avatar: So who's responsible for putting American troops in jeopardy? Murtha or Bush? Who's the one who deployed our troops to that shithole?

CSM: Yes, we've got to wage a war on terror, but we've got to do it in the right way.

I say (and here's where I prob'ly radically depart from a lot of people here) the war should be a PR war, for the hearts and minds of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims. If we get into a shooting war, we've already lost, because the propaganda benefits for groups like al Queda from our heavy-handed invasion of Iraq are incalculable. al Qaeda is going around the region telling people, "See? It's just like we told you. The Americans want to take over the whole Middle East and make you convert to Christianity. It's the Crusades all over again. We need to rise up and defend our homelands."

George Bush is the best fucking thing that ever happened to al Qaeda.