbled a little now and then but for the most part no one listened anyway. Just do your chores, shut the hell up and get them done, THEN you can PLAY. I'm pretty much the same way still.Yeah. You're in your 60s and I'm pushing it. My chores had chores starting from the moment my eyes popped open. Bed had to be made with hospital folds before I did anything except maybe use the bathroom. Had to be dressed and hair squared away to sit down to breakfast. Cat boxes, yard, walking an/or letting in or out various pets, trash, etc.

My kids had chores too. Different world now. For one, the oldest is bi-polar and medicated (which I am against) but it keeps her in airhead-ville all the time. Other option is no meds and she turns into a serious little monster. And remember how when you were doing those sucky chores you SWORE you'd never make your kids do? :laugh: I have the luxury of observing that first-hand, and I have honestly never heard my daughter say that but I can tell by certain things they DON'T have to do what she's thinking :)

A sad commentary is the youngest granddaughter acts like she's 3-4 from just my kid's days and that is considered perfectly normal in today's society.

05-26-2018, 01:00 PM
Yeah. You're in your 60s and I'm pushing it. My chores had chores starting from the moment my eyes popped open. Bed had to be made with hospital folds before I did anything except maybe use the bathroom. Had to be dressed and hair squared away to sit down to breakfast. Cat boxes, yard, walking an/or letting in or out various pets, trash, etc.

My kids had chores too. Different world now. For one, the oldest is bi-polar and medicated (which I am against) but it keeps her in airhead-ville all the time. Other option is no meds and she turns into a serious little monster. And remember how when you were doing those sucky chores you SWORE you'd never make your kids do? :laugh: I have the luxury of observing that first-hand, and I have honestly never heard my daughter say that but I can tell by certain things they DON'T have to do what she's thinking :)

A sad commentary is the youngest granddaughter acts like she's 3-4 from just my kid's days and that is considered perfectly normal in today's society.
Yep... different world now brother... kids are coddled, no responsibilities, no repercussions for bad behavior, can't discipline them or it's child abuse and everything is handed to them on a silver platter even though they didn't earn it. We got an ALLOWANCE for doing our chores, and I BOUGHT my own toys. My Dad bought me a motorcycle one time, totally unexpected, but that was after I helped him build a 24'x48' foot garage, and did a lot of the work myself. I was living with them temporarily after I got out of the AF and while they were at work, I did much of the work on the shop myself, shingled it all by myself. I had good parents and never thought that making us kids help out around the house and farm was MEAN at all.

Hell I miss those days. I ain't afraid of work, and like they say, if you enjoy what you're doing you'll never work a day in your life. I liked the Air Force. I loved working on the jets. I loved the Harley Tech. I loved working on the bikes and got to RIDE every single bike I laid hands on. It was a blast. I got to ride Harleys that would make some people drool. The most fun was cranking to life a hotrod engine you just got done building and taking it out for a test ride. Gave me a great sense of accomplishment.

05-26-2018, 01:14 PM
Yep... different world now brother... kids are coddled, no responsibilities, no repercussions for bad behavior, can't discipline them or it's child abuse and everything is handed to them on a silver platter even though they didn't earn it. We got an ALLOWANCE for doing our chores, and I BOUGHT my own toys. My Dad bought me a motorcycle one time, totally unexpected, but that was after I helped him build a 24'x48' foot garage, and did a lot of the work myself. I was living with them temporarily after I got out of the AF and while they were at work, I did much of the work on the shop myself, shingled it all by myself. I had good parents and never thought that making us kids help out around the house and farm was MEAN at all.

Hell I miss those days. I ain't afraid of work, and like they say, if you enjoy what you're doing you'll never work a day in your life. I liked the Air Force. I loved working on the jets. I loved the Harley Tech. I loved working on the bikes and got to RIDE every single bike I laid hands on. It was a blast. I got to ride Harleys that would make some people drool. The most fun was cranking to life a hotrod engine you just got done building and taking it out for a test ride. Gave me a great sense of accomplishment.I never minded helping my grandparents who I lived with a lot off and on. I would do anything for my Grandfather. My dad came back from Nam a complete ass. When I got to boot camp I kept waiting for hard part and I realized my father was harder on me than the hats were and I already knew most of the crap; especially, when it comes to field day (cleaning spotless in the Marine Corps).

I liked working. Outside with my hands. Never ran away from that shit. You'd have to drag my brother by the heels to get anything out of him. Have no idea how he got through boot camp. Probably too afraid to quit. That IS a good motivator for lots of recruits :laugh:

05-26-2018, 01:25 PM
I never minded helping my grandparents who I lived with a lot off and on. I would do anything for my Grandfather. My dad came back from Nam a complete ass. When I got to boot camp I kept waiting for hard part and I realized my father was harder on me than the hats were and I already knew most of the crap; especially, when it comes to field day (cleaning spotless in the Marine Corps).

I liked working. Outside with my hands. Never ran away from that shit. You'd have to drag my brother by the heels to get anything out of him. Have no idea how he got through boot camp. Probably too afraid to quit. That IS a good motivator for lots of recruits :laugh:
My brother came home from Nam all kinds of fucked up too... I mean... bad enough that he took his own life. Was just all too much for him to live with I guess.

My Pop could be mean. We got our asses paddled a time or two but it was because we pulled a major fuck up. Kept us in line. But he got that from his Dad. My grandpa was a mean sons a bitch. Was mean to their livestock on their farm, mean to his kids, mean to his wife, drank too much and never had any time for any of his grandkids. I can't remember ever having a conversation with him. My grandpa on my mother's side was a completely different story. He was a great man and always had time for grandkids. Was the mayor of his town and well respected.

I honestly thought AF basic was a breeze. I was a squad leader and got chewed out once because a set back was talking in my formation outside the chow hall and I got a 341 pulled and chewed out for that by a SSMgt that saw it. Later that afternoon our TI screamed this guys name so loud in the barracks I thought he'd blow the windows out. He screamed at that fucker so loud that the entire barracks could hear, intentionally of course, saying his SQUAD LEADERS WERE HIM WHEN HE WASN'T THERE, and to DISOBEY A SQUAD LEADER WAS TO DISOBEY HIM, and that dude was told to pack his shit and get the fuck out of our barracks. He was set back again, gone. No one fucked with us squad leaders after that. We said something, they listened.

05-26-2018, 01:52 PM
Time to... :badsnort: ... a couple oxys... ;)

Hey... it's a holiday weekend... and my back hurts... :rolleyes:

05-26-2018, 03:41 PM
My OLD FOLKS Buick Regal loaner car...


Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 03:44 PM
My OLD FOLKS Buick Regal loaner car...

I prefer the roadmaster. :)

05-26-2018, 03:46 PM
I prefer the roadmaster. :)
Ya... I would too... but I didn't have much of choice for a loaner. Could have gotten a truck, but I just got rid of one.

Pretty spunky little ride for a 4 banger though. Well appointed too. Smells kinda funky though, could probably use a new cabin air filter.

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 03:50 PM
Ya... I would too... but I didn't have much of choice for loaner. Could have gotten a truck, but I just got rid of one.

Pretty spunky little ride for a 4 banger though. Well appointed too. Smells kinda funky though, could probably use a new cabin air filter.
oh I see. I don't think roadmasters are around anymore.

05-26-2018, 03:52 PM
oh I see. I don't think roadmasters are around anymore.
I'm crushed... :laugh:

I'm a car nut, pard... I can count telephones poles from a Buick Roadmaster convertible AND remember what kind of car I'm in.

05-26-2018, 05:12 PM
Just popped 'em on...


05-26-2018, 05:31 PM
Well evidently the grill gods were smiling on me because my propane tank JUST ran out but the burgers were done.

Now I'm full so piss on it, I'm headin' to the bar. That's where the majority of people in this beer drinkin', brat eatin' state are anyway. I'm sure I'll know 90% of everyone in there, whatever bar I go to in this little hick town. A population of 1,400 and we have FIVE bars... :laugh:

05-26-2018, 05:42 PM
coming home from a movie tonite came upon a recent accident. Three were attending to a guy who wadded his Motorcyle - his helmet was off and 20ft away, while there was a 3" crack in the top left side of his skull. Blood, blood, blood. I held the guy down - literally with all my weight - until parametics could get a collar on him and get him strapped to a backboard. Hope he makes it. American. Probably drunk off his ass. He needed to be drinking and riding like he needed a hole in the head.

