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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    Give me a link to prove this new majority?
    How can you misspell prove 3 out of the 4 times you used it in the last post and then spell it correctly here?
    You should change your screen name to Grammerdoesn'tmatter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    Because they were taking bribes
    Everyone in the WORLD was taking bribes, including some USA companies though?

    Don't you THINK that our CIA and other intelligence agencies SHOULD HAVE known this at the time it was taking place?

    I DO.....AND they let it take place....because they too, were doing it.....breaking the rules and getting oil for a couple of countries over there, (which have slipped my mind at the moment but i will look them up)....from what I have read?

    The CIA was very aware of the oil for food fraud going on, it was just new news to us... an excuse the admin threw out at us at the last minute in their own defense of why others would not go along with them, if my memory serves me....

    And this could only be a legitimate excuse IF the CIA had not known about the fraud for oil going on...which I have stated, that i believe they were aware of it.....

    but let's just say they were not aware of ALL OF THE OIL SCAMMING going on...... THAT being the case....we would have one CRAPPY Intelligence Agency, that is getting Billions a year in tax dollars....FOR NOTHIN', NIL, NADA, ZILCH imo....useless pieces of crap, to be that blind instead of ''intelligent'' as an intelligence agency should be!!!!

    So, to me, the excuse that these countries did not join in with us because they were doing something BEHIND OUR BACKS which they didn't want to stop, should have, in the very LEAST, been anticipated, don't you think?

    And if it was anticipated, then it could have been used to our advantage in my opinion... like...

    We could have made some deals with these other countries imo, so to continue their cheaper oil if they helped us remove saddam from power, again, in my humble opinion...cuz i am a layman with no real experience...but i do have a brain, and do use it, to the best of my ability, and can reason fairly well!


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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
    Everyone in the WORLD was taking bribes, including some USA companies though?

    Don't you THINK that our CIA and other intelligence agencies SHOULD HAVE known this at the time it was taking place?

    I DO.....AND they let it take place....because they too, were doing it.....breaking the rules and getting oil for a couple of countries over there, (which have slipped my mind at the moment but i will look them up)....from what I have read?

    The CIA was very aware of the oil for food fraud going on, it was just new news to us... an excuse the admin threw out at us at the last minute in their own defense of why others would not go along with them, if my memory serves me....

    And this could only be a legitimate excuse IF the CIA had not known about the fraud for oil going on...which I have stated, that i believe they were aware of it.....

    but let's just say they were not aware of ALL OF THE OIL SCAMMING going on...... THAT being the case....we would have one CRAPPY Intelligence Agency, that is getting Billions a year in tax dollars....FOR NOTHIN', NIL, NADA, ZILCH imo....useless pieces of crap, to be that blind instead of ''intelligent'' as an intelligence agency should be!!!!

    So, to me, the excuse that these countries did not join in with us because they were doing something BEHIND OUR BACKS which they didn't want to stop, should have, in the very LEAST, been anticipated, don't you think?

    And if it was anticipated, then it could have been used to our advantage in my opinion... like...

    We could have made some deals with these other countries imo, so to continue their cheaper oil if they helped us remove saddam from power, again, in my humble opinion...cuz i am a layman with no real experience...but i do have a brain, and do use it, to the best of my ability, and can reason fairly well!

    Without rehashing a plethora of issues before my first cup of coffee, the point here is that the UN and other major bribe takers who were NOT American didn't want to give up the bucks they were getting from Saddam. After all, 9/11 wasn't aimed at them. Politicians had decimated our CIAs ability to function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    This is the type of thing we warned about would happen if you took the shit cork(Sadam) out of the bottle.

    This is the result of the different sects of these areas trying to push each other out of the region.

    This is the type of things that will happen no matter when we leave Iraq and now our staying isnt even preventing it.

    Good job guys.

    We told you so!
    The fact is all your side told us was to give up, run and hide.

    Saddam threw people in plastic shredders, he gassed the Kurds, his regime raped, tortured and murdered on a mass scale. I haven't heard of any new mass graves popping up in Iraq, have you? I haven't heard of any rape rooms or tortures... except for the contrived accusations of torture by our own troops by the Left. Accusations, BTW, that have no supporting evidence.

    I see Iraqis with more rights than they would have under Saddam. I also see democratic elections.

    You ignore the trend and focus on the few incidents.

    I always thought bringing freedom and democracy to a country suffering under tyranny was a good thing.

    BTW.... President Clinton sent American troops (without UN approval) to Kosovo and Bosnia back in 1994 to prevent civil war from happening, destabilizing Europe and probably starting another World War.

    Have you noticed much grumbling from the Republicans or from the Right about that? No, you haven't.

