Quote Originally Posted by Hot Dogger View Post
I was Googling for an old army buddy last week, we went to a school together at Ft. Sam in 1988. He was really into lifting and we'd lift together. He started taking steroids he got from Mexico. He got 'roid rage and beat his wife. I found out the other day he passed away in 1995, I don't know what from, but I wouldn't doubt if it was due to those steroids. So never do that stuff is all I can say.

I lift weights every other day at our HOA gym, I do some warm-ups, then standing military press two barbells (total weight); 90, 100, 80, 100, 90, 100 x 5 reps. Then I do 3 sets of 120, usually 2/3/2 reps. I also use the Nautilus machines, the bench machine goes up to 200, I do that for a few reps and sets, and some of the other machines. I've lost 60 pounds the past 5-6 months.

I've got a bad back and was on the floor stretching, this guy kept stepping over me and being rude, brushing on me. I asked him to stop and he got all mouthy and in my face. He was much younger, a bit shorter, but a lot wider. He was telling me I was old and laughing at me lifting, I said if he didn't knock it off, he was going to find out how old I was. So I was stretching again, he walked past and kicked me, called me a pussy and said he was going to kick my ass. So I jumped up and kicked him in the ass (my toe was bruised for a week), then I threw him out the door and said, "I'm 57 years old!"

He started crying and said he was going to call security, I said great, call the sheriff while you're at it. I spoke to security, they looked at the camera footage and saw he was targeting me, he was only walking over by me when I was on the floor stretching, at other times he was going around the mat area to the other side of the gym. They may have banned him, I don't know, haven't seen him since. Someone said he plays pro hockey, a defender; he must be a second stringer.
I would suggest if you have a bad back to lay off the standing overhead presses with dumbells. Puts a lot of compression on the spine. The more weight you use usually means more arch which means means unaligned (spinal column) compression. Dumbells being harder to control than a barbell can also cause leaning side to side which is also unaligned compression.

Since you say you have Nautilus machines (still make those, huh?) I would suggest using the pverhead press on it to alleviate some of the lower back strain.

Just my opinion