Helmet was scraped but NO impact signs, and the chin strap was in good working order - means it wasn't strapped onto his melon, and flew off in the impact.

Dumb. Wasted Aprilla bike, too.

05-26-2018, 06:25 PM
coming home from a movie tonite came upon a recent accident. Three were attending to a guy who wadded his Motorcyle - his helmet was off and 20ft away, while there was a 3" crack in the top left side of his skull. Blood, blood, blood. I held the guy down - literally with all my weight - until parametics could get a collar on him and get him strapped to a backboard. Hope he makes it. American. Probably drunk off his ass. He needed to be drinking and riding like he needed a hole in the head.

Helmet was scraped but NO impact signs, and the chin strap was in good working order - means it wasn't strapped onto his melon, and flew off in the impact.

Dumb. Wasted Aprilla bike, too.
Yep... there ya go... there's no helmet law in Wisconsin, and when I go riding with people virtually no one else has one on. My skid lid has saved my cranium twice, so I just think to myself what fools they are. I don't care if they think I'm a pussy or what, all it takes is that one time...

05-26-2018, 06:44 PM
Yep... there ya go... there's no helmet law in Wisconsin, and when I go riding with people virtually no one else has one on. My skid lid has saved my cranium twice, so I just think to myself what fools they are. I don't care if they think I'm a pussy or what, all it takes is that one time...
I don't get on motorcycles. Fell off one doing about 35 once when some bonehead apparently thought red meant "go". But that's no the reason I don't get on them.

I do enough crazy crap as it is, and I know from experience the crap I tried on just a bicycle. I figured long ago if I wanted to commit suicide there's got to be an easier, less painful way. :)

05-26-2018, 06:50 PM
I don't get on motorcycles. Fell off one doing about 35 once when some bonehead apparently thought red meant "go". But that's no the reason I don't get on them.

I do enough crazy crap as it is, and I know from experience the crap I tried on just a bicycle. I figured long ago if I wanted to commit suicide there's got to be an easier, less painful way. :)
Got a mini bike when I was 9, first motorcycle at 12. Been riding ever since. No better way to clear your head than go for a ride. Even if you're riding with someone else or a pack, it's a singular experience, you and your bike, something about it has always appealed to me... just... fun. Even after I crashed I got right back on. Only had two accidents in 52 years, first one was late at night and I was so fucked up I couldn't keep my eyes open, just ran off the road, young dumb and full of cu__.. well you get the idea, second time some ass clown pulled out in front of me in Reno. Thankfully I wasn't going very fast, but I torpedoed T-bone style straight into the back side of his Denali. I got up, hurt pretty bad and had to go to the hospital, but he paid... paid big. The only thing I worry about out here in the boonies is hitting a deer.

05-26-2018, 06:56 PM
Got a mini bike when I was 9, first motorcycle at 12. Been riding ever since. No better way to clear your head than go for a ride. Even if you're riding with someone else or a pack, it's a singular experience, you and your bike, something about it has always appealed to me... just... fun. Even after I crashed I got right back on. Only had two accidents in 52 years, first one was late at night and I was so fucked up I couldn't keep my eyes open, just ran off the road, young dumb and full of cu__.. well you get the idea, second time some ass clown pulled out in front of me in Reno. Thankfully I wasn't going very fast, but I torpedoed T-bone style straight into the back side of his Denali. I got up, hurt pretty bad and had to go to the hospital, but he paid... paid big. The only thing I worry about out here in the boonies is hitting a deer.Yeah well, when I want to go for a "ride", I know a lady out by Bandera (in the country) owns a horse ranch. :)

05-26-2018, 08:10 PM
Yeah well, when I want to go for a "ride", I know a lady out by Bandera (in the country) owns a horse ranch. :)
Fuuuuuuuck... I been on lots of horses... since my nephew worked on a ranch for decades... I always got SADDLE SORE. And not only that, the damn animals knew when they were heading home and liked to RUN, and my nephew say's "just pull the reigns to the side"... ya... fuck that too... they RAN WITH THEIR HEAD CROOKED. Wild ass Montana mountain steeds... :laugh:

I'll stick to my IRON HORSE, it's a HELLOVA lot more comfortable and does what it tell it to do.

05-26-2018, 11:23 PM
Time to hit open a USMB page and upset some leftists... :laugh:

05-27-2018, 05:32 AM
Pulled an all nighter... been a long time since I've done this, but... I feel alright... probably won't when I wake up though... :rolleyes:

This is what bored bachelors do...

05-27-2018, 06:25 AM
dang dude. when you get tired of turning-down women you just chill?

05-27-2018, 12:58 PM
dang dude. when you get tired of turning-down women you just chill?
You know something I don't know?

05-27-2018, 06:02 PM
I don't get on motorcycles. Fell off one doing about 35 once when some bonehead apparently thought red meant "go". But that's no the reason I don't get on them.

I do enough crazy crap as it is, and I know from experience the crap I tried on just a bicycle. I figured long ago if I wanted to commit suicide there's got to be an easier, less painful way. :)

I will NOT get on a motorcycle, even though I really like some of the better built ones - custom,
but not that T.V. crap.

Senior in high school. Larry, Arch, and I were kicking extra points, field goals. Larry was one of my best friends.
He whomped me on a wrestling mat for 3 years (Him potential state champion), and I dusted him in the (then) 440 dash in track.

Practice was over, we all went home. Larry on his bike with legal helmet.

Next morning at practice, Coach Clark cancelled it all for the day. Larry was killed the afternoon before when a pulpwood truck
pulled out in front of him while going uphill on WVa Rte 46 just out side of town. Larry's torso and bike were under the truck's rear axle.

His head and still-strapped-on helmet were 20 years away in a ditch.

05-28-2018, 03:51 AM
I was so tired after work yesterday, partially overload of thinking, planning, emotional week. There was pizza at work yesterday, I had 3 pieces before leaving.

Got home and disposed of uniform.:cool: Made two glasses of iced coffee and relaxed. Went for a 5 hour nap, lol, my normal night's sleep. Got up, had coffee and read a bit. Slept 2 more hours amd here I am at almost 2 am.

Realized when trailer is on tomorrow morning, the back of my car won't open or be difficult to. Guess today is the day to get that done.

Tomorrow I pick up the trailer at 8, and the fun starts.:waaaah:

So load my car today, the trailer and my friend's little BMW convertible tomorrow. Sleep over at her home, then off to the desert on Wednesday. :coffee::coffee: Wondering how long it will take us to hit the pool?

05-28-2018, 06:26 AM
I was so tired after work yesterday, partially overload of thinking, planning, emotional week. There was pizza at work yesterday, I had 3 pieces before leaving.

Got home and disposed of uniform.:cool: Made two glasses of iced coffee and relaxed. Went for a 5 hour nap, lol, my normal night's sleep. Got up, had coffee and read a bit. Slept 2 more hours amd here I am at almost 2 am.

Realized when trailer is on tomorrow morning, the back of my car won't open or be difficult to. Guess today is the day to get that done.

Tomorrow I pick up the trailer at 8, and the fun starts.:waaaah:

So load my car today, the trailer and my friend's little BMW convertible tomorrow. Sleep over at her home, then off to the desert on Wednesday. :coffee::coffee: Wondering how long it will take us to hit the pool?
Just reading that, I had visions of the last time I moved and what a pain in the rear it was.

05-28-2018, 07:32 AM
All the packing, cleaning, moaning and lists are the price paid to pursue my dreams, whether they come true or not. It's the price for my adventures, wouldn't want to grow any older with just thoughts of youth and regrets.

I want to live until I die, at least as long as possible. Keep learning, teaching, loving, and moving.

05-28-2018, 01:30 PM
All the packing, cleaning, moaning and lists are the price paid to pursue my dreams, whether they come true or not. It's the price for my adventures, wouldn't want to grow any older with just thoughts of youth and regrets.

I want to live until I die, at least as long as possible. Keep learning, teaching, loving, and moving.
Now you have to do it all in reverse... ;)

05-28-2018, 03:30 PM
Now you have to do it all in reverse... ;)

Then I'll crash, get up and enjoy what's coming.

