Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
Seriously. Anyone who feels ANY NEED to repeat, or say that word...IMO
is just using the opportunity to use it. Like an excuse to get away with

In today's world. We all know. Using the descriptive word CONTEXT, tied to the use
of that word....UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, BY ANYONE...just doesn't fly with me.

If we want to seriously STOP the use of the word while calling it RACIST, or OFFENSIVE.
The STOPPAGE must be TOTAL, COMPLETE, and avoided by ALL.
We disagree then. After those words are banned, then next will be fuck, bitch, jerk, asshole, dickhead.... People have a right to be assholes and/or racists. I use some words as reference material or repeating, and some just because I'm an angry bastard at times.

I see a huge difference in myself using it as a comparison of sorts, and a rapper speaking the word about how great he is, before he speaks of bitches and raping women.