Why have so many people gone along with this "surge" bullshit. It's a troop buildup. We are occupying a foreign country without just cause.
Why have so many people gone along with this "surge" bullshit. It's a troop buildup. We are occupying a foreign country without just cause.
Last edited by truthmatters; 09-17-2007 at 06:37 PM.
Last edited by truthmatters; 09-17-2007 at 06:37 PM.
When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.
You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.
Last edited by truthmatters; 09-17-2007 at 06:37 PM.
Last edited by truthmatters; 09-17-2007 at 06:38 PM.
Whether or not the troop surge/build up is working, there is another problem, and that's that we can NOT continue working/stretching our military to this degree. Equipment is wearing out, money is getting tight, troops are ready to drop, and they're pissed they've been ordered to stay there despite the fact that most aren't even supposed to be there anymore.
If we're going to continue in Iraq as an open ended commitment/occupiers, it's going to cost us triple what it has been, and we'll HAVE to implement a draft.
Truthfully, I want us out of Iraq, now. Because I don't think we have any damn business occupying a foreign country in turmoil for as long as we have. Since when did America get into the business of occupying and nation building? Why the hell are we doing that? We should get our troops and equipment home. If that leaves a power vacuum in the area, so what. If Iran moves in and takes over, so what. If there's mass genocide, so what. I'd love to hear those fucking rag heads were all killing each other anyway, then WE wouldn't have to do it, and WE wouldn't have OUR soldiers over there getting THEIR asses shot off and blown up. And if it followed us over here, AGAIN, in the meantime we could be building our military back up and giving our troops a break. We'd be all rested up and reequipped ready to go where ever and BLOW THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THEM, AND THEN LEAVE, AGAIN. Repeat as necessary. But this open ended/nation building/occupier shit, I can't agree with it, for any reason. Either we fight a full blown war, or get the hell out of there. This playing patty cake with insurgents and terrorists is bull shit.
Last edited by Pale Rider; 08-23-2007 at 01:50 PM.