Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
This whole thing has restored my faith in the UK citizens.

Wonderful bit of work. Congratulations, Drummond!
Truth be told, I think everyone's amazed at the extent of the victory ! I was quietly confident Boris would win, but with a slim majority. Some were predicting a hung Parliament virtually until election day.

No. When the election day dawned, voters stood by their ballot papers, and just felt that to vote Labour was something they couldn't bring themselves to do.

The media has done something to investigate what was in voters' minds at the time. Interviews with them consistently had something in common ... true even of the most formerly loyal Labour voters. Fact was that precious few people could bring themselves to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

He was THAT bad a prospect !!

We've had electoral seats go to the Conservatives that have never voted Conservative in generations. Leigh, Lancs; Blyth; Wrexham ... areas such as those have never voted for Conservative MP's for, literally, the better part of an entire century. But, they DID vote Conservative this time, in part because Corbyn was a totally repellent prospect for them to envisage as our future PM.

Of course, Brexit played its part. Labour was seen to have betrayed constituencies of theirs where the vote was to Leave the EU. Labour lost MP's who'd defied their own Constituencies and failed to fight for a completed Brexit.

Labour's enjoyed a period of inflicting paralysis on Parliament, to frustrate Brexit. They can no longer do so. They can no longer wield meaningful political power of any description, in fact.

The Voting Public Has Spoken, held Labour to account for its vandalistic arrogance. The price: the threat of being consigned to irrelevence for a generation or more.

They had it coming !!!