05-28-2018, 05:50 PM
All the packing, cleaning, moaning and lists are the price paid to pursue my dreams, whether they come true or not. It's the price for my adventures, wouldn't want to grow any older with just thoughts of youth and regrets.

I want to live until I die, at least as long as possible. Keep learning, teaching, loving, and moving.

I hate moving!

This recent move will be my last. I am still sorting stuff from what was Mom's,
what is mine, my brothers, and my son's.

Not an easy transition at all.

05-28-2018, 10:42 PM
Record heat here yesterday and today, and possibly again tomorrow. I haven't done anything for this Memorial Day weekend but hibernated. Maybe I'm just a little bummed out I don't have my car. I'm usually glad when weekends and long holiday weekends are over and everything gets back to normal. I have business that needs taking care of and things have to be open.

05-28-2018, 11:08 PM
Just came in from sitting outside watching deer come by for a drink, moon come up and sun go down. Very relaxing day.

05-29-2018, 03:49 AM
Just came in from sitting outside watching deer come by for a drink, moon come up and sun go down. Very relaxing day.

The moon woke me up!

05-29-2018, 06:18 AM
The moon woke me up!

TheMoon was my nickname in college. Sorry for waking you, doll.

05-29-2018, 07:03 AM
TheMoon was my nickname in college. Sorry for waking you, doll.


Everything is cleaned and can't quite fit what's here into my car. Going to pick up trailer at 8, whip by here and throw things in. Off to storage unit then, hoping a he~ friend shows up. If not, mighty mite will get er done.

05-29-2018, 07:05 AM
TheMoon was my nickname in college. Sorry for waking you, doll.

I wonder about that nickname..,my youngest's was 'streaker' I'm pretty sure what that was about.

05-29-2018, 07:54 AM
I wonder about that nickname..,my youngest's was 'streaker' I'm pretty sure what that was about.


I have lots of nicknames.

05-29-2018, 07:55 AM

I have lots of nicknames.

yr I bet!

05-29-2018, 08:07 AM
yr I bet!

Just admit it, "farm boy " is your favorite!

05-29-2018, 08:13 AM
Just admit it, "farm boy " is your favorite!

makes my jumbly-bits get tingly.

05-29-2018, 08:18 AM
Weather forecast:

Today and tomorrow: 99
Thu we "cool down" to 97
Sat & Sun: 102

Not a cloud forecast in any of it. I'm not seeing anything I even remotely like about this. I already glow in the dark from my afternoon at Medina Lake yesterday. Gunny's new skin color is this. :)

05-29-2018, 08:22 AM
Going to cool down here nice by tomorrow. Today is supposed to still be up around 90-92, but tomorrow storms and much cooler, for the rest of the week.

Been up for at least an hour, had Fox News on, had the sound on for maybe 5 minutes of that time, been on MUTE since. Time to sync with the Microsoft bluetooth doggle on the TV and listen to my weekly Spotify picks.

05-29-2018, 08:31 AM
I like this kinda weather.


05-29-2018, 08:35 AM
I like this kinda weather.

That looks like the rest of the week for here. It's only May in WI, it's way, way too hot. We set new record highs yesterday and the day before, and stand a good chance of setting another one today. We'll be getting back to normal, in the 70's, Wednesday... storms.


05-29-2018, 08:41 AM
makes my jumbly-bits get tingly.


05-29-2018, 08:50 AM
Going to cool down here nice by tomorrow. Today is supposed to still be up around 90-92, but tomorrow storms and much cooler, for the rest of the week.

Been up for at least an hour, had Fox News on, had the sound on for maybe 5 minutes of that time, been on MUTE since. Time to sync with the Microsoft bluetooth doggle on the TV and listen to my weekly Spotify picks.

Been up since 5. You don't REALLY think I'm going running at noon when it's in the 90s? I may be a dumb jarhead, but I ain't THAT dumb. And since Mr Useful is taking care of himself, I'm still on the hook for breakfast and getting everyone out of here. I was back before they got up. Civilians :rolleyes:

05-29-2018, 09:02 AM
Been up since 5. You don't REALLY think I'm going running at noon when it's in the 90s? I may be a dumb jarhead, but I ain't THAT dumb. And since Mr Useful is taking care of himself, I'm still on the hook for breakfast and getting everyone out of here. I was back before they got up. Civilians :rolleyes:

Did you swim?

05-29-2018, 09:07 AM
That looks like the rest of the week for here. It's only May in WI, it's way, way too hot. We set new record highs yesterday and the day before, and stand a good chance of setting another one today. We'll be getting back to normal, in the 70's, Wednesday... storms.


This is July weather for us. LOL, last time it did this it rained half of Jun and July and screwed EVERYTHING up. :)

Otherwise, looking like a long, extended summer. The water nazi's are are already foaming at the bit.

05-29-2018, 09:38 AM
I'm glad my ceiling fan is not an old-school metal ones. I couldn't tell you how many times I've stuck my hand in the damned thing. You'd think I'd have figured out was there by now. :laugh:

05-29-2018, 09:40 AM
Been up since 5. You don't REALLY think I'm going running at noon when it's in the 90s? I may be a dumb jarhead, but I ain't THAT dumb. And since Mr Useful is taking care of himself, I'm still on the hook for breakfast and getting everyone out of here. I was back before they got up. Civilians :rolleyes:
Muscle cramps, light headed, dizziness... I'm sure you know the signs of over heating. Gaterade, lots of it is your friend if you're going to do anything outside, not pop or beer.

I know I'm preaching to the choir... :rolleyes:

05-29-2018, 09:45 AM
I'm glad my ceiling fan is not an old-school metal ones. I couldn't tell you how many times I've stuck my hand in the damned thing. You'd think I'd have figured out was there by now. :laugh:
The one in my back room hits the door. I can't count the times I open the door too far and BAM, BAM, BAM... why I can't remember not to open the door that far when the fan is on is beyond me. Must have a one track mind.

The fans do help though. I have them in every room but the bathroom. Reverse them and turn them on and you can feel them suck the cold air up. Helps out the central air quite a bit I think. I've been real comfortable in here with it set on 73.

05-29-2018, 09:46 AM
Muscle cramps, light headed, dizziness... I'm sure you know the signs of over heating. Gaterade, lots of it is your friend if you're going to do anything outside, not pop or beer.

I know I'm preaching to the choir... :rolleyes:Yeah I know the drill REAL well. The worst Hell on Earth I ever ran at was Parris Island. When they call it a swamp they aren't kidding. It's like running with a wet blanket on your face. And of course I had to go to drill instructor school in July. One of my more "genius" choices :laugh:

05-29-2018, 10:02 AM
Yeah I know the drill REAL well. The worst Hell on Earth I ever ran at was Parris Island. When they call it a swamp they aren't kidding. It's like running with a wet blanket on your face. And of course I had to go to drill instructor school in July. One of my more "genius" choices :laugh:
The flight line at Nellis AFB could get pretty hot. When it got over 120 degrees they'd call code red and you had to work 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off, and the expediter trucks had a few 10 gallon Coleman jugs filled with iced down Gaterade and huge straws. Just wave them down and get a good drink. I saw more than one troop collapse. Never heard of anyone dying though. I was born in July and my Ma likes to remind me that it was super hot in the delivery room when I was born. Maybe that's the heat never really bothered me that I recall. It bothers me now that I'm older though. Somewhere between 65 and 70 degrees with low humidity is just about perfect for me.

05-29-2018, 10:18 AM
The flight line at Nellis AFB could get pretty hot. When it got over 120 degrees they'd call code red and you had to work 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off, and the expediter trucks had a few 10 gallon Coleman jugs filled with iced down Gaterade and huge straws. Just wave them down and get a good drink. I saw more than one troop collapse. Never heard of anyone dying though. I was born in July and my Ma likes to remind me that it was super hot in the delivery room when I was born. Maybe that's the heat never really bothered me that I recall. It bothers me now that I'm older though. Somewhere between 65 and 70 degrees with low humidity is just about perfect for me.There's different kinds of "hot" and it determines physical activity. In the hi desert, you could run in 110 degree heat once you were acclimatized. You get less oxygen and can't breath after a quarter mile. Here, it's heat AND humidity and you best know what you are dong if you're outside doing physical activity or it will kill you.

