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    Default Israel - nest of international terrorism

    Recently, after a three-year denial of guilt in the incident occurred with the "Mavi Marmara", Israel has admitted his guilt and apologized to Turkey with the promise of compensation for those killed Turkish citizens. This article was written immediately after the attack on the flotilla of Israeli soldiers.Israel bombed the territory of a sovereign state of Syria, which has long been an everyday fact in the region. ForIsrael, there are no international borders. This fits inall that relates to the path chosenby Israel, the road to oblivion. Israel does not seek peace, he seeks war. <o></o
    <o> </o
    Alik Bahshi
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    Israel - nest of international terrorism

    "I do not know who slander weaves,
    That slander then kill him "

    M. Sa'di

    Who would have guessed that from the ancienttimes to the expanses of the Mediterranean - the cradle of civilization, back thepirates. Thought about it and the people who slept the sweet predawn sleep incabins Turkish cruise ship «Mavi Marmara», when they climb aboard, and the upper deck literally descended from the sky armed Israeli commandos. Capturingthe peaceful ship in international waters was carried out, that is not otherwise classified as piracy, well, the fact that the action takes place under cover of darkness emphasizes his malice. An attempt unarmed people prevent lawlessness unleashed a savage open fire for effect. The result- 9 killed and dozens wounded. An importantfact, which highlights the criminal actions of commandos, is Israel's attempt to turn off the information from the attacked flotilla «Free Gaza».
    Turks accuse shot that they are guilty, to resist the unlawful violence isequivalent to, as if to justify the armed gunman who killed the home owner because the latter attacked the gunman at the time when he broke into the house.

    Seeing how the international situation is very icky hit Israel, Jewish journalists raised a real ruckus blaming everything and everyone: Turkey in aplanned provocation and Islamization, America and Europe again in the same Islamization, human rights and peace-keepers in a lie. In the heat of hysteria notorious hater Palestinians E. Bonner ( #post-alikbahshi-7804), rejecting the slogan "two states for two peoples" and trying to justify illegal actions of Israel, calls to leave political correctness. And it is clear why. Because she is, political correctness, in no way compatible with asplash terry cynicism by Bonner. Human rights activist, she has positioned herself, said that only "a bloated stomach and hands andlegs like sticks" reflect the degree of depletion of the hungry, andif this feature is not observed in the Palestinian children, and no humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. In this nelly not think that tummy, glued tothe spine, which can be seen in the pictures of the children of Auschwitz, Naziorganization is proof of excellent food for prisoners of concentration camps.It is not about political correctness, speech, and the complete absence of MrsBonner morality. Even living together with a man of conscience and morality ofthe Great was powerless in this case.
    Bonner echoes the cynicism, I would say, impudent cynicism Israeli ForeignMinister Lieberman, known for his special "love of peace" to theArabs. Mr. Minister share with the world the revelation consists in the factthat the people of Gaza eat at expensive restaurants! This, in his view,exposes the absurdity of talking about a humanitarian catastrophe. It becomes clear why among a long list of forbidden foods for Gaza there is chocolate. Onlycare about the health of the people, in order to protect the Palestinians from diabetes. I was thinking, did the dream Lieberman for the Palestinian cause, which lay in the fact that you first need tocarry out carpet bombing, then the surviving Palestinians hard to feed, and there will be peace and blessings.
    Explaining the massacre of peaceful flotilla «Free Gaza» in international waters, Lieberman did not see it as anything extraordinary, because, as hesays, are more significant in the world in terms of numbers of people andkilling a dozen dead Turks not worth attention, to stir up political scandal.Very interesting idea! Israel then was it worth venturing Second Lebanon because of the two abducted Israeli soldiers?

