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    Default Phony Soldiers, Phony Outrage, and Phony Patriotism

    Once again, liberals have wandered into the unfamiliar waters of patriotism, righteous indignation, and pontification offered in “support of the troops.” And once again, their moral and philosophical bankruptcy, their intellectual dishonesty, and their overarching hysterics reveal far more about themselves than about their intended target, in this case radio giant Rush Limbaugh.

    Congressional and Senate Democrats, along with the entire liberal political cabal, have been in a staged uproar ever since last week when Limbaugh made reference to Jesse McBeth and Scott Thomas Beauchamp who, adorning themselves with fraudulent credentials as members in good standing of the United States military, have been caught in blatant fraud, as they seek to make a case against the war.

    Limbaugh’s attackers have intentionally mischaracterized his criticism of such individuals as a blanket assault on the U.S. armed forces, asserting that he derided any troops who oppose the war as “phony soldiers.”

    He did no such thing, and his accusers know it. But why should they hesitate to lie about his words when they have gotten so much political mileage in the past few years by lying about virtually every other aspect of the terror war, the Republican Party, the military, and conservatism in general?

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) achieved a nauseating level of sanctimony in his desperate effort to prove that Democrats “care about the troops” (at least those who fabricate excuses for America’s surrender) while attacking Limbaugh and talk radio. Look to Democrats to invoke this latest manufactured firestorm as damming proof of the need to resurrect the “Fairness Doctrine.”

    Reid knows full well that he is lying, and that his principled opposition knows that he is lying. But that is not his target audience. It is with Middle America, whose citizens he considers stupid and gullible, that Reid hopes to make his case.

    But Reid tipped his hand by asserting that Republicans ought to climb aboard the bandwagon of imaginary outrage. Any time liberals begin plugging the bipartisan thing they are really seeking cover and validation from cowardly GOP members.

    Furthermore, the shamelessness and brazenness of Reid’s lies stand as proof that he and his political supporters understand and accept such fraud as an inherent and viable component of the liberal-Democrat playbook.

    It is hardly a news flash that the fake anguish expressed by Democrats over this contrived controversy is merely a continuation of the full-throated lies being proliferated by the Party/Old media spin machine. The facts of this situation are as available as they are inarguable. They are also inconvenient to the left. So to keep their story going, Democrat mouthpieces will simply continue to ignore them.

    When the truth is revealed, as it eventually will be, no liberal retractions or apologies will be forthcoming. The liberal political apparatus will simply proceed to its next target to be smeared, knowing full well that it will never be held accountable for this, or any other deception.

    More than merely an attempt by Democrats to rebuild their tattered image after last week’s disgraceful treatment of General David Petraeus, their real intention is to continually build and expand a façade of perceived wrongdoing on the part of Rush Limbaugh. It is very telling that, as a purveyor of information, he poses such a raw threat to future Democrat political prospects.

    Having failed miserably in every attempt to factually refute him, they now hope to eradicate his enormous influence through the “death by a thousand cuts.”

    In truth, Limbaugh was very specific as to which “phony soldiers” he was referring. For Jesse McBeth, the moniker clearly fits. He was drubbed out of the military during boot camp (after only forty four days to be precise), but then went on to claim membership in the special forces and under such false credentials delivered a plethora of fabricated stories, deriding the military and the mission.

    Likewise Beauchamp, who did in fact serve overseas but whose compilation of similarly fabricated fables of abuse and atrocity, while buttressing his anti-war, anti-American worldview, have been thoroughly refuted by the rest of his outfit.

    Limbaugh never even went so far as to include among the phonies Senator and former presidential wannabe John Kerry (D.-MA), whose entire “tour of duty” in Vietnam exceeded McBeth’s enlistment by only two and a half months. And that brief Southeast Asian visit netted him three Purple Hearts under highly dubious circumstances.

    Of course if Kerry’s version of the affair is correct, he could permanently put the matter to rest while completely discrediting his critics simply by releasing his military records, which to date he steadfastly refuses to do.

    Against this murky backdrop, Democrats on Capitol Hill find an occasion in which they can wave their flags and laud their commitment to God, Country, and the troops, or at least those troops who concoct stories discrediting the terror war and the President’s strategy to win it. Such people predictably receive the unbridled adoration and support of the Democrats.

    But perhaps the most telling aspect of this latest offensive is the liberal characterization of Limbaugh, on several occasions just this past week, as “unpatriotic.” This is quite the accusation coming from people who insist that the most heinous crime any conservative can commit is to “question the patriotism” of America’s leftists.

    In contrast to real America, the “patriotism” of the left includes cheering for America’s mortal Islamist enemies, assuring them of their ultimate victory, downplaying or ignoring America’s successes, proliferating every false account of American atrocities against the enemy on the battlefield or in the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, and undermining the entire premise of the terror war from its inception.