I'm too old for all that crap. I've half a hair-brained scheme to try and get up at 5 and run every morning. No traffic, no people, grandkids aren't awake and tearing anything up yet (school's out in 2 days), not too hot yet. Everything is right about it except the getting my ass up at 5AM part :laugh2:

05-29-2018, 10:39 AM
There's different kinds of "hot" and it determines physical activity. In the hi desert, you could run in 110 degree heat once you were acclimatized. You get less oxygen and can't breath after a quarter mile. Here, it's heat AND humidity and you best know what you are dong if you're outside doing physical activity or it will kill you.

I'm too old for all that crap. I've half a hair-brained scheme to try and get up at 5 and run every morning. No traffic, no people, grandkids aren't awake and tearing anything up yet (school's out in 2 days), not too hot yet. Everything is right about it except the getting my ass up at 5AM part :laugh2:
Lots of mornings I'm up by 5:00, but 6:00 is my usual, anything later is kinda rare, unless I been on a bender. But getting up and going running, ain't gonna happen... :laugh:

I do have to get in the shower though, I should head out and see about getting a little more of my raking done. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel around my lilac bush, and that's the last change I'm going to make in my lawn. If I could finish that up I could sprinkle some grass seed for the Wednesday rain coming.

05-29-2018, 10:39 AM

Mild and a bit breezy

05-29-2018, 10:41 AM
Oh. I suggested this thread be pinned so it does not get lost!
It is delightful.

05-29-2018, 10:46 AM
Oh. I suggested this thread be pinned so it does not get lost!
It is delightful.
Good idea... :beer:

05-29-2018, 10:53 AM
Good idea... :beer:


Jim will likely do that. Good on you to start it.

05-29-2018, 11:00 AM
Lots of mornings I'm up by 5:00, but 6:00 is my usual, anything later is kinda rare, unless I been on a bender. But getting up and going running, ain't gonna happen... :laugh:

I do have to get in the shower though, I should head out and see about getting a little more of my raking done. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel around my lilac bush, and that's the last change I'm going to make in my lawn. If I could finish that up I could sprinkle some grass seed for the Wednesday rain coming.Rain? What is THAT?

05-29-2018, 12:03 PM
Rain? What is THAT?
Comes with a hurricane... you know what that is... ;)

05-29-2018, 01:20 PM
Temps in 3 digits all week here ... 108 this coming weekend.

I'm on my way outside to lay in hammock and nap while listening to doves coo.

Might swim later.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2018, 02:00 PM
I like this kinda weather.


This looks like our forecast for this week. It’s great!

05-29-2018, 02:05 PM
Saw one of these on my bird bath yesterday. Tried to get the phone to take a pic of him quick but he flew away too fast....


Weird thing is, they're not native to this part of the world. My sister thinks it was a pet that either escaped or someone let go. Sure was brilliant. I knew I'd never seen one before.

I clean and fill my bird bath every morning because when it's hot and dry like this, the birds sure get a lot of use out of it. Poor little critters need a cool down and a drink. The Sparrows all seem to like to hit it at the same time. I've had a dozen or more all on there at the same time, like a bunch of kids at the pool... splashing and playing... great fun for the campfire cat to sit and watch them... :laugh:

05-29-2018, 02:33 PM
Just had hawk at watering tub. When it saw me flew to one of the dead saghuaro cactus and just sat there for about 15 min. It was being harassed by two very upset birds. Wish I knew how to download from phone. Got video of it being harassed and his squawed warning. Finally had enough and flew away.

Just another day in Sassy's back yard.

05-29-2018, 02:38 PM
Just had hawk at watering tub. When it saw me flew to one of the dead saghuaro cactus and just sat there for about 15 min. It was being harassed by two very upset birds. Wish I knew how to download from phone. Got video of it being harassed and his squawed warning. Finally had enough and flew away.

Just another day in Sassy's back yard.
Dropbox... https://www.dropbox.com/business/landing-t61fl-v2?_tk=sem_b_goog&_camp=sem-b-goog-us-eng-top-exact&_kw=dropbox|e&_ad=246418479353|1t1|c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2vvP_tWr2wIVTr7ACh3zqgWiEAAYASAA EgJtD_D_BwE

That's what I use. Good stuff.

05-29-2018, 03:02 PM
Just had hawk at watering tub. When it saw me flew to one of the dead saghuaro cactus and just sat there for about 15 min. It was being harassed by two very upset birds. Wish I knew how to download from phone. Got video of it being harassed and his squawed warning. Finally had enough and flew away.

Just another day in Sassy's back yard.

Tomorrow is it my friend, we'll be one hour apart! I'm very excited!

It took about 2 hours from pick up to taking off to Sedona to get everything in. I must say, I'm like a savant now with moving. Ian came and helped with the big pieces and got the tarp down, tight.

05-29-2018, 04:30 PM
Tomorrow is it my friend, we'll be one hour apart! I'm very excited!

It took about 2 hours from pick up to taking off to Sedona to get everything in. I must say, I'm like a savant now with moving. Ian came and helped with the big pieces and got the tarp down, tight.
Take a pic of the bumper to bumper traffic you'll be stuck in, in downtown Phoenix... ;)

Take the east 101 loop... I'm tellin' ya, further around but ultimately quicker.

05-29-2018, 05:01 PM
Regular every day chit chat and what are we up to, huh?

Absolfuckinglutely nothing!

Spending a lot of time with an Alaskan Husky with apparently wolf in her, which if so, is starting to show more and more. She's definitely testing the boundaries, but she's also learning more and more as she tests the limits. She is beautiful and gets better looking all the time, to me anyway! :) She eats big 'ol bones like they're nothing. Destroys most toys. I've went through a LOT to finally find certain things that last. She's a smart little cookie! And it looks like about 100 mini meteors have landed in my backyard! She loves to dig holes, I think prepping to find ways to lay in them and cool off. Or she's just ruining my yard for the hell of it!

And she's rough, too rough, and isn't easy to have outside with the Chihuahua at the same time. She doesn't understand and knocks him around too easy, and won't allow the little guy a chance to even pee!!

So not much progress in the cutting back all the way on caffeine or coffee. I need it more than ever now in order to keep up with the girly!

Outside of that, nottalotta nothing. Watching a ton of Live PD re-runs and being lazy lately. Probably run down by night time with all the new exercise I never really did. I love that show though! It's like it made Cops disappear and is the new go to show for watching folks getting arrested!

05-29-2018, 05:21 PM
Regular every day chit chat and what are we up to, huh?

Absolfuckinglutely nothing!

Spending a lot of time with an Alaskan Husky with apparently wolf in her, which if so, is starting to show more and more. She's definitely testing the boundaries, but she's also learning more and more as she tests the limits. She is beautiful and gets better looking all the time, to me anyway! :) She eats big 'ol bones like they're nothing. Destroys most toys. I've went through a LOT to finally find certain things that last. She's a smart little cookie! And it looks like about 100 mini meteors have landed in my backyard! She loves to dig holes, I think prepping to find ways to lay in them and cool off. Or she's just ruining my yard for the hell of it!

And she's rough, too rough, and isn't easy to have outside with the Chihuahua at the same time. She doesn't understand and knocks him around too easy, and won't allow the little guy a chance to even pee!!

So not much progress in the cutting back all the way on caffeine or coffee. I need it more than ever now in order to keep up with the girly!

Outside of that, nottalotta nothing. Watching a ton of Live PD re-runs and being lazy lately. Probably run down by night time with all the new exercise I never really did. I love that show though! It's like it made Cops disappear and is the new go to show for watching folks getting arrested!
One of my new favorite shows is "Homicide Hunter" with Lt. Joe Kinda. "Well my, my," he always says... :laugh:

05-29-2018, 05:22 PM
My Spotify Weekly Picks must think I'm a real hillbilly because a good half of them are banjo hillbilly music. I don't think I've ever marked more "I don't like this song" than this week.

I hope that's the end of the hillbilly music weekly picks.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2018, 05:28 PM
My Spotify Weekly Picks must think I'm a real hillbilly because a good half of them are banjo hillbilly music. I don't think I've ever marked more "I don't like this song" than this week.

