Quote Originally Posted by Mika-El View Post
Mandella effect or not I sure remember that yah. Gotta lover her for that. I love those real athletes not the fake ones.

Now listen Simon Biles tosY is Wonder Woman. Good God she reinvented gymnastics. What power and grace at the same time and so modest in interviews you would think she is a Canadian! Million dollar smile and attitude. Lol I would adopt her.
Simon Biles dropped out. Said she dropped for her mental health. That's all I saw so I won't speculate further until I know something.

Speaking of doping, how do you reckon they keep all those little girl gymnasts 12 years old well into their 20s?

I don't really watch sports anymore. Especially professional sports. When I started out watching sports way back in the stone age, most pro's had day jobs. They played for the game, not the money. The money has ruined pro sports. so has the bureaucracy of the organizations, and now their politics. I'd rather watch Dick Butkus.

I catch the weightlifting on youtube channels which is why I am somewhat up to date with that sport. Assume much dry sarcasm when I say "before this week ..." weightlifting was pretty straight forward. You made weight at weigh-in or you didn't and you made your lifts or you didn't. Biggest issue with the sport is steroids and who is getting caught which doesn't necessarily translate into who is using. That's about money too.