Jordan got his 4th quarter progress report on Monday. 4 classes scoring in the 91-100 range. He has 3 classes in the 81-90 range, and still having an issue with Chinese. He'll pass that class but requires going to extra help weekly and trying much harder than his other classes.

The science class report was odd. He's scoring an A, but the teacher said he could do so much better if he applied himself, was more organized and participated more.

He's a bright kid, very bright, but doesn't have the greatest social skills, and has horrible organization skills. He does just enough to get by at times and he knows this. He breezes through his homework in minutes, because he knows the work, but makes chicken scratch and again performs well enough to get by.

He goes for extra math help for an hour every Tuesday. He does the same on Thursdays for Chinese. He sees my Aunt for tutoring Tuesday evening, and she'll help him with anything he might be struggling with.

A couple of years ago, based on his guidance counselors recommendation, we have been having him go to a counselor every Tuesday as well. It's a community placed where kids from various schools go to, from bad kids to kids that just need someone to talk to. In Jordan's case it was good as he now had an outlet, someone he can speak to about his issues in school, what bugs him, what scares him, or basically anything at all. Myself and my wife follow up on other days to get reports, and work together as a family.

Well today I sat down again with the counselor. She is convinced that he has Aspergers. She said that the bipolar, aspergers and ADD all present certain similarities, but in his case, it's the "being stuck on certain processes" and not being able to move on which makes her lean towards the aspergers. He functions, but struggles with organization, social activities, focusing and presents some anger issues due to a lack of understanding.

With that though, she says his IQ is well above average. She said he'll have no problem doing what he wants as he grows older and can even excel without issue, it's just a struggle at times.

But for finality, since she can't technically make a diagnosis, she is recommending some "IEP" test which runs about $4,000 dollars! Yikes! She did say though, he might be able to receive certain accommodations as a result. I don't mean necessarily like the ADA, but rather support through the school, organizational classes, someone that helps people daily with organization problems. I don't know. I'm not even 100% sure what aspergers is yet.

But I do wonder if it's bipolar, since that's what I have and it apparently almost always gets passed on to someone. Either way, just a stumbling block, but one of understanding. Maybe with more knowledge to come it will be easier for me to attack certain issues. I would rather, if it HAD to be one, that it lean towards aspergers, as she said no medicine is involved, and I really don't want my 12 year old taking medicine.

Anyone have info/tips? Kath, you have students or have had any with aspergers?