I hope that's the end of the hillbilly music weekly picks.

Psychoblues might like it. Although he was really more of a "Get drunk and listen to the Blues" guy.

05-29-2018, 07:08 PM
Psychoblues might like it. Although he was really more of a "Get drunk and listen to the Blues" guy.
I like the blues every once and awhile. Good driving music. Sirius XM has good blues.

I got one thing done today. Put a new drain petcock on the air compressor. Put an L and a 4" nipple with a ball valve on it, much easier to get at to drain condensation.

05-29-2018, 08:21 PM
There's parts of Iowa that have just been getting SLAMMED ALL DAY with rain, HEAVY rain... there's two major storms colliding over the midwest and future forecast has them colliding right over southern Wisconsin later... wonderful, we need the rain but it doesn't need to be severe...


05-29-2018, 09:25 PM
POOR central Iowa... they have just been under a MASSIVE DELUGE ALL DAY... there HAS to be flooding... I'm sure this will be on the news.

The storm coming up from Florida seems to have stalled over western Kentucky now for about the last three hours too.

They said it would get up here by 10:00, that ain't gonna happen. Hopefully with the sun going down these storms will lose some of their punch.

05-29-2018, 10:02 PM
No matter what I do, I can't get facebook to display the NRA posts. I have "snoozed" just about EVERYTHING BUT the NRA, and I'll SEE the NRA posts below in the page, but when I start to scroll down to see them, they DISAPPEAR.

Now isn't that weird. I'll tell ya, I'm about ready to give that phony shit too, and twitter. When I had HALF the followers I have now on twitter I got a lot of "likes," but it's rare now I see one. I'm pretty sure I've been shadow banned to many.

05-30-2018, 03:03 AM
Frustrating for sure - I have a love-hate relationship with social media.

05-30-2018, 12:40 PM
Frustrating for sure - I have a love-hate relationship with social media.
I spend very little time on facebook anymore anyway, less than a couple minutes a day. Most days just seconds, a quick flip down the page and I'm gone. I'm noticing others posting less and less on there as well.

Black Diamond
05-30-2018, 12:56 PM
I spend very little time on facebook anymore anyway, less than a couple minutes a day. Most days just seconds, a quick flip down the page and I'm gone. I'm noticing others posting less and less on there as well.
They've done studies that say the more you do it the more unhealthy. (Shrug)

05-30-2018, 03:40 PM

05-30-2018, 03:59 PM
Yeah there's that one or two that's ALWAYS posting about the most inane crap.

What I keep an eye on is a few Air Force groups I've joined, one especially for 70's era basic training in hopes that someday someone will post our Flight picture that I lost, and another for Chanute AFB where I took my tech school, and the base has since been shut down and left virtually deserted and run down. Looks like a ghost town. I do like to see pictures of it now left by people that go by, to see the places I've been and how almost unrecognizable they are today. Makes me feel old though.

05-30-2018, 04:01 PM
I use fb to keep up with my kids and Farm Boy!

I don't do politics.

05-30-2018, 04:04 PM
I made it to Casa Grande by 10:1t, pretty good with a full trailer and car. The traffic wasn't bad at that time, thankfully!

Air was on and wifi guy is here, so I'll soon be in business!

05-30-2018, 04:07 PM
I use fb to keep up with my kids and Farm Boy!

I don't do politics.
Yeah me neither. Used to a little bit long ago, but it instantly would turn into a shit storm.

The only page I "like" on there that's even remotely political is the NRA, and then that's just to get a story here and there. I never repost any of it. I don't see it much anyway though, since facebook's algorithms keep making NRA posts disappear.

05-30-2018, 04:11 PM
Yeah me neither. Used to a little bit long ago, but it instantly would turn into a shit storm.

The only page I "like" on there that's even remotely political is the NRA, and then that's just to get a story here and there. I never repost any of it. I don't see it much anyway though, since facebook's algorithms keep making NRA posts disappear.

Mine's limited to only family, friends.They know my opinion on things. We only use it for family type "news" .

05-30-2018, 05:49 PM
Mine's limited to only family, friends.They know my opinion on things. We only use it for family type "news" .
It is handy for keeping up with old friends and family, and I don't have many either.

I like keeping up with the Air Force stuff.

05-31-2018, 02:38 AM
Well, one of the rare times I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep so I got up, probably because I napped for hours and hours yesterday and I'm all caught up on sleep.

Didn't get the car back yesterday so I'm hoping to get a call today, but I'm not going to call and bug them. I don't want to rush the painter. I want him to take whatever time he needs to do a good job. I know dealers and they'll be making sure he isn't milking it themselves. No one milks a job in a dealer, they don't make any money like that.

But, might as well watch some TV for awhile, I might get drowsy and finish my sleep.

05-31-2018, 02:57 AM
I got wifi! Yet I'm texting right now, sitting on a bench in t he kiddie park, next to the pool. Just wanted to unwind a bit. I'm exhausted, trying not to start unpacking tonight, er this morning.

05-31-2018, 03:10 AM
Hey Kath. Congrats! Is it stinking hot there, this time of night?

05-31-2018, 03:28 AM
Hey Kath. Congrats! Is it stinking hot there, this time of night?

Actually, it's beautiful tonight, rather this morning. I'm just about to get on my laptop. No sweaters, just jammies. Sweet!

Today was hot though. I cant believe how much i did before help arrived. I must have made 30 trips from car/trailer to second floor. When we wey out for dinner, YES after a shower, the climb back up was daunting. LOL!

05-31-2018, 03:37 AM
Hey Kath. Congrats! Is it stinking hot there, this time of night?

I'm going to unpack tomorrow, after taking Myriam to breakfast. She'll be heading back to Sedona then. Right now all I have is dry goods, grapes, strawberries, Gatorade and water. LOL! Oh I've got eggs and milk and butter, but no dishes.

After that, I'm heading for the pool! Can't believe we didn't get home until after 10. Had Chinese, well she had sushi, but yuk! LOL! Not bad Chinese, but there's better. We may hit the pool before breakfast, it opens at 8 and is supposed to be 80 by then. (Yeah, it's warm here.)

Tomorrow or Friday I'm going to be applying for part time jobs, but afterwards going to start on lesson plans. While I'm not positive of formatting they want, I can begin and adapt them later.

I asked my old college prof/advisor/friend what he could tell me about how to make sense of no chronology in teaching social studies with Common Core; he told me when I figure it out, let him know and we'll write a book. Sigh.

05-31-2018, 04:32 AM
Actually, it's beautiful tonight, rather this morning. I'm just about to get on my laptop. No sweaters, just jammies. Sweet!

Today was hot though. I cant believe how much i did before help arrived. I must have made 30 trips from car/trailer to second floor. When we wey out for dinner, YES after a shower, the climb back up was daunting. LOL!
I always wanted ground floor when I lived in apartments. I hate stairs.

05-31-2018, 04:50 AM
I'm going to unpack tomorrow, after taking Myriam to breakfast. She'll be heading back to Sedona then. Right now all I have is dry goods, grapes, strawberries, Gatorade and water. LOL! Oh I've got eggs and milk and butter, but no dishes.

After that, I'm heading for the pool! Can't believe we didn't get home until after 10. Had Chinese, well she had sushi, but yuk! LOL! Not bad Chinese, but there's better. We may hit the pool before breakfast, it opens at 8 and is supposed to be 80 by then. (Yeah, it's warm here.)

Tomorrow or Friday I'm going to be applying for part time jobs, but afterwards going to start on lesson plans. While I'm not positive of formatting they want, I can begin and adapt them later.

I asked my old college prof/advisor/friend what he could tell me about how to make sense of no chronology in teaching social studies with Common Core; he told me when I figure it out, let him know and we'll write a book. Sigh.

honey, sushi is Japanese. Don't appropriate Japan's cuisine to China.



05-31-2018, 05:05 AM
honey, sushi is Japanese. Don't appropriate Japan's cuisine to China.


I know that, it's still yucky!

Don't kill the customer, this was a Chinese anf Sushi Restaurant. LOL! It was better than any Chinese up in Northern Arizona, but not as good as many in Chicago

05-31-2018, 05:16 AM
I always wanted ground floor when I lived in apartments. I hate stairs.