    It seems liberals presume to now hold complete dominion over who can be called “unpatriotic,” and who should remain permanently immune to the charge, despite any seditious words or behavior. Admittedly, they have arrived at this position of power with little resistance, their ploy of redefining “patriotism” having received far too much assistance from timid Republicans and conservatives who acquiesced to their premise.

    Their arrogance having been thus compounded, it should surprise no one that the likes of Democrat Senators Reid, Obama, Durbin, along with House Democrats Pelosi and Murtha, to name just a few, will expend every effort to undermine the terror war and endanger America for purely political reasons while asserting their “patriotism.”

    So abominable is their current stance that it is worthwhile to ponder, were it to fully degenerate to the point of crossing that barrier which defines open treason and blatant support of the Islamists, how their words and pronouncements would be any different from what they are today.

    Yet we are supposed to believe that the real danger to the future of the nation is posed by Limbaugh’s severe, but thoroughly appropriate characterizations of McBeth and Beauchamp as “phony.”

    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

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    Why is it the far right sees their fellow Americans as the enemy?

    Good thing the number of people who believe such devicive bullshit as this little hate rant re dwindling every day.

    When you hate half of your country you are the one who is distroying us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    Why is it the far right sees their fellow Americans as the enemy?

    Good thing the number of people who believe such devicive bullshit as this little hate rant re dwindling every day.

    When you hate half of your country you are the one who is distroying us.
    Fellow Americans as the enemy? Isn't that how those of you on the left treat anyone who disagrees with you? Don't you refer to President Bush as an enemy of this great Nation? How about General Petraeus? Also, it is a good thing that folks are beginning to see through the bullshit of the left. You screech, rant, and call people names, yet you want us to believe you are the defenders of freedom and liberty. What a load of crap that is. The liberal left is all that is wrong with America.

    Finally, I must ask one question. Public School?
    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    Why is it the far right sees their fellow Americans as the enemy?

    Good thing the number of people who believe such devicive bullshit as this little hate rant re dwindling every day.

    When you hate half of your country you are the one who is distroying us.

    Compare what you post, and why you post it to that of what else is poted here.

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    Sorry bout that,

    1. Sure the Neoliberal Party is a bunch of *Phonies*.
    2. Just to listen to them makes me sick in the stomach.
    3. Listening to Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Kerry, Edwards, Obama, and others is more like listening to a habitual liar, that claims he only lied to defend the truth.
    4. Problem is there is nothing true about their reality, making them all *Phonies*.
    5. What is really sad I think, is half this Nation voted them into power, which more or less makes them, *Phonies* as well.
    6. Drag out the squirrel:Neoliberals

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    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    Fellow Americans as the enemy? Isn't that how those of you on the left treat anyone who disagrees with you? Don't you refer to President Bush as an enemy of this great Nation? How about General Petraeus? Also, it is a good thing that folks are beginning to see through the bullshit of the left. You screech, rant, and call people names, yet you want us to believe you are the defenders of freedom and liberty. What a load of crap that is. The liberal left is all that is wrong with America.

    Finally, I must ask one question. Public School?
    Public School is not where you got your education. Bonsai is number 1 terrorist in the world. He is an enemy not just in the USofA but of the planet. No other leader has done so much to cause the end of the nation as this guy. His reasoning is like that of a drunken sailer, very poor.
    The real problem with this nation today is the division of the extremes on both sides of the aisle. It is making it hard for those in the middle to contain their frustration with the ends. That is a true division of a nation created by the uniter.
    A chance for a new beginning, like a dawn of reconciliation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April15 View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    Fellow Americans as the enemy? Isn't that how those of you on the left treat anyone who disagrees with you? Don't you refer to President Bush as an enemy of this great Nation? How about General Petraeus? Also, it is a good thing that folks are beginning to see through the bullshit of the left. You screech, rant, and call people names, yet you want us to believe you are the defenders of freedom and liberty. What a load of crap that is. The liberal left is all that is wrong with America.

    Finally, I must ask one question. Public School?

    Public School is not where you got your education. Bonsai is number 1 terrorist in the world. He is an enemy not just in the USofA but of the planet. No other leader has done so much to cause the end of the nation as this guy. His reasoning is like that of a drunken sailer, very poor.
    The real problem with this nation today is the division of the extremes on both sides of the aisle. It is making it hard for those in the middle to contain their frustration with the ends. That is a true division of a nation created by the uniter.
    Thank you for making my point for me.
    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

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    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    Fellow Americans as the enemy? Isn't that how those of you on the left treat anyone who disagrees with you? Don't you refer to President Bush as an enemy of this great Nation? How about General Petraeus? Also, it is a good thing that folks are beginning to see through the bullshit of the left. You screech, rant, and call people names, yet you want us to believe you are the defenders of freedom and liberty. What a load of crap that is. The liberal left is all that is wrong with America.

