Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Um, the guy wasn't violent in your scenario. Getting angry, as I said if you hadn't skipped the point, isn't the problem, and the root of his anger is not your problem. This isn't a shrink's office, you are not his counselor, or even his bartender. The worst mistake anyone makes in dealing with angry people is trying to calm them, because 9 out of 10 says he's going to realize what you're doing, and get angrier. That's why the first bit of training in Customer Service is pretty much to never tell someone to "Calm Down". It never works.

With Marc, I only stayed angry at him, and only as long as his irrational anger persisted. After that it was done. I took a walk, hit the 7-11, and bought my girlfriend a 5 lb. bag of black jelly bellies to make her feel better. Marc, once I calm enough, received an email stating the requirements for him to return to the table.

What wouldn't work for me is what you did, which was take a man's arm and put it behind him while threatening him.