    Want to look at the big lie that is present in the statements of journalist shanging out at the "Echo of Moscow" (Latynina, Radzikhovsky), andevery time, foaming at the mouth to justify any aggression by Israel. Ideliberately thought shovels newspaper "foaming at the mouth", which thought it had the most successful party promoters phrase that defines the final verdict of "Western libel", but which this time exactly true.They lie hidden here:
    "And now about the so-called blockade of the Gaza Strip. Well whatabout the fact that the imaginary "blockade" - it's just political isolation after the rise to power of the Hamas terrorist organization, which themselves Palestinian Authority to put it mildly disagree. And what does the"blockade? Since Israel is constantly all imported products, energy and products needed for life. The restrictions imposed on Gaza was a response to the kidnapping of Hamas terrorists to Israel soldier Gilad Shalit "
    In justification of military action to seize flotilla «Free Gaza» Bonnerwrites: "Israel, like any country, not only can, but must - it is the main duty of any government - to protect the country from penetrating into itsterritory of any danger to its citizens of the subject." But from the previous quote that Gaza is not Israeli territory. So where is the truth? Fleet, as we know, went to Gaza, not in Israel. Conclusion: Bonner is not that the question has to be taken seriously its dilettantism. It seems to me thatMs. Bonner does not really know where it borders Israel.
    First, that was before the blockade. And before the blockade was not so Jewish settlers, who represented 5% of the total population of the Gaza Strip owned40% of arable land, not including the territory on which the substantial forcesof the Israeli army for the settlers, who in turn were armed with automaticrifles. The Arab population of Gaza, squeezed on a little pressed to the seaplot (density of population in Gaza is one of the largest in the world) and thedestitute, desperate to resist the occupation and as a result in 2005, Israelwas forced to withdraw the army and dismantle Jewish settlements. But Israel retained control of Gaza while continuing to complete isolation from the outside world. In fact, the Strip, surrounded by a concrete wall, turned to the Arabsinto a huge open-air prison and the only way for the Arabs have only seen inthe continuation of the struggle for freedom. Unbearable living conditions caused the radicalization of society and the rise to power of Hamas in 2006.Trying to suppress the resistance, Israel missed through checkpoints fuel and food, sometimes shuts off electricity and water supplies. Israeli military boats stopped any possibility of fishing. In 2007 there was a famine in Gaza,Palestinians vgryzlis like moles in the ground breaking underground tunnelsthrough which came primarily food and fuel from Egyptian territory. Thus, journalists lie "Echo of Moscow" is available. No appearance in the political arena has caused the blockade of Hamas, and Israel is trying to putthe Palestinian people to their knees by resorting to the blockade, was reasonfor the popularity of Hamas, against which Mahmoud Abbas became a political corpse.
    Imagine, for example, that France will block the Netherlands, isolates it fromt he outside world, erecting a concrete wall. One need not be a rocket scientistto understand what can pour out such a venture. The blockade of Gaza is anintegral part of the policy of apartheid against the Palestinian people. At the same time, the blockade - a desperate attempt to break the will of thePalestinian people, the Palestinian resistance movement split into two isolated enclave and thus cause internal political divisions.
    <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
    Now about the Islamization of Turkey, which Latynina with Radzikhovsky blame the deterioration of relations with Israel. Thus, Islam is a religion, but religionin Turkey is separated from state constitutionally can not be said about Israel. Turkey - a secular country, and rabbis in Israel are members of the parliament and government. Moreover, part of the laws of Israel are halachic and here we should note that Judaism, unlike other religious ideologies,contains an element of hatred, as it believes the Jewish people chosen by God,are qualitatively different from non-Jews, that is, from the rest of humanity.Incidentally, of all the members of the Israeli parliament, convicted of theft,namely rabbis politicians have succeeded in this "godly" case overall.
    Separation of church and state is a necessary indicator of the degree of democratization of society, but also, and most importantly, Turkey has implemented the Constitution and the basic principles of democracy - the separation of legislative and executive powers, which is not in Israel, and therefore it is not Israel, and Turkey is currently the only democratic countryin the region, not Israel, and Turkey is an outpost of democracy in the MiddleEast. And about Islamisation, there is the country, which would not have been a synagogue? Judaism is better than Islam? Actually, to put someone to blame whathe in the same shit on the ears, at least unwise. Religion has brought a lot of troubles of humanity. Polytheism of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire containeda more democracy than monotheism, which caused religious hatred and religious wars. Remember the era of the Crusades, the endless slaughter of Catholics and Protestants, the destruction of ancient monuments - a whole layer of cultural heritage was destroyed will fully Christianity. The grim history - the Inquisition is also required to monotheistic religions. All this is aconsequence of monotheism, which each overtighten over. Democracy is anecessary condition for the removal from power of the dogma of the Faith, and,I repeat, in this respect, Israel is far behind Turkey and not much differentfrom the Islamic Republic of Iran (see "Revolution or Sephardic Jewish Republic of Israel»).
    As for the accusations of Israel to Turkey, allegedly organized the flotilla«Free Gaza» a provocative way to get some political points, they are easily swept aside the fact that the cargo ship «Rachel Corrie» the Irish. Surely Ireland provoked Israel? It would be interesting to know from the MinisterLieberman what were the goals of such insidious Ireland? On it Lieberman's no answer.
    Funny explanation participation of Europeans in "provocations" givesLatynina: "Israel must rely only on himself, he should not count onthose European bastards, who cooperate with the terrorists, because terrorists are asked for their help." Latynina goes by that bastards, what it considers the human rights activist Rachel Corrie, whose name is called Israel seized a ship gave her life in order to provoke Israel to crush an army bulldozer himself standing in his way at the time the order to destroy the house of a Palestinian family. Brings to mind the poet Saadi, M.:
    <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
    "Since you speak badly about people,
    Let you're right - inside of you bad "

