Wow, that's crazy. Tossed from church? Unless breaking a law, being extremely disruptive or similar, I can't imagine a good church doing that. I certainly wouldn't return.

When I was much much younger, we used to go almost weekly to a catholic church in Forked River, NJ, where my grandparents live. My grandmother never learned to drive, so when my grandfather died, we very often would visit and take her to church.

Well, my grandmother was friendly with the folks that all worked there and what not, and as a result they kinda knew our family. So when my Dad divorced, and then took his 4 kids to church, apparently the priest thought it appropriate to kind of embarrass my father with his sermon, even if not called out by name.

I was very young, so I don't remember, I was likely busy watching the clock, or reading on my own through the various books.