Quote Originally Posted by code_master View Post
This is Eddie,

First, Jimmy you're waaaay too nice. For a free site you guys are lucky that the host is actually listening your input.
First of a lil about me; I am Rich Internet Application Developer, banners are not my specialty, it is for designers. Plus there is no money in making banner, for those of you that don't know what RIA development is, I make programs so designers can use them to create banners!

I am not a designer, that is why I asked jimmy for the design ideas and in turn he asked you guys. Most of you have been pretty helpful, others have taken advantage of jimmy's nice personality!

@ -Cp
And as far as all your designer input, where are your credentials? are you a designer, developer, programmer, coder or just a poorly informed yet highly opinionated person!

For the rest of you, you are going to notice some major changes on this site in the upcoming weeks....hope you like'em.

Just now saw this..... Don't need credentials to know if something looks good or not.

Does Simon Cowell need to be a singer to judge singers? Nope... Nor do I have to be a designer to give my opinion (feedback) on the design of the banner.

By your admission above, I totally called it - you're not a designer. That's not a bad thing and I'm sure you're quite good at coding RIA, however.