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    But in this case, talking about the rightness Latynina and didnot have to. Latynina not understand the motivation of this action by the total absence of morality, and there is no other explanation. However, this, I wouldsay, "advantage" in the absence of morality and other journalist shave "Echo of Moscow" M.Fishman, V.Shenderovich (see "Word,fornication or full Albats»).
    <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
    But this gibberish Latynina, just some baby talk, a normalperson is difficult to understand: "Europe is no longer Europe, freedomin Europe quietly turns into its opposite. In particular, in the bureaucracy,which is openly collaborating with terrorist regimes because these regimes areasking for money and depict unhappy people and unhappy always a pleasure tohelp. "
    If Europe by Latynina, is not free, and America, with its generally dissolute Obama, then a truly free country will henceforth consider Israel!
    Presumably, this is another example of the confusion Yu.Latyninoy, as in thissentence its "peaceful Palestinian convoy of humanitarian aid bound for Gaza» , which shows that the journalist does not know what Flotilla (caravan) peace convoy of ships cannotbe. Escort for these vessels were Israeli warships when the sights of his gunbarrels peacekeepers escorted the flotilla to the port of Ashdod.

    What is the cause violent incident? What made Israel in such a frankinternational crime? Response - the impunity afforded by the most powerful country in the world - America, at least it was until now.

    The Arab-Israeli conflict is the generator of international terrorism, which isthe part of the state of Israel has grown. Persist in continuing the occupation of Palestine, Israel increasingly immersed in the quagmire, he pursued the practice of international terrorism, and refusal to comply with numerous decisions of the Security Council to condemn Israel, leading to disastrous pathisolation.
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    Israel deliberately does not recognize that there is a permanent war with the Palestinians, and reduces it to a series of terrorist attacks, responding to their legal vendetta. Persecution and elimination of the leaders of the Palestinian resistance is around the world, across borders and countries. Due to the fact that the moral substance of the conflict on the side of the Palestinians, Israel can not seek an international arrest warrant and the court, because the mass is inevitable unpleasant issuesof Israel itself, and therefore uses the services of knights of cloak and dagger. Hence not civilized Mossad immoral acts like the murder in Dubai. Immorality lies in the fact that the Israeli secret service con the citizens of other countries, using fake passports, creating aninternational scandal, which only worsens the image of Israel, describing theJewish state as a hotbed of international terrorism. Pirate capture peaceful flotilla «Free Gaza» is a strong case to.
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    This is getting ridiculous. Almost every post you make is a few thousand words of gibberish you've posted on multiple other sites, as well as your own. I've seen people ask specific questions, or comment on the content, and you ignore them. The only posts you seem to reply to, are ones like this which complain about your 'War and Peace' style of posting.

