Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Thing is Gunny, like Climate Change, and several others things.
overpopulation is a Myth... full on BS.
It's just another tool of those in power to try to keep control.
they've been saying the world is to populated literally since the 1800s.
it's was BS then & it's BS Now.
remember the book "the population bomb" came out in the 70s i think.
claimed that by NOW the world would in flames and famine everywhere.
BS. never happened.

No sale. Overpopulation is not a myth -- at least on my part -- it's an observation. I don't know who else is selling what on the topic. I'm sure it's someone with genocide in mind, disguised as a the "Next Big Climate Change"

It is an observable fact that humans are outgrowing the resources available. It would be highly improbably for Man to outgrow the space available.

Could resources be better managed to accommodate an ever-increasing population v natural resources? Sure. That's about as probable as me growing a full head of hair.

This is a perfect example of what I have against conspiracy theories/theorists. Dismissing the obvious because it doesn't suit the narrative.