    A bit of history, back in 1914, a Serb assassinated a prince which helped to ignite World War I. Now, what tells me that stabilizing the Middle East is just as important? Oh yes, the fact that the Middle East, aside from the fact is sitting on a large percentage of the world's oil is also a focus of trade routes.

    A destabilized Middle East can easily spread instability to Europe. I don't know if you realize this, but Europe has a large number of Muslims. If there is a war in the Middle East, there could quite possibly be a lot of unrest in Europe.
    Last edited by KarlMarx; 08-24-2007 at 06:52 AM.
    How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. - Ronald Reagan

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    Quote Originally Posted by KarlMarx View Post
    The fact is all your side told us was to give up, run and hide.

    Saddam threw people in plastic shredders, he gassed the Kurds, his regime raped, tortured and murdered on a mass scale. I haven't heard of any new mass graves popping up in Iraq, have you? I haven't heard of any rape rooms or tortures... except for the contrived accusations of torture by our own troops by the Left. Accusations, BTW, that have no supporting evidence.

    I see Iraqis with more rights than they would have under Saddam. I also see democratic elections.

    You ignore the trend and focus on the few incidents.

    I always thought bringing freedom and democracy to a country suffering under tyranny was a good thing.

    BTW.... President Clinton sent American troops (without UN approval) to Kosovo and Bosnia back in 1994 to prevent civil war from happening, destabilizing Europe and probably starting another World War.

    Have you noticed much grumbling from the Republicans or from the Right about that? No, you haven't.

    A bit of history, back in 1914, a Serb assassinated a prince which helped to ignite World War II. Now, what tells me that stabilizing the Middle East is just as important? Oh yes, the fact that the Middle East, aside from the fact is sitting on a large percentage of the world's oil is also a focus of trade routes.

    A destabilized Middle East can easily spread instability to Europe. I don't know if you realize this, but Europe has a large number of Muslims. If there is a war in the Middle East, there could quite possibly be a lot of unrest in Europe.

    A bit of history, back in 1914, a Serb assassinated a prince which helped to ignite World War II.
    I know you meant WWI...

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by KarlMarx View Post
    The fact is all your side told us was to give up, run and hide.

    Saddam threw people in plastic shredders, he gassed the Kurds, his regime raped, tortured and murdered on a mass scale. I haven't heard of any new mass graves popping up in Iraq, have you? I haven't heard of any rape rooms or tortures... except for the contrived accusations of torture by our own troops by the Left. Accusations, BTW, that have no supporting evidence.

    I see Iraqis with more rights than they would have under Saddam. I also see democratic elections.

    You ignore the trend and focus on the few incidents.

    I always thought bringing freedom and democracy to a country suffering under tyranny was a good thing.

    BTW.... President Clinton sent American troops (without UN approval) to Kosovo and Bosnia back in 1994 to prevent civil war from happening, destabilizing Europe and probably starting another World War.

    Have you noticed much grumbling from the Republicans or from the Right about that? No, you haven't.

    A bit of history, back in 1914, a Serb assassinated a prince which helped to ignite World War II. Now, what tells me that stabilizing the Middle East is just as important? Oh yes, the fact that the Middle East, aside from the fact is sitting on a large percentage of the world's oil is also a focus of trade routes.

    A destabilized Middle East can easily spread instability to Europe. I don't know if you realize this, but Europe has a large number of Muslims. If there is a war in the Middle East, there could quite possibly be a lot of unrest in Europe.

    Heres a little bit of information for you !

    Senior U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday they have no evidence that Iraq produced chemical weapons after the 1991 Gulf War, despite recent reports from media outlets and Republican lawmakers.

    A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the "centrality" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. It concludes that, rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document.

    A declassified report released yesterday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence revealed that U.S. intelligence analysts were strongly disputing the alleged links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda while senior Bush administration officials were publicly asserting those links to justify invading Iraq.

    "It's a very candid assessment," one intelligence official said yesterday of the estimate, the first formal examination of global terrorist trends written by the National Intelligence Council since the March 2003 invasion. "It's stating the obvious."

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    Heres a little bit of information for you !

    Senior U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday they have no evidence that Iraq produced chemical weapons after the 1991 Gulf War, despite recent reports from media outlets and Republican lawmakers.

    A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the "centrality" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. It concludes that, rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document.

    A declassified report released yesterday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence revealed that U.S. intelligence analysts were strongly disputing the alleged links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda while senior Bush administration officials were publicly asserting those links to justify invading Iraq.

    "It's a very candid assessment," one intelligence official said yesterday of the estimate, the first formal examination of global terrorist trends written by the National Intelligence Council since the March 2003 invasion. "It's stating the obvious."
    I get it. Just repeat yourself. Pretend the alternative evidence doesn't exist and act like what you are saying is Gospel truth. Don't you liberals get tired of parroting each other?

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