    Finally, I must ask one question. Public School?

    When you see Half of the American people as the enemy you are being devisive.

    Yes I dot like Bush and I think his policies are harming this country. Bush is not half of this country. Bush is one president whom you seem to think can do no wrong.Now remember more than half of this country agree more with me than you. You hate me and anyone who thinks like me and call me all sorts of names for not agreeing with the policies of this admin. Now go find the posts of mine where I call you and your cohorts horrible names?

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    Bush is one president whom you seem to think can do no wrong.
    Negative! people just get bored with the notion that he does every thing wrong. I think you see more posts like this due to the kind of posting those like yourself do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    When you see Half of the American people as the enemy you are being devisive.

    Yes I dot like Bush and I think his policies are harming this country. Bush is not half of this country. Bush is one president whom you seem to think can do no wrong.Now remember more than half of this country agree more with me than you. You hate me and anyone who thinks like me and call me all sorts of names for not agreeing with the policies of this admin. Now go find the posts of mine where I call you and your cohorts horrible names?
    I despise President Bush for not protecting our borders. I despise him for not doing what he promised he would do when he ran for office. I am one of his biggest critics, but I do so fairly. I do not hate and the problem I have with liberals is their use of that word. You use it so cavalierly in an attempt to shame us into silence. Also, when I said, "you", it was a generalization of the liberal left. Not you as an individual.
    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

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    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

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    America is heading in a self destructive direction due to the bad leadership we have. The majority of Americans now agree with me. Iraq is costing us lives, our future revenues, our current revenues, there is alot of corruption coming to light and the country is VERY devided. This admin makes no attempts to bridge the gap. They continue to spend like drunken sailors and the party which has for years claimed to be the fiscal party backs this as if its good for America.

    When Americans speak out against this destructive path people like this thread starter call say they are the problem and that everythign they have to say is false outrage. How many years have I been listening to people call me a traitor because I did not back the destructive policies of this admin?

    Ill tell you what the ourrage is not false and this original post is nothing but a huge hate spew against anyone who wants our country back on a constructive path and out of the hands of these people who do NOTHING to try and bring this country back together. I love this country as much as any of you.

    Those who stand there and spew hate on their fellow Americans instead of trying to defend the policies with their own merit are harming this country.
    When Bush starts acting in the interests of ALL Americans then I will no longer complain about hi leadership. Bush acts in the interest of the few instead of the many and that harms this country and his approval ratings show it. You seem to hate all those who dissaprove instead of trying to face WHY he has so few Americans behind him. Go ahead and hate us if you wish to tear the country apart in the name of your love of GWB.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Evil View Post
    Negative! people just get bored with the notion that he does every thing wrong. I think you see more posts like this due to the kind of posting those like yourself do.

    As long as he does things wrong I will state them. Blame him for not doing anything right instead of those who point out his wrongdoing .

    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    I despise President Bush for not protecting our borders. I despise him for not doing what he promised he would do when he ran for office. I am one of his biggest critics, but I do so fairly. I do not hate and the problem I have with liberals is their use of that word. You use it so cavalierly in an attempt to shame us into silence. Also, when I said, "you", it was a generalization of the liberal left. Not you as an individual.

    Im glad to hear you see fault where fault is due ,I rarely hear that here. Its not an attempt at silence its an attempt at getting people to face the facts. What you call fairly means what? I talk about what I see he does as wrong. I speak out against people like Rush when I hear them saying what He said. If you would listen to the Full tape without a jaundiced eye you would realise he was refering to the soilder he had just hung up on who he called a phoney republican right on the phone to him. Its NOT false outrage it is OUTRAGE and REAL OUTRAGE at a jackass who never served himself calling people who served PHONYS because he does not like thier point of view. Its the same thing you do when you say MY outrage is phony. My outrage is perfectly real!
    Last edited by truthmatters; 10-07-2007 at 02:43 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    As long as he does things wrong I will state them. Blame him for not doing anything right instead of those who point out his wrongdoing .
    And thats fine, but to suggest hatred on the right when the majority of what you post is deliberate talks volumes. Opinions are different then the accusations.

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    Please go get an example of what you are talking about ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
    Please go get an example of what you are talking about ?

    Look at what you state right here in this thread, one needs to go no further. You openly admit your disdain for Bush, not that you had anyone fooled or anything, but then when this is posted you reply:

    Why is it the far right sees their fellow Americans as the enemy?

    Good thing the number of people who believe such devicive bullshit as this little hate rant re dwindling every day.

    When you hate half of your country you are the one who is distroying us.
    A good number of people do believe this "devicive bullshit" {see other Limbaugh thread}

    Some enjoy "re dwindling" rants, can you really blame them when members such as yourself enjoy nothing better than "re dwindling" the same trite day after day.

    Are you feeling the hypocrisy yet?.....

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