Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Kath, Gunny?
Other than some "Freedom Caucus" types NON support for Ukraine & Israels wars what policies of their's do you disagree with?

Or is it more because you don't think the policies are practical or popular enough in the country so your want republicans to generally settle for less?
Or is it mainly the confrontational tactics & personalities that bug you?
A combo?

I mean I get why the "Freedom Caucus" types don't like some of the republican 'leadership'.
I get why some republican leadership don't like the "Freedom Caucus" folks.
But I don't get why some conservatives or republicans rank and file voters are so upset with "Freedom Caucus" folks who are generally promoting the things they say they support.
I mean are there alternate tactics ....or personalities... that could do a better job at getting at the goals?

Or maybe Ukraine and Israels wars and full NATO support, national security is paramount in your minds so that all the other issues should take a back seat?
Do you feel it's just better to have a majority half arse republicans in the driver seat vs a bunch of any democrats. So the radical "Freedom Caucus" should just go along whatever the GOP does just to keep a republican majority?
Seriously I'm really trying to understand the animosity from the right against socalled "Freedom Caucus" types.
Isolationism is a loser that has ALWAYS cost more in the long term for a few minutes of false security now. Obstructing government is a loser. Politicians are sent to Washington to govern, not obstruct.