Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
Obviously extreme ignorance runs in the family.

As to Jeff, yes, the word "nigger" is used commonly among black people. In speaking with each other. But when was the last time you used that word in talking to a black person? Obviously you haven't, since you are still here to write these.
Your broad stereotypes indicate you are trying to be Mr. Cool PC, when in reality you are as racist as anyone else on this board. You have certainly pulled the wool over chloe's eyes.
I don't feel well, so I hope this is coherent, Gabosaurus you are nice and I know you care about people, just like me. When I felt my worst you sent me a nice message and offered help. You are genuinely caring about the whole world. Thats why I like you. Also sometimes you are pretty funny. But I don't think Jeff is a extremist who would hurt people because of their race. Maybe he is a racist and if so I don't agree with it. But he is also a really kind person, I think he cares about people just like you. I don't think even if he has a racist view he is like the white supremists or would hurt or lynch anyone. I dont agree with everyones views and they dont agree with me either. But I just think Jeff was misunderstood. He is decent and upstanding. I hope he not a extremist, but I dont think he is. Im sorry you think that about him. Jeff is my friend and I believe him because I just dont get a mean feeling about him.