Quote Originally Posted by Wind Song View Post
It is not only black congressmen and senators speaking about about this Florida laws problems. Why is it NO GOP congressmen, not ONE, gave the Martin family enough respect to show up and listen to their concerns?

It leaves me to believe they don't care about the Martin family. You probably have some creative excuse to give them.

And you wonder why black people overwhelmingly vote for democrats. Who is listening to them when they have concerns about justice?
The black politicians were speaking of the incident, not the law. And please, can you post links to show where the white politicians are doing the same as them? You've made this claim repeatedly but I don't think I saw a link yet.

John Boehner spoke out, in an APPROPRIATE manner:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), asked about the incident, said: "Our hearts go out to his family over this tragedy. And clearly, what happened is in fact a tragedy. It's being investigated by state and federal officials, which I think is appropriate. And I think I'll leave it at that.
As for no GOP being there... The Martin family came solely to speak to the House Judiciary Committee - are you telling me that ONLY Democrats make up this committee?

Quote Originally Posted by Wind Song View Post
Originally Posted by jimnyc
I've asked the loony fucking Wing Nut to back her comments about me directly. She refuses. I asked her to backup her comments about white politicians. She refuses. I ask her to backup comments about "facts" she states about this case, and she tells me to "do your own homework".

WS seems to be a pathological liar. Who ever engages her in a "debate" should be aware of her debating techniques, which is basically to lie aka make shit up and to vilify the person she is debating with, and then run like hell when questioned and asked to backup certain statements.

Emotionally unstable Wing Nut.
This post was made at 12:52
You retraction was posted at 12:58

You are going over and over that I continued to call you names after you made your retraction. This was 100% made up. I even thanked you for your retraction.

Quote Originally Posted by Wind Song View Post
Why is it NO GOP congressmen, not ONE, gave the Martin family enough respect to show up and listen to their concerns?
Lamar Smith was there.
Jim Sensenbrenner was there.
Howard Coble was there.
Elton Gallegly was there.
Bob Goodlatte was there.
Dan Lungren

I'll save everyone the time on the rest of the list. Suffice to say, a very minimum of 23 GOP congressmen/women showed up.