    This is a DISCUSSION board, not your personal article repository. How about actually DISCUSSING things with people, instead of lecturing and disappearing from the threads you start?

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    More Propaganda? let me instruct you on something Alik Bahshi....

    You call the interception of the Mavi Marmara an act of terrorism? You are a liar sir. The Israeli Blockade of Gaza is legal by all accepted international Standards and Treaties. Turkey and the Palestinians have no right to complain.

    The Treaty of Paris of 1856 States the following:

    The main points of the treaty are:

    1. Privateering is, and remains, abolished;
    2. The neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of war;
    3. Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag;
    4. Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective, that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.

    The present Declaration is not and shall not be binding, except between those Powers who have acceded, or shall accede, to it.

    Now.... you are asking yourself... how does a treaty signed in 1856 have bearing on Israel in 2013?

    Easy.. The Treaty of Paris and the Declaration supporting Maritime War were signed by THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Turkey having the Capital of the Empire in Constantinople was a Signatory Power and is STILL BOUND to respect said treaty.

    The Turkish Ship knew the Blockade to be effective and sustained by an effective Naval and Air Force. By Attempting to run the blockade in his ship he placed his passengers and crew in harms way.

    By the standards of Maritime Law he is liable for the Deaths that occurred. He knowingly attempted to breach a Maritime Blockade.

    He got what he asked for.

    So read the treaty of Paris (1856) and also review the Hague Convention of 1907.

    Those two Treaties are STILL VALID TODAY.

    Your Essay is just antisemitic lies....
    You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.

    Captain America

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius View Post
    This is getting ridiculous. Almost every post you make is a few thousand words of gibberish you've posted on multiple other sites, as well as your own. I've seen people ask specific questions, or comment on the content, and you ignore them. The only posts you seem to reply to, are ones like this which complain about your 'War and Peace' style of posting.

    This is a DISCUSSION board, not your personal article repository. How about actually DISCUSSING things with people, instead of lecturing and disappearing from the threads you start?

    Marcus. I'm wondering why this person hasn't just applied for a job with AL JAZEERA, where his audience of Hate would be multiplied by thousands of fellow Bigots?
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voted4Reagan View Post
    More Propaganda? let me instruct you on something Alik Bahshi....

    You call the interception of the Mavi Marmara an act of terrorism? You are a liar sir. The Israeli Blockade of Gaza is legal by all accepted international Standards and Treaties. Turkey and the Palestinians have no right to complain.

    The Treaty of Paris of 1856 States the following:

    The main points of the treaty are:

    1. Privateering is, and remains, abolished;
    2. The neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of war;
    3. Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag;
    4. Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective, that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.

    The present Declaration is not and shall not be binding, except between those Powers who have acceded, or shall accede, to it.

    Now.... you are asking yourself... how does a treaty signed in 1856 have bearing on Israel in 2013?

    Easy.. The Treaty of Paris and the Declaration supporting Maritime War were signed by THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Turkey having the Capital of the Empire in Constantinople was a Signatory Power and is STILL BOUND to respect said treaty.

    The Turkish Ship knew the Blockade to be effective and sustained by an effective Naval and Air Force. By Attempting to run the blockade in his ship he placed his passengers and crew in harms way.

    By the standards of Maritime Law he is liable for the Deaths that occurred. He knowingly attempted to breach a Maritime Blockade.

    He got what he asked for.

    So read the treaty of Paris (1856) and also review the Hague Convention of 1907.

    Those two Treaties are STILL VALID TODAY.