I gave it serious thought. My brother was, "No ground floor, too easy for peepers and to break in, I also like taking stairs, it's good for me.

However, I definitely over did it today. My shoulder hurts, my back, my legs, I'm just a big, old hurt! Tomorrow will be fine, hiot tub will help.

Besides which, I have a great view from both living room and bedroom. Worth the climb, just not with 30 lb boxes or large screen tv. I'm not built for that!

05-31-2018, 05:36 AM
ya know what would be great? If UHaul had the powered conveyors not unlike what roofers use to get supplies to rooftops. You could hook it into a window then power your stuff up.



05-31-2018, 05:42 AM
I know that, it's still yucky!

Don't kill the customer, this was a Chinese and Sushi Restaurant. LOL! It was better than any Chinese up in Northern Arizona, but not as good as many in Chicago

...wait a second. Did you? Did you say? Sushi is yucky?



https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmO9b10F0IHFf19yJhYfaX4WS5SCWt9 amkGsMc78WR9NdjsfvcIA


05-31-2018, 05:45 AM
I gave it serious thought. My brother was, "No ground floor, too easy for peepers and to break in, I also like taking stairs, it's good for me.

However, I definitely over did it today. My shoulder hurts, my back, my legs, I'm just a big, old hurt! Tomorrow will be fine, hit tub will help.

Besides which, I have a great view from both living room and bedroom. Worth the climb, just not with 30 lb boxes or larg r screen tv. I'm not built for that! 
"The Big Hurt" - Frank Thomas.

A view is always nice, and you can leave your windows open and not have to worry about someone crawling in. I guess it does have it's benefits. I just never liked the stairs. Moving in and moving out, coming home with groceries, whatever. I wanted ground floor.

05-31-2018, 05:54 AM
...wait a second. Did you? Did you say? Sushi is yucky?



https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmO9b10F0IHFf19yJhYfaX4WS5SCWt9 amkGsMc78WR9NdjsfvcIA


Yuk! Double yuk!

I'm in the minority though. My 3 year old granddaughter loves it. Thank G my youngest is on my side. ;)

05-31-2018, 06:05 AM
Ok, I'm still awake and have yet to sleep since 1 am on Wednesday. I was close, then decided I should check my accounts with Chase. I temporarily forgot my password, (too tired?), so I went to reset and ran to get my debit card. Could not find it.

I emptied my purse, three times. I checked Myr's car, twice.

I called Walmart, the last place we stopped, (BTW, they are quite a bit cheaper than Amazon for Brita water pitchers). The person that would know if a debit card had been found, was on break or in a meeting, could I call back in 20 minutes? Damn right.

I did. No luck. So, I check the purse again. I gather up my phone, purse, and planned to head over and check the parking lot. Get in my car and a passing thought, check under Myr's car. Sure enough, breathing. Of course by now I'm more than awake and it's 2:30. So I go and fill up my car with $2.71 gas. Everywhere else around here is $2.87 and higher, but still 15-30 cents cheaper than No. AZ. So here I am, contemplating going to sleep for a couple of hours. :coffee:

05-31-2018, 06:18 AM
Yuk! Double yuk!

I'm in the minority though. My 3 year old granddaughter loves it. Thank G my youngest is on my side. ;)
Never had sushi in my life. RAW FISH is the last thing I think I'd ever want to eat, and I don't care what you put with it and roll it in, I'm not eating it.

05-31-2018, 06:20 AM
Ok, I'm still awake and have yet to sleep since 1 am on Wednesday. I was close, then decided I should check my accounts with Chase. I temporarily forgot my password, (too tired?), so I went to reset and ran to get my debit card. Could not find it.

I emptied my purse, three times. I checked Myr's car, twice.

I called Walmart, the last place we stopped, (BTW, they are quite a bit cheaper than Amazon for Brita water pitchers). The person that would know if a debit card had been found, was on break or in a meeting, could I call back in 20 minutes? Damn right.

I did. No luck. So, I check the purse again. I gather up my phone, purse, and planned to head over and check the parking lot. Get in my car and a passing thought, check under Myr's car. Sure enough, breathing. Of course by now I'm more than awake and it's 2:30. So I go and fill up my car with $2.71 gas. Everywhere else around here is $2.87 and higher, but still 15-30 cents cheaper than No. AZ. So here I am, contemplating going to sleep for a couple of hours. :coffee:
WOW... glad you found your card. What a pain in the rear. Sure it's easy to call and cancel it and get a new one, but what a hassle.

05-31-2018, 06:36 AM
Just paid $3.78/gallon through AAFES.


Germans pay about $5.10/gallon though.

05-31-2018, 06:42 AM
I have to put premo in the Camaro, and it's well over $3 a gal.

Speaking of which, I sure I hope I get it back today. I miss that car. Been gone for a week today.

05-31-2018, 07:06 AM
Never had sushi in my life. RAW FISH is the last thing I think I'd ever want to eat, and I don't care what you put with it and roll it in, I'm not eating it.

Eh! You and me! I do not eat bait!:laugh:

05-31-2018, 07:30 AM
things that are impossible:

Hillary accepting her failability

MSNBC stops promoting racism

Picky eaters to be good lovers.

05-31-2018, 08:21 AM
honey, sushi is Japanese. Don't appropriate Japan's cuisine to China.


:pAmerican Chinese food isn't REAL Chinese food either. You should see some of the crap they eat there :puke: I'll eat some Japanese food but not the bait. And they like pickled octopus. Yuck.

Words of wisdom: DO NOT sit down and drink sake for the first time with your Okinawan landlord. It WON'T end well :)

05-31-2018, 11:27 AM
things that are impossible:

Hillary accepting her failability

MSNBC stops promoting racism

Picky eaters to be good lovers.
... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? ... :laugh:


05-31-2018, 11:33 AM
Still working on the car. I told my salesman, "don't rush them, painters gotta do what they gotta do, let them take all the time they need to do it right the first time, no rush."

05-31-2018, 11:36 AM
Grown Ups 2, one of those scenes where I never laughed so hard in my life, Shaq dancing, all the way to the end, the hat, just cracked me up 'til I cried...


Abbey Marie
05-31-2018, 01:18 PM
Hey T,
As manager of this coffee shop, I have a question for you:
Can we sit here for a few hours without buying anything?


05-31-2018, 03:37 PM
Hey T,
As manager of this coffee shop, I have a question for you:
Can we sit here for a few hours without buying anything?

Why sure... you can even pitch a tent in here and take up residency... ;)

And feel free to use which ever bathroom you'd like too.

Abbey Marie
05-31-2018, 03:42 PM
Why sure... you can even pitch a tent in here and take up residency... ;)

And feel free to use which ever bathroom you'd like too.

:laugh2: Such a progressive! Practically a SJW.

05-31-2018, 04:23 PM
:laugh2: Such a progressive! Practically a SJW.
No need to get nasty now... :laugh:

05-31-2018, 08:47 PM
...wait a second. Did you? Did you say? Sushi is yucky?



https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmO9b10F0IHFf19yJhYfaX4WS5SCWt9 amkGsMc78WR9NdjsfvcIA


That's why it is better to come to my house kiddo. I love sushi!

05-31-2018, 09:17 PM
Ok, I'm still awake and have yet to sleep since 1 am on Wednesday. I was close, then decided I should check my accounts with Chase. I temporarily forgot my password, (too tired?), so I went to reset and ran to get my debit card. Could not find it.

I emptied my purse, three times. I checked Myr's car, twice.

I called Walmart, the last place we stopped, (BTW, they are quite a bit cheaper than Amazon for Brita water pitchers). The person that would know if a debit card had been found, was on break or in a meeting, could I call back in 20 minutes? Damn right.

I did. No luck. So, I check the purse again. I gather up my phone, purse, and planned to head over and check the parking lot. Get in my car and a passing thought, check under Myr's car. Sure enough, breathing. Of course by now I'm more than awake and it's 2:30. So I go and fill up my car with $2.71 gas. Everywhere else around here is $2.87 and higher, but still 15-30 cents cheaper than No. AZ. So here I am, contemplating going to sleep for a couple of hours. :coffee:

I did fall asleep for 3 hours, went to the pool then out for really good Mexican lunch. So good! Myriam took off and I headed back to tackle unpacking. Fell asleep until nearly 6! I'd say I needed that. So I'm starting in on it, my plan is to stop at a reasonable time and finish tomorrow.

05-31-2018, 09:18 PM
That's why it is better to come to my house kiddo. I love sushi!

She also makes killer sausage and biscuits! (Stomach growling! )

05-31-2018, 09:20 PM
Why sure... you can even pitch a tent in here and take up residency... ;)

And feel free to use which ever bathroom you'd like too.SO this is really a Starbucks ...

05-31-2018, 09:33 PM
She also makes killer sausage and biscuits! (Stmach growling! )
Maaaaan... I'd eat up on some of THAT!

(Stomach also growling.)

06-01-2018, 11:53 AM
Yeah it's a little bit cooler today, but still real humid. Got some trimmings to rake up then I better break out the JD and mow my JUNGLE.

Abbey Marie
06-01-2018, 01:42 PM
Yeah it's a little bit cooler today, but still real humid. Got some trimmings to rake up then I better break out the JD and mow my JUNGLE.

I dunno, T.
Jack Daniels and mowing might not be a good idea.


06-01-2018, 03:02 PM
That's why it is better to come to my house kiddo. I love sushi!I'm not much of a sharer, but I'll share this:

I really like sushi.

I like it so much in fact, that I can't be bothered to know anything about it.

I don't know how to order the stuff... I leave that for others.

I get together with 2 or three friends for some sushi, and I just order one of each of what they order.

That's it. That's how I roll.

06-01-2018, 09:18 PM
I dunno, T. Jack Daniels and mowing might not be a good idea.

I see what ya did there... :laugh: I'm actually giving the Jack Daniels a rest... giving all the boozin' a rest.

Did get the lawn mowed, was windy and got covered with lawn dust and dirt.

Car has been gone for 8 days now. Won't see it until Monday at the earliest now, 10 days. But my bet is, they've told the body shop manager, for Christ sake, this guy is one nit picky dude, just take your time and GET IT RIGHT, so actually I'm expecting to be blown away. I hear they took the hood and trunk lid off and rear air spoiler, I'm sure they're pulling out all the stops. I expect the stripes to be perfect and even clear coated. Going to be one rare SS Camaro with the stripes painted on instead of decals, so I'm not going to call and bug 'em. Let the maestro create his master piece. I'm sure the wait will have been worth it.

I do miss my car though. I sure didn't have it long and it's gone. This waiting is tough.

06-02-2018, 12:10 PM
I'm a little sore from all the yard work yesterday. The new 40v cordless DeWalt hedge trimmer is surprisingly heavy, especially after you've been swinging it for an hour. My shoulders are more sore than anything, but, I'm going to hit the yard and power through it. Still have raking to do and I really need to get this done. One of those chores that you don't really want to do but you know there's no getting out of it.

06-02-2018, 01:40 PM
I dunno, T. Jack Daniels and mowing might not be a good idea.

;)Sure it is (used to be)! Got 3 hours on a tractor ahead of you just riding in circles? A shot every couple of laps keeps you from getting bored :)

06-02-2018, 01:41 PM
I'm settling in. Went to the grocery and got out for just over $100, which isn't bad considering that I had to throw out everything that was in fridge/freezer in Camp Verde.

Yeah, still need a few things, but with this heat cannot do multiple store shopping. Going to finish up the shopping when I'm done prepping the meat, fruits, and veggies.

Blueberries and grapes are done. Strawberries drying, along with nectarines, apples, and peaches. Pineapple is next. THEN there was my one, "Should I have done this?" Fry's which is a Kroger store, had petite sirloin steaks on sale, buy 1, get three. Family packs! I've got 12 steaks. I don't eat much beef, but in the summer I do like it sliced on salads and sandwiches, but I think I may have overbought this time. LOL!

I usually buy boneless/skinless breast, but they had huge regular breasts for .88! I got a pack of two, will make chicken veggie soup out of them and freeze.

Tom, you mentioned buying the prepared rotisserie chickens in the store. I pick those up once in awhile. I usually eat the wings and part of the breast. I tear the meat off and throw the carcass into my crock with some onion, carrots, celery, salt, pepper, and a bit of rosemary. Leave it on low for a couple of hours. Then put through a sieve, doesn't have to be perfect. Throw it into a container and put in fridge overnight. If there's any fat, skim it off the top, (it will be congealed.) Use the stock for soup or if you don't make that, use it for rice. You can use the left over chicken, for me there's enough for two more meals either in soup or add a bit of barbecue sauce and you've got sloppy chicken sandwiches. Can always just make chicken salad too!

06-02-2018, 01:44 PM
Sure it is (used to be)! Got 3 hours on a tractor ahead of you just riding in circles? A shot every couple of laps keeps you from getting bored :)
Even on my John Deere with a 54" deck, it takes me an hour and half to mow. I wanted to get the brush and overgrowth from 20 years of neglect a ways away from the house to cut down on bugs. Consequently I have quite a bit of lawn, but oh well, it looks nice.

Yeah that JD... I drink mostly because I'm bored. Weird though, when I quit drinking I'm usually not bored... go figure. If I was smart, I'd just quit drinking for good... and who knows... I might.

06-02-2018, 01:48 PM
Tom, you mentioned buying the prepared rotisserie chickens in the store. I pick those up once in awhile. I usually eat the wings and part of the breast. I tear the meat off and throw the carcass into my crock with some onion, carrots, celery, salt, pepper, and a bit of rosemary. Leave it on low for a couple of hours. Then put through a sieve, doesn't have to be perfect. Throw it into a container and put in fridge overnight. If there's any fat, skim it off the top, (it will be congealed.) Use the stock for soup or if you don't make that, use it for rice. You can use the left over chicken, for me there's enough for two more meals either in soup or add a bit of barbecue sauce and you've got sloppy chicken sandwiches. Can always just make chicken salad too!
Good idea. I have a couple different strainers but no sieve. I've looked at them at the store, I'll have to make a note in my phone to pick one up.

I see them using them on "Diners, Driveins & Dives" all the time. One of my favorite shows.

Time to get at the raking... it's a perfect time to finish it, it's cool and overcast.

06-02-2018, 01:52 PM
I'm settling in. Went to the grocery and got out for just over $100, which isn't bad considering that I had to throw out everything that was in fridge/freezer in Camp Verde.

Yeah, still need a few things, but with this heat cannot do multiple store shopping. Going to finish up the shopping when I'm done prepping the meat, fruits, and veggies.

Blueberries and grapes are done. Strawberries drying, along with nectarines, apples, and peaches. Pineapple is next. THEN there was my one, "Should I have done this?" Fry's which is a Kroger store, had petite sirloin steaks on sale, buy 1, get three. Family packs! I've got 12 steaks. I don't eat much beef, but in the summer I do like it sliced on salads and sandwiches, but I think I may have overbought this time. LOL!

I usually buy boneless/skinless breast, but they had huge regular breasts for .88! I got a pack of two, will make chicken veggie soup out of them and freeze.

Tom, you mentioned buying the prepared rotisserie chickens in the store. I pick those up once in awhile. I usually eat the wings and part of the breast. I tear the meat off and throw the carcass into my crock with some onion, carrots, celery, salt, pepper, and a bit of rosemary. Leave it on low for a couple of hours. Then put through a sieve, doesn't have to be perfect. Throw it into a container and put in fridge overnight. If there's any fat, skim it off the top, (it will be congealed.) Use the stock for soup or if you don't make that, use it for rice. You can use the left over chicken, for me there's enough for two more meals either in soup or add a bit of barbecue sauce and you've got sloppy chicken sandwiches. Can always just make chicken salad too!You tightwad. Do you squeeze your pennies til Abe Lincoln squeals? :)

06-02-2018, 02:09 PM
You tightwad. Do you squeeze your pennies til Abe Lincoln squeals? :)

I am very good with money and I like to eat well. ;)

06-02-2018, 02:20 PM
I am very good with money and I like to eat well. ;)I am sure you do. I'm going with the "to each his own" line here. I looked up what hummus was when you posted about eating it for a snack. And sushi?

I'm thinking palate-wise we aren't very compatible :laugh:

06-02-2018, 02:57 PM
Never had hummus before. I've seen them make hummus sandwiches on Diners, Driveins & Dives, and you couldn't get me to eat that pasty stuff on a bet.

It's hippie food... :laugh:

06-02-2018, 03:10 PM
Never had hummus before. I've seen them make hummus sandwiches on Diners, Driveins & Dives, and you couldn't get me to eat that pasty stuff on a bet.

It's hippie food... :laugh:It's boiled, mashed chick peas. Not my thing :)

06-02-2018, 03:27 PM
I am sure you do. I'm going with the "to each his own" line here. I looked up what hummus was when you posted about eating it for a snack. And sushi?

I'm thinking palate-wise we aren't very compatible :laugh:

I love hummus, I detest sushi! Have you tried hummus? Bet you'd be surprised-good tasting and good protein.

06-02-2018, 03:36 PM
I love hummus, I detest sushi! Have you tried hummus? Bet you'd be surprised-good tasting and good protein.I'll pass. But thanks :laugh:

06-02-2018, 04:17 PM
`The emotive power of hummus all over the Middle East cannot be overstated, being the

focus of some serious tribal rivalries (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8375952.stm). It is, of course, an Arab dish that has its variations all

over the wider region from Persia to Greece, adopted by the Israelis as one of their

national treasures and turned into an obsession.

Not a month goes by without a national paper or website conducting a survey of the best

hummus in the country.

This fetish is so powerful that the best of friends may turn against each other if they find

themselves in opposite hummus camps. I have personally witnessed little wars breaking out

between the most civilized of people concerning their favorite hummus joints.


06-02-2018, 04:32 PM
I like hummus. I use as a dip for veggies and I use it in place of mayo on my sandwiches. Good extra protein. I also love sushi ... although I don't like eel.

Last night went to movies and dinner with daughter. We had cotton candy shrimp. First time ever. Imagine my surprise when they brought out 3 cotton candy swirls and had to eat through cotton candy (just like you get at the local fair) to get to shrimp. That was definitely a once in a lifetime eating adventure. Then had braised beef ribs with bread pudding, horseradish dill fried potatoe pancakes and green beans.

Oh, and a vodka root beer float.

Then off to movies to see The Book Club. I haven't laughed that hard in forever.

06-02-2018, 05:28 PM
So, went for short walk and on way back inside saw 2 snakes in front patio area by fountain. A coachwhip and gopher snake. Both are good guys and welcome to hang around as long as they want. I just hope the gopher isn't hunting the coachwhip.

06-02-2018, 06:48 PM
DONE! No more of that stuff. I'm done with all the over growth and neglect on this property now, that's it. On the left side of the picture is what it used to look like... I think you can get the idea...


You'd never know there was a lilac bush in there I wanted to save...


This is the wagon load of roots and crap from just today. I already took two more out from this job...


This is ONE of the mountains of roots and crap from brush, sucker trees and overgrowth. There's one other pile too. This is what I do to "work out"...


It's looking real nice around here though I think, and the yard will be pretty low maintenance for when I get old. Just ride the mower and run the weed whacker a little bit.

Abbey Marie
06-02-2018, 07:09 PM
I love hummus, I detest sushi! Have you tried hummus? Bet you'd be surprised-good tasting and good protein.

I love hummus and sushi.



Abbey Marie
06-02-2018, 07:11 PM
I like hummus. I use as a dip for veggies and I use it in place of mayo on my sandwiches. Good extra protein. I also love sushi ... although I don't like eel.

Last night went to movies and dinner with daughter. We had cotton candy shrimp. First time ever. Imagine my surprise when they brought out 3 cotton candy swirls and had to eat through cotton candy (just like you get at the local fair) to get to shrimp. That was definitely a once in a lifetime eating adventure. Then had braised beef ribs with bread pudding, horseradish dill fried potatoe pancakes and green beans.

Oh, and a vodka root beer float.

Then off to movies to see The Book Club. I haven't laughed that hard in forever.

Those potato pancakes sound delish...

06-02-2018, 07:53 PM
Just a reminder, not a hard fast rule, but it would be nice if we could keep the coffee shop a politics, religion and insult free thread.


Abbey Marie
06-02-2018, 09:17 PM
Just a reminder, not a hard fast rule, but it would be nice if we could keep the coffee shop a politics, religion and insult free thread.


Oh no! Was it my “Heathens” remark?

06-02-2018, 11:30 PM
Saw this in back yard today


06-03-2018, 09:30 AM
Saw this in back yard today

Hooded Oriole... cool.

06-03-2018, 03:56 PM
busy day yesterday. Drove to the Nurburgring with friends - we rented little carts; went upwards of 60mph - and spent an hour touring the countryside. Then, for me, the obligatory lap of the world-famous Nordschleife




06-03-2018, 03:59 PM
busy day yesterday. Drove to the Nurburgring with friends - we rented little carts; went upwards of 60mph - and spent an hour touring the countryside. Then, for me, the obligatory lap of the world-famous Nordschleife
Way cool... :thumb:

06-03-2018, 04:11 PM
was scary as hell. Lost 80% of my brakes before half-lap due to heat. Just chilled for the rest of it. But, got my track-sticker; added to the others on my car. Pictured next to the key-card that opens the gates once the 30 euro is paid.

06-03-2018, 04:53 PM
was scary as hell. Lost 80% of my brakes before half-lap due to heat. Just chilled for the rest of it. But, got my track-sticker; added to the others on my car. Pictured next to the key-card that opens the gates once the 30 euro is paid.
You always find something cool to do. I'd have been all in on that, bro.

They should upgrade the brakes.

My new Camaro has 4 piston Brembos all around.

06-03-2018, 07:12 PM
Found out why the little 4 banger in the Buick Regal loaner car is so spunky, found out it has a turbo, and it has 275hp... just... WOW, out of a little 4 banger.

The car is growing on me... but then, I just like cool cars period.

Time to make some tacos.

Abbey Marie
06-03-2018, 07:43 PM
Cleaning like crazy today, in preparation for my brother and SIL coming to stay with us next weekend. I mean like crazy. Meanwhile Russ has primed the powder room walls, and put together our new vanity.

Now I get to relax with my Tanqueray Martini. Yum...

It’s nice to to have a relaxing non-political thread to chat in.

06-03-2018, 07:57 PM
Cleaning like crazy today, in preparation for my brother and SIL coming to stay with us next weekend. I mean like crazy. Meanwhile Russ has primed the powder room walls, and put together our new vanity.

Now I get to relax with my Tanqueray Martini. Yum...

It’s nice to to have a relaxing non-political thread to chat in.

Is this your brother from Casa Grande? Good time to visit the East, it's blazin' here.

I agree, for the most part I'm off politics at a discussion level. Friendly is good. ;)

I think I mentioned going shopping yesterday? Had to buy almost everything that wasn't dry goods. I managed to get 16, (actually more, as I cut all into 6 oz servings, but I lost count.) Spent some time labeling, wrapping and getting them in the freezer. Same with chicken breasts-only 3 of those, (I originally thought 2, I was wrong! LOL!)

Anyways, two of the steaks I have marinating. Going to grill them later and slice them up for salads. I usually have steak about every 2 months, I'm not sure what I was thinking other than, 'fill up the freezer,' it's more efficient. LOL!

06-04-2018, 07:56 AM
Found out why the little 4 banger in the Buick Regal loaner car is so spunky, found out it has a turbo, and it has 275hp... just... WOW, out of a little 4 banger.

The car is growing on me... but then, I just like cool cars period.

Time to make some tacos.

There are guys putting that engine into Miatas. :D Factory reliability and with a software tune, 320+hp.

06-04-2018, 09:40 AM
There are guys putting that engine into Miatas. :D Factory reliability and with a software tune, 320+hp.
I have to watch the gauges when I start the car, because I can barely hear or feel the engine start. Crazy that something that runs like a sewing machine has such great power.

It's nothing for hole shots though. I got on it leaving the neighbors house yesterday and it's virtually gutless out of the hole, bad turbo lag. It doesn't make that wonderful power until it winds up a bit. It has an 8 grand rpm redline. Having this engine with a manual tranny would make things a lot more fun.