Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
It does matter what I agree with. I tried to be nice and walk. You KNOW I won't back down. Not our first rodeo.

You presume to state what God is and what God's rules are.
Cool. Except I never did that. I wrote Christian churches Must believe the bible. They must believe God is love. They must believe to know God is to know Love. Take it up with the Baptists and the Bible they claim to believe-in.

So does that church. What makes you better? Or different? Nothing. YOU don't define God. The Bibe defines God. It is His word.

and the Bible defines God as 'Love'. God as an all-consuming fire. God as eternal. Yep. Been saying that. glad you're reading.

In the Bible, it is stated God is a jealous God. God is vengeful. God is war and God is death and eternal life. He has used fire and brimstone, pestilence, plague, flood and other means to show his displeasure. You don't get to cut out the parts of God as it suits your belief or your argument. That's what you're accusing the pastor of doing. EXACT same thing.
You don't get to take things out of context and create a strawman. Or, I guess you DO get to do that, but I won't bite. What you wrote, in addition to being biblically untrue at worst, simply mis-understanding at best, is fodder for another thread because it has NOTHING to do with any point anyone has made up until this point.

People go to church to worship God in the way they believe every bit as you do. You are expected to conduct yourself according to Church standards and how that church views worship. If you don't like it, don't go. Pick another church. In this country you have freedom of choice.
None of that has anything to do with the facts of the case.

Fact. Woman went to a new church. Fact. Pastor acted like a dick by calling her out in public - to the point he embarrased her. I'd wager the pastor straight-SINNED by what he did. Because the pastor was a dick to the woman it shows the observer (us, the congregation, God) the pastor doesn't know Love. Since God is love it's reasonable to conclude the pastor doesn't know God. Why? Because Christ or God WOULD NEVER IN A THOUSAND YEARS call a woman on the carpet like that.

If I wanted a God with parameters I could go to church or ask you. You're doing the exact thing you are being hard-headed about claiming you are against.
Are you wilfully or accidentally obtuse? Do you willfully ignore the basic points of arguments or do you do it by accident?

The point is this - and you haven't made even a remotely-valid counter argument yet:

Christian Churches must believe the Bible. The bible tells them - and they often re-affirm what they are told - God is Love.
Christ said we will know believers by their 'fruits' - that means 'we will recognize other believers by the manifestations (the verbs) of their claimed-faith. Thus, if someone claims God, but doesn't love their fellow man, they cannot actually LOVE God. Not my rule. God's rule.

Check it out - spaced and underscored with Greek.

If someone says I love............God.....yet....hates/mistreats/shows less-than-affection or regard towads his.....brother, he.....is a.....liar
...ean........legō...agapaō..ho. theos....kai...miseō.............................. .......................................ho....autos ...adelphos..eimi....pseustēs

For the one who does not love............his.....brother......cannot love God.
gar ho......................mē agapaō ho..autos...adelphos.....ou...agapaō...theos

Some say "A liar says he knows God but does not keep His commands." And what is THE GREATEST COMMAND, according NOT TO DARIN, but to CHRIST? Love GD and Love your fellow man as much as you love yourself.

What are we learning? A pastor- especially a pastor- who humiliates someone, especially in public, displays the opposite of Love. The external, viewed symptom of the condition of the heart of the pastor tells the observer the pastor doesn't know Love. SINCE God IS LOVE...it's reasonable to assume the pastor doesn't know God. And that's a shame.