    Your Essay is just antisemitic lies....
    That's what I'll tell you: a negativeattitude toward Israel has not for me, and Israel's policy, which is much moreimportant. I'mjust telling you the truth, you do not like it. Youstill have not specifically identified any place in the articles, which wouldpresent my lie. And you know why? Because it is not. Forexample, you then convince me that there is a maritime law authorizing amilitary attack in international waters on a peaceful ship, referring to theTreaty of Paris in 1856, but there is no such law, do not have it and theGeneva Convention on the Law of the Sea (1958). Yes in nature and there isno such reference. Anyof these actions are limited to the territorial waters (12 miles).
    Otherwise,Israel would not apologize for his pirate
    actions before Turkey!

    TheState of Israel as a sense of impunity, disregards not only the law of theMaritime Law, but also bombed Syria, Sudan, constantly violating Lebaneseairspace. Right-wingpolitics in Israel leads to oblivion. Israelis losing the information war, and this is recognized in Israel. Moreand more people in Israel understand the destructiveness of such a policy.
    It is not clearwhy, butallleft-wing forcesin Israelis calledanti-Semitic, I believe that it isright-wing politiciansareanti-Semites, becausethe stateleadto international isolation.

    Isay in advance, I will find you and drops a lie that makes you and some othersare angry and hit me up to accusations of plagiarism and a lie, I do not say toname-calling me a fool, as you did. But it says onlyhelplessly as your opponent. You're angry, then you are wrong. Sofar, there is no reasoned objections, there is no specific question on the textof the topic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alik Bahshi View Post
    That's what I'll tell you: a negativeattitude toward Israel has not for me, and Israel's policy, which is much moreimportant. I'mjust telling you the truth, you do not like it. Youstill have not specifically identified any place in the articles, which wouldpresent my lie. And you know why? Because it is not. Forexample, you then convince me that there is a maritime law authorizing amilitary attack in international waters on a peaceful ship, referring to theTreaty of Paris in 1856, but there is no such law, do not have it and theGeneva Convention on the Law of the Sea (1958). Yes in nature and there isno such reference. Anyof these actions are limited to the territorial waters (12 miles).
    Otherwise,Israel would not apologize for his pirate
    actions before Turkey!

    TheState of Israel as a sense of impunity, disregards not only the law of theMaritime Law, but also bombed Syria, Sudan, constantly violating Lebaneseairspace. Right-wingpolitics in Israel leads to oblivion. Israelis losing the information war, and this is recognized in Israel. Moreand more people in Israel understand the destructiveness of such a policy.
    It is not clearwhy, butallleft-wing forcesin Israelis calledanti-Semitic, I believe that it isright-wing politiciansareanti-Semites, becausethe stateleadto international isolation.

    Isay in advance, I will find you and drops a lie that makes you and some othersare angry and hit me up to accusations of plagiarism and a lie, I do not say toname-calling me a fool, as you did. But it says onlyhelplessly as your opponent. You're angry, then you are wrong. Sofar, there is no reasoned objections, there is no specific question on the textof the topic.
    The Interception of vessels in International Waters is permitted if they have declared they will be running a Blockade.

    Also... When the Israelis repelled down to the ship the first ones down had PAINTBALL GUNS for Primary weapons.

    They were me by screaming Arabs that Dragged them away with Knives and Clubs.

    The Arabs attacked First. Not the Israeli's.

    You continue to Lie Alik Bahshi....</o
    Last edited by Voted4Reagan; 07-03-2013 at 01:20 PM.
    You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.

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    OK Alik Bahshi... you want Proof... Here it is.... Your whole Essay is a Lie... The Blockade was and remains 100% Legal according to Maritime Law.

    Treaty of Paris 1856 and the Declaration Respecting Maritime Law

    Last edited by Voted4Reagan; 07-03-2013 at 01:44 PM.
    You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.

