Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
All that he posted was fact from the witnesses that were there. kerry is a lying scumsucking piece of shit. And that's from a real combat veteran. kerry could release his records accept he doesn't want the medical treatment he received exposed for what it was. A simple bandaid. john kerry is a disgrace. He was and is a manipulator and nothing more. He ranks right down there with fonda. kerry
What about all the other people on the boat at the time who said that guy is not telling the truth?

What about the records which dont show that guy even there at the time?

what about the fact this guy had talked about the incident before and NEVER said anything about Kerry like this until 2004?

So you are telling me all the people who served with Kerry o that boat are liars but this guy isnt?

How little respect you have for our soldiers service.