Quote Originally Posted by emmett View Post
No one said anything about hitting a teenage girl Noir! If I found a teenage girl in my son's room who was uninvited I would do what every red blooded American would do. I would close the door, allow her to dress herself and then re-enter!

Now if she was raping my son........well.......I'd wait until she was done before opening the door!

Hence.....Women don't commit rape. I have never known of a case where a man has been raped against his will, at gun point, physically over powered or anything of the such. There would not be a reason to assault a girl which is where you were undoubtedly trying to twist this thing to go. Won't happen bub! Just won't happen.

Even our pitiful court system in America recognizes that boys and girls are different. Take the teacher on students cases of the last few years. The women who commited statutory rape on male students. They were basically slapped on the wrist. It wasn't until public outrage by a bunch of crybabies that one even received a sentence of two years. Most were scot free and with probation. Had it been men, they were certain to go to prison. The different standard goes right along with the kid in kids bedroom thing. A boy gets his ass kicked.......a girl....unt-uh!
10% of all sexual crimes/offenses were committed by women.

Much smaller number.

But they do commit sexual crimes.