Quote Originally Posted by Wind Song View Post
Anger is like a red warning light on the dashboard. The goal is not just to turn off the light.
I've noticed that my entire family has some sort of anger problem. I may be a young pup, but hear me out.

When i was younger i choked my little brother, i noticed i had a problem (i was probably about 7 or 8.) so i decided to repress it. Once you start to repress one emotion, the rest follow. i took up wrestling, that helped me keep from blowing up.
During my sophomore year in high school i finally blew up to my "friends" for making fun of me. i cussed every single one of them out. screamed and called them every name in the book.
Was this the right thing to do? probably not, but it felt great.
after this little episode, i said screw you to them, and haven't talked to theme since.

Since then, I've learned the best way to control your anger is to let it out when it happens. that way it doesn't come out in a huge rush of anger. and it comes out in little bursts. You are human, you will get angry, and it's best to stomp out the problem before it get's too big.

Now i'm not saying you have to scream and yell every time someone does something you don't like, but just say "Hey, stop it."

as far as i know, there's two types of anger, protective, and misplaced.

misplaced is getting mad at someone for something stupid, letting small things get under your skin.

protective anger is a bit nicer in my opinion, standing up for people, getting pissed when people are hurt. or standing up for yourself.

My opinion, scream your head off at him. he's not almighty and allpowerful. and your not a doormat. stand up for yourself!