Quote Originally Posted by Wind Song View Post
No one knows who instigated it. The GF says she was on the phone with Tray when he was approached by Zimmerman and his headset went dead when it was knocked off his head.

Sounds to me like Zimmerman went after Martin and then executed him when Tray did a good job defending himself.
Only under limited circumstances can an aggressor resort to self-defense. Such situations occur when a person responds to the aggressor's force so disproportionally that it would cause a reasonable person to fear for their life; or when an aggressor renounces the attack but the victim continues to use force. However, under either scenario, the aggressor has a duty to retreat. If we examine the confrontation in this light, it is abundantly clear that George Zimmerman was the aggressor and his use of force was excessive.

Being punched about the face and receiving a bloody nose is insufficient justification to use deadly physical force.

Stand Your Ground was never envisioned to allow someone to pursue and confront people like they are the police. If anyone could have invoked "Stand Your Ground," it was Trayvon. Unfortunately, we will never hear his side of the story.

You stand with Zimmerman, the executioner, and I stand with Martin, the deceased victim.
Oh, HELL KNOW IT'S NOT abundantly clear ! That's the whole problem here. Don't ya get it, maybe just alittle bit?