Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Okay, so then the admin is still guilty of gross negligence, and there is still that whole, "There are no 'black sites..... Oh, you mean those black sites, yeah, well, we need those". Bush has been a shitty president, I say this not as a Democrat, just a flat observation. He has betrayed the ideals of the republic, and of the conservative (It's fraud if you say you sell yourself as a conservative republican, and inflate government more than any admin in history, while reducing the power of the senate, where the power of a republic is based.).

He was either negligent, or willfully ignorant of what was happening, there is no chance, with the need for paperwork, that it never made it to him. Either way, he has cast a stain on the office of the president, and illuminated the reason for the checks and balances that he manipulated in his time. Somehow in the highest levels knew what was happening, if so many at the base knew what was going on, it's just not possible that the shit didn't start rolling from the top of the hill.
In other words, no matter how preposterous the accusation, if one lame accusation doesn't work shit to another?

I'm far from a GWB fan, but saying he has cast a stain on the office of the President of the US is just flat-out grasping for straws in desperation. Your baseless hypothesis that what were clearly the amateurish methods of sadistic, immature and cruel military personnel powertripping on prisoners completely defies any logic and/or common sense.

If their individual and collective unlawful treatment of prisoners casts a stain on the Office of the President of the US, then the opposite must be true, correct? All individual acts of heroism/devotion above and beyond the call of duty directly shine a Heavenly light on the Office of the President, right?

Get some reality in your argument.