Has anyone read the story about Obama's private police force trying to take over Hardin, Montana?

Apparently this rogue group, much like Obama's ACORN, called the American Police Force was attempting to buy a jail and 5000 acres in Hardin, Montana to do "live fire" training for it's police force and use the jail to possibly house prisoners of war. On their web site they list their biggest contract is the US government and although they claim to have overseas experience, there is no evidence that this group has any business operations overseas, meaning their "government contract" is for the enforcement of civilians here in the US. The owner of this group is an ex-con just like everyone else Obama is associated with.

It could just be me but, it seems everyone Obama is associated with is anti-American, convicted felons and just bad for America. The Rev. Wright, Van Jones, the "green job" czar and self-proclaimed communist, Kevin Jennings the pedophile NAMBLA supporting "safe school" czar or his ties with William Ayers, the terrorist who admitted to bombing the Pentagon and a NYC Police Station killing innocent people or his ties with ACORN who has registered more dead people to vote than alive, not to mention all their other fraudulent activities that are being investigated in 14 different states as of now. I could go on and on.

It seems to me not only does Obama not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, he doesn't deserve to be President. Can some one explain to me why the United States needs a private government police force that is to the likes of the NAZI SS??