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    Voted4Reagan, you speak of treaties and law but neglect to mention that Israel never abides by international law, or treaties.
    اشهد ان لا اله الا الله و اشهد ان محمدا رسول الله

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    Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
    Voted4Reagan, you speak of treaties and law but neglect to mention that Israel never abides by international law, or treaties.
    Never? Not once? You can, of course, link to a credible source for that... right, Jahil?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voted4Reagan View Post
    OK Alik Bahshi... you want Proof... Here it is.... Your whole Essay is a Lie... The Blockade was and remains 100% Legal according to Maritime Law.

    Treaty of Paris 1856 and the Declaration Respecting Maritime Law

    Sorry, but I willcurrently in the law. Inaddition, I repeat, the State of Israel has officially apologized to the stateof Turkey for the attack and murder of nine Turkish citizens to compensation. What more do you want! If you do notunderstand, I have nothing more to say. Bythe way, this is not the first time that you do not perceive the text. I'm not a doctor to helpyou in this case.

    San Remo Manualon International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, 12 June 1994 <o></o>


    46. With respect to attacks, the following precautions shall be taken:

    (a) those who plan, decide upon or execute an attack must take all feasiblemeasures to gather information which will assist in determining whether or notobjects which are not military objectives are present in an area of attack;
    (b) in the light of the information available to them, those who plan, decideupon or execute an attack shall do everything feasible to ensure that attacksare limited to military objectives;
    (c) they shall further more take all feasible precautions in the choice ofmethods and means in order to avoid or minimize collateral casualties ordamage; and
    (d) an attack shall not be launched if it may be expected to cause collateralcasualties or damage which world be excessive in relation to the concrete anddirect military advantage anticipated from the attack as a whole; an attackshall be cancelled or suspended as soon as it becomes apparent that thecollateral casualties or damage would be excessive.<o></o>

    And this:
    The United Nations Convention on theLaw of the Sea
    [FONT="TimesNewRoman]SECTION 4. CONTIGUOUS ZONE<o></o>[/FONT]
    [FONT="TimesNewRoman]Article 33<o></o>[/FONT]
    [FONT="TimesNewRoman]Contiguous zone<o></o>[/FONT]
    1.In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, described as the contiguous<o></o>
    zone,the coastal State may exercise the control necessary to:<o></o>
    (a)prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or<o></o>
    sanitarylaws and regulations within its territory or territorial<o></o>
    (b)punish infringement of the above laws and regulations<o></o>
    committedwithin its territory or territorial sea.<o></o>
    2.The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from<o></o>
    the baselines fromwhich the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.<o></o>

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alik Bahshi View Post
    Sorry, but I willcurrently in the law. Inaddition, I repeat, the State of Israel has officially apologized to the stateof Turkey for the attack and murder of nine Turkish citizens to compensation. What more do you want! If you do notunderstand, I have nothing more to say. Bythe way, this is not the first time that you do not perceive the text. I'm not a doctor to helpyou in this case.

    San Remo Manualon International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, 12 June 1994 <o></o>


    46. With respect to attacks, the following precautions shall be taken:

    (a) those who plan, decide upon or execute an attack must take all feasiblemeasures to gather information which will assist in determining whether or notobjects which are not military objectives are present in an area of attack;
    (b) in the light of the information available to them, those who plan, decideupon or execute an attack shall do everything feasible to ensure that attacksare limited to military objectives;
    (c) they shall further more take all feasible precautions in the choice ofmethods and means in order to avoid or minimize collateral casualties ordamage; and
    (d) an attack shall not be launched if it may be expected to cause collateralcasualties or damage which world be excessive in relation to the concrete anddirect military advantage anticipated from the attack as a whole; an attackshall be cancelled or suspended as soon as it becomes apparent that thecollateral casualties or damage would be excessive.<o></o>

    And this:
    The United Nations Convention on theLaw of the Sea
    Article 33<o></o>
    Contiguous zone<o></o>
    1.In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, described as the contiguous<o></o>
    zone,the coastal State may exercise the control necessary to:<o></o>
    (a)prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or<o></o>
    sanitarylaws and regulations within its territory or territorial<o></o>
    (b)punish infringement of the above laws and regulations<o></o>
    committedwithin its territory or territorial sea.<o></o>
    2.The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from<o></o>
    the baselines fromwhich the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.<o></o>
    Alik Bahshi... do you realize I am versed in Merchant Marine Law? That I have Worked in the Merchant Marine business in the past and Operated large passenger vessels? Youre really going to run the San Remo Document at me?

