this election, i voted for bob barr for president. The first time i ever voted libertarian.

and im proud cause i feel the same way you do

Quote Originally Posted by emmett View Post
I am so glad I voted Libertarian 6 times! At least while I suffer in much the same way as the folks who didn't have the guts to concur with the LP will, my conscience will be a little bit more at ease knowing I had the balls to step out against the odds when it seemed fruitless to do so!

Everything that is happening in our current political enviornment is happening because we lost our vision of what America really is. Republicans AND Democrats, while involved in their struggle for power, share equal responsibility for having operated the mechanism that has contributed to the current state. However, when it comes to the true cause of how we allowed it to happen we can only blame ourselves, well...... everybody except those who tried their best to get everyone to VOTE LIBERTARIAN!

Here is one undenyable fact you cannot ignore, twist, manipulate or fake: Had a majority of Americans voted Libertarian in any election since 1988, we would NOT BE WHERE WE ARE TODAY!!!!!!