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    Quote Originally Posted by trobinett View Post
    Roomy, YOU, and people like YOU, are the REASON for this woman, and the situation she has placed HERSELF in.

    How do YOU feel?
    I feel great, my kids are grown up, the youngest is 16, I own my own home and two others and a pair of flats, I run my own small building company, I holiday 3/4 times per year, I earn in excess of $100,000 per year that the tax man knows about and more than that again that he doesn't.The wife is a teacher in middle school, she has a good salary.I am 46 years old and hope to retire within the next 8/9 years, so , yes, all in all, I feel great.

    As for the plight of the lady in question, I think you are making quite a leap there buddy boy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumplestillskin View Post
    Last time I looked nobody was forced to have an abortion. It is personal choice.
    Last time i checked Roe v. Wade was a court decision making the issue forced upon the people. Had the people actually been able to vote on the matter it would probably be a dead issue now.

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    I'm impressed by the responses!

    Here are a few of my own...

    Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
    Actually, I don't know what the point of the article was because of the running commentary. Now, I may have drawn some of the same conclusions, but instead of being able to read the article and draw those conclusions, I was treated to an editorialized version.
    See below.
    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    Roo do you have a link to the text you posted?
    Ask and ye shall receive! Uh, sorry about that. I usually include that within the post.

    As an aside, if you ever read an article & the source isn't cited, you can cut & paste the first paragraph into Google or Yahoo & it usually will bring you right to the article... it works in this case, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    Your abuse of the poor speaks volumes of you, I don't like you already, please change my mind.
    I don't care if you don't like me. Respect my point of view & we'll get along swimmingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    Is it her fault or the systems?Accidents do happen repeatedly btw.
    Nothing in the article could be construed as an accident, except her first child's birth. After that, I'm quite sure she knew how it happened. Her situation is a direct result of years of her brilliant orchestrations.[/quote]

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    I am so pleased you are privileged enough not to know how it feels to be her or one of the millions like her and worse.If it makes anyone happy to denegrate these people it only serves to make me wonder about them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roopull View Post
    I was raised by a single mother & at times, we were very poor... 3rd world poor... no running water poor. Being there, I saw what it took to get into & out of that situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    Maybe she is catholic?
    You would do well to read the article before you start posting. Deliberate ignorance is very telling. Her church is mentioned in the article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    Maybe her job was affecting her health?
    Again, read the article, Roomy. Her job was not affecting her health.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    Maybe she isn't lazy at all and the original poster is a flaming thick bastard who has posted his own take on the situation and you have bought it?
    Maybe she isn't lazy? Maybe I am a bastard. No... she is lazy... something the two of you seem to have in common since you were too damn lazy to read the article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    Lots of maybes to be getting on with , maybe you are right and she is a stupid, ignorant, uneducated lazy fool, my point being not all poor are.The original poster and those in agreement with him seem to think otherwise.
    No one is talking about all of the poor, einstein. Had you read it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Roopull View Post
    I have little sympathy for the poor... outside of the mentally ill, physically disabled, or otherwise stricken I simply do not see the excuse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
    ... you could get laid off in the middle of a recession and have difficulty finding another job - any job (been there, done that, no fun).
    Agreed... see above ^

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post dare you and anyone else tell anyone how many children they are allowed.
    How dare I? She's sucking off the public tit... a tit which is funded by MY money taken from me by force via the IRS. I have a right to demand that the money is spent frugally, pragmatically and wisely. If you can show me how further funding this lazy bitch's lifestyle is frugal, pragmatic or wise, I'm all ears.

    She should be spayed & the 2nd two fathers should be neutered like the dogs they are. Clear enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    if trampling over weakest in society becomes an olympic event we have an abundance of medal hopefuls here, shame.
    The only one doing any trampling is this lazy woman who insists that the government play Robin Hood to fund her sorry lifestyle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    I found myself unemployed many years ago with four small children a wife and a mortgage, I am thankful that the welfare state in britain is more forgiving than that here.
    I don't know much about the welfare situation in Britain, but in Charleston, this woman has access to free housing, free food, free cash, almost free transportation, free healthcare, a free education & discounted utilities... what the hell else could she possibly need? She's been in this situation for years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    I worked my way out of the hole I found myself in, some are never quite so fortunate.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    I feel great, my kids are grown up, the youngest is 16, I own my own home and two others and a pair of flats, I run my own small building company, I holiday 3/4 times per year, I earn in excess of $100,000 per year that the tax man knows about and more than that again that he doesn't.The wife is a teacher in middle school, she has a good salary.I am 46 years old and hope to retire within the next 8/9 years, so , yes, all in all, I feel great.
    You weren't fortunate. Unlike this shittard in the article, you actually got a job that could support you. You weren't satisfied living the life of a leach, so you did more with yourself. You may be a betwetting (figurative, of course) liberal, but it would seem you're not a lazy sack of shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    If this lady was not working at all and failing to contribute anything toward the upkeep of her family I might(might) agree with you depending upon the circumstances, as it is she goes to work, what is your problem other than the amount of kids she has?
    You want to know what's going on here, Roomy? In the USA, if she wants to maintain her sorry ass welfare benefits, she has to work from time to time. That's all she's doing... she's gaming the system. She's doing the absolutely minimum to get by & clearly refuses to do anything else. Did you not catch the part about her sister receiving benefits as well & living under her roof? Oh, that's right... you didn't read the article.

    Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
    What I think is that she's ignorant and needs guidence, not derision. (The dogs and convenience store shopping, notwithstanding). Not all of us are so lucky as to have had parents who could teach us and pass along values.
    FWIW, I never had anyone to tell me or show me how to do anything. You don't need the obvious pointed out to you. The lowliest lifeforms know they have to perform in order