Here is a fun article about mask nazi nonsense:

Enough with the Mask-Nazi nonsense.

Those of us who refuse to live our lives in fear, or to bow to those who do, have a message for the rest of you — the time has come and gone for us to continue with this idiotic charade of wearing masks in public.
The mask is not an adequate defense against the COVID-19 virus, gang. The virus checks in at somewhere between 0.06 and 0.14 microns, meaning it’s too small for any commercially available mask to effectively filter it out. The pores on an N95 mask, which are the best masks you’re reasonably going to find, and the vast, vast majority of you are not going to have N95 masks but rather cloth masks which perform far less well, are 0.3 microns.

Meaning that while the N95 mask you wish you had but don’t, and that you shouldn’t have because doctors and nurses who have to treat coronavirus patients daily in hospitals need a steady supply of them, might trap the virus most of the time, that crappy cloth mask you’re wearing is more or less worthless. All it’s doing is signaling to people that you think you care more about the virus than they do.
But if you really want to wear that mask, OK. Go ahead and wear it. It’s time to stop giving the stink-eye, or worse, a piece of your Karen mind, to people who aren’t impressed with your Mask Virtue and are breathing normally.
If your mask works, then it will keep you from getting the virus regardless of whether other people are wearing a mask. So you shouldn’t care whether other people are wearing a mask.
If your mask doesn’t work, then it won’t keep you from getting the virus regardless of whether other people are wearing a mask. So you shouldn’t care whether other people are wearing a mask.
This idea that your mask works only in tandem with everybody else’s mask is a communistic idea straight out of the Borg hive mind, and shame on you for being such a drone that you buy into that. That was never a realistic notion, and it’s evidence of how easy it is for someone to rob you of your love of freedom.
It’s so bad that the roads are covered with morons driving alone with masks on.

The only way to explain that idiocy is that those people have been convinced the mask is essentially an amulet which magically protects against contracting the virus. Here’s a quick reality check: magic amulets don’t work.
But if you really want to wear a mask, again, fine. Go ahead and wear one.
Do not mistreat your fellow citizens because they don’t want to. That makes you obnoxious, and stupid.
And no, you are not allowed to counter with “but it’s what the politicians and public health bureaucrats recommend.” Those people have not been right about a single damn thing having to do with this virus. Nothing. They have wrecked the national economy, they’ve lied and mixed messages, and in many cases they’ve actually killed people with coronavirus. For you to bleat out that appeal to authority means you don’t have an opinion other than the one somebody forced down your throat.
Which is fine (not really), right up to the point when you try to inflict that opinion on the rest of us. Hush.