    Well...From the SAME SOURCE YOU QUOTED.... And you quoted the WRONG SECTION..ISREAL BOARDED the ship for Inspection.. They did not ATTACK IT.

    See Below

    The Legal Doctrine of Blockades
    Under the San Remo Manual and the laws that it codifies, blockades are a legitimate tool in armed conflicts. Of particular relevance here, paragraph 98 states that merchant vessels that attempt to run a blockade can be not just boarded but actually attacked, ie fired upon:

    98. Merchant vessels believed on reasonable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be captured. Merchant vessels which, after prior warning, clearly resist capture may be attacked.
    Though within its rights to attack the vessels, Israel did not do so. Instead it put its own soldiers at risk in trying to board and take control of the ships.

    Here is the relevant portion of the full section on blockades:
    93. A blockade shall be declared and notified to all belligerents and neutral States.

    94. The declaration shall specify the commencement, duration, location, and extent of the blockade and the period within which vessels of neutral States may leave the blockaded coastline.
    95. A blockade must be effective. The question whether a blockade is effective is a question of fact.

    96. The force maintaining the blockade may be stationed at a distance determined by military requirements.

    97. A blockade may be enforced and maintained by a combination of legitimate methods and means of warfare provided this combination does not result in acts inconsistent with the rules set out in this document.

    98. Merchant vessels believed on reasonable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be captured. Merchant vessels which, after prior warning, clearly resist capture may be attacked.

    99. A blockade must not bar access to the ports and coasts of neutral States.

    100. A blockade must be applied impartially to the vessels of all States.
    101. The cessation, temporary lifting, re-establishment, extension or other alteration of a blockade must be declared and notified as in paragraphs 93 and 94.
    102. The declaration or establishment of a blockade is prohibited if:
    (a) it has the sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other objects essential for its survival; or
    (b) the damage to the civilian population is, or may be expected to be, excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade.
    103. If the civilian population of the blockaded territory is inadequately provided with food and other objects essential for its survival, the blockading party must provide for free passage of such foodstuffs and other essential supplies, subject to:
    (a) the right to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which such passage is permitted; and
    (b) the condition that the distribution of such supplies shall be made under the local supervision of a Protecting Power or a humanitarian organization which offers guarantees of impartiality, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross.
    104. The blockading belligerent shall allow the passage of medical supplies for the civilian population or for the wounded and sick members of armed forces, subject to the right to prescribe technical arrangements, including search, under which such passage is permitted.
    In addition, under Section IV, paragraph 60 (e) enemy merchant vessels become a legitimate military target after

    refusing an order to stop or actively resisting visit, search or capture;
    This is exactly what the Gaza-bound vessels did, thereby rendering themselves military targets.

    You really are comical.... The Turkish Captain was a FOOL and violated every section of the San Remo Manual pertaining to Blockades.

    You're a total Idiot...
    You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.

    Captain America

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voted4Reagan View Post
    Alik Bahshi... do you realize I am versed in Merchant Marine Law? That I have Worked in the Merchant Marine business in the past and Operated large passenger vessels? Youre really going to run the San Remo Document at me?

    Well...From the SAME SOURCE YOU QUOTED.... And you quoted the WRONG SECTION..ISREAL BOARDED the ship for Inspection.. They did not ATTACK IT.

