Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
Yet here you are yet again attempting to save face.
Do you actually think any member here that has knowledge of you as your real self has any damn respect for you?
The very few that ever did are gone, got banned or else ran away just like you have done several times.
I am glad you admitted crawling away.
At least we are making some progress in this thread...lol
Then you bring up insults while omitting how you started this with your unprovoked insult given to and about me- I quoted you dumbass.
Now you attempt to play innocent, as the injured party--you damn sure must be some rare kind of loser(with liberal victim mentality) to try that crap.
And no you did not come back informing members here that you are that dumbass ignorant piece of shit that formerly infected this board under the name of Conhog.
You are ate up with lying and your own self-aggrandized image that you crafted as an imagined magnificent Army Major and some tough hombre.
I know tough and I damn sure lived it- and a miserable little ffking worm like you aint it and never will be.
Anybody that thinks you are is either, gullible as all hell or else a damn fool.
Why not come back as the moron Conhog?
We know why, you burnt up that piece of shit name and anybody that is worth a damn that was here back then knows it.
So cry some more about how you are just an innocent victim - and that bastard Tyr- is picking on you!
You are without a doubt the most pathetic loser that Ive ever encountered.

Started some crap and now are moronic enough to try to blame me for your own words.
A true and most cowardly little pussy if ever there was one...
Hell, you are worse than pathetic..
You are totally laughable and perhaps so damn egotistical that you are suffering from some form of insanity. -Tyr
You are well and truly stupid Tyr. If liberals drew up a picture of the drooling retard they think all Trump supporters are, they would draw you. You give credence to their arguments.

I haven't blamed you for anything moron. I just point out that you screaming "he started it" as you call me names is beyond pathetic. But you're pathetic, so that stands to reason.