Experience can sure help in a selection. God is serious to me. The LDS Bishop (in charge of a ward) receives no pay. The LDS church has a range of things to do.

Sunday is the day of the services. We have one evening for family get togethers in the middle of the week.

Trying to make sure no member falls between the cracks, you can expect, once a member, that your well being will be checked on and if you are in need, be looked after.

The unmarried woman, even with no children, may be in such need that the church gives her food, pays her rent or home payments and so forth. Services are not rambuctionous. There is none of that standing and clapping hands or shouting during service.

No man should seek leadership in the church to obtain some fancy car or home. Church is not for that purpose.

I have attended a fair number of churches. I found some real Bible experts at the various churches. Some annoyed me since they appear to me to be a way for some pastor to make a lot of money. Songs are fine, Mormons also sing. But we revere God. We revere Jesus. I have never heard of Jesus being loud, receiving lots of money for his time nor raising hell during services.

We don't do any of that.