    See Below

    The Legal Doctrine of Blockades
    Under the San Remo Manual and the laws that it codifies, blockades are a legitimate tool in armed conflicts. Of particular relevance here, paragraph 98 states that merchant vessels that attempt to run a blockade can be not just boarded but actually attacked, ie fired upon:
    98. Merchant vessels believed on reasonable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be captured. Merchant vessels which, after prior warning, clearly resist capture may be attacked.
    Though within its rights to attack the vessels, Israel did not do so. Instead it put its own soldiers at risk in trying to board and take control of the ships.

    Here is the relevant portion of the full section on blockades:

    102. The declaration or establishment of a blockade is prohibited if:
    (a) it has the sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other objects essential for its survival; or
    (b) the damage to the civilian population is, or may be expected to be, excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade.
    103. If the civilian population of the blockaded territory is inadequately provided with food and other objects essential for its survival, the blockading party must provide for free passage of such foodstuffs and other essential supplies, subject to:
    (a) the right to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which such passage is permitted; and
    (b) the condition that the distribution of such supplies shall be made under the local supervision of a Protecting Power or a humanitarian organization which offers guarantees of impartiality, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross.
    In addition, under Section IV, paragraph 60 (e) enemy merchant vessels become a legitimate military target after
    refusing an order to stop or actively resisting visit, search or capture;
    This is exactly what the Gaza-bound vessels did, thereby rendering themselves military targets.

    You really are comical.... The Turkish Captain was a FOOL and violated every section of the San Remo Manual pertaining to Blockades.

    You're a total Idiot...
    The fact that you do not take the printed text that is understandable. And yet, if I'm an idiot, then Netanyahu, who admitted that Israel has violated international law of the sea in the incident occurred with the "Mavi Marmara" and apologized to Erdogan, is also an idiot, and the only one you are "smart."

    As I see it, you end up insulting any dispute, which means that you, our wise not right, because when a person is angry, then it is not right!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alik Bahshi View Post
    The fact that you do not take the printed text that is understandable. And yet, if I'm an idiot, then Netanyahu, who admitted that Israel has violated international law of the sea in the incident occurred with the "Mavi Marmara" and apologized to Erdogan, is also an idiot, and the only one you are "smart."

    As I see it, you end up insulting any dispute, which means that you, our wise not right, because when a person is angry, then it is not right!
    You whine like a little girl about him not taking the printed text YOU provide, yet you continually ignore the printed text HE provides.

    Do you understand the word hypocrite?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius View Post
    You whine like a little girl about him not taking the printed text YOU provide, yet you continually ignore the printed text HE provides.

    Do you understand the word hypocrite?

    Marcus. I wonder why no member has just come out, and told this guy. "NOBODY READS, or CARES what your few thousand, boring lines of endless letters says here.

    Since nobody has. Please allow me.

    Alik Bahshi. With due respect to you. Since none of us have any idea who you are, where you are, or what your intentions really are here.

    Speaking for myself, after giving it my best effort in trying to understand what you are whining endlessly about.

    "NOBODY reads, or CARES what you write here. Your endless rants formed with what appears to be a poorly blended compound of letters that run on, and on, with no purpose...other than to impress yourself with a SPEED TYPING TEST of gobblygook. YOU FAILED."
    Last edited by aboutime; 07-05-2013 at 02:41 PM.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Feeling impunity, when the U.S. will block all UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel disregards international norms; violating the airspace of any country on your own and bombed (Lebanon, Syria, Sudan) and in the case of the "Mavi Marmara" is traditionally done without regard with any standards, attacked at night in international waters (all such actions under the UN Convention limited 24 miles) to the peaceful ship, killing nine Turkish citizens. However, this one did not pass unpunished aggression and Netanyahu had to admit guilt and apologize to Turkey for their acts of piracy at sea. You have to think the Israeli government is better versed in the rules of international law, if you had to admit guilty about the incident with the "Mavi Marmara". Here in the forum of my opponents called me an idiot, which automatically means that the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who pleaded guilty in Israel, is an idiot. Opponents believe that insulting me, thus proving his innocence, but it says only one thing about the complete lack of logic, but that's not my problem.

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