Quote Originally Posted by maineman View Post
and they ALL feel that the president detests them?

I keep in close contact with many of my former shipmates and classmates still on active duty. Very few of them have such an attitude about our President.
Let me put it this way: I don't "keep in close contact" with active duty, I work with them every day for 8 hours. I don't go around talking about the President to all of them (we usually have more important things to do), so I can't answer your question, but I can tell you I never hear any praise about him. They are military and Obama is their CNC, so they can't come out and say too much. When we civilians talk about Obama policies they laugh in agreement how rediculous Obama's policies are. Its well understood that this is going to be just like the Clinton years, where the military just need to keep their mouth shut and nose to the grinder and ride the storm of yet another slackjawed liberal CNC.

When I served it was mostly under Bush (but I did join during the Clinton years), and I remember vividly how upset the older military people were that Clinton gutted the military the way he did. How he willingly threw military commanders under the bus for HIS mistakes in policy. Didn't see any of that attitude during the Bush years, most people liked Bush as a CNC.