If this is true, then the whole plan is blown wide open. Watch the video below.


SORRY DEMOCRATS, IT’S OVER!… John Solomon DROPS BOMB: Info Omitted from Whistleblower Report – Ukraine was Re-Opening Probe into Hunter Biden’s Company in February

** President Trump did not THREATEN Ukrainians to reopen investigation of the Biden Crime Family
** The Ukrainian government reopened the investigation of the Biden Crime Family in FEBRUARY
** The whistleblower may have known this but omitted it from his complaint against President Trump!

John Solomon dropped this bomb tonight on Hannity!

John Solomon: I can confirm to you tonight. The US government had open source intelligence and was aware that as early as February in 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning on reopening the Burisma investigation. This was long before the president ever imagined to have a call with President Zelensky. In fact it’s before President Zelensky was even elected. This is a significant shift in the factual timeline. This is information that was omitted from the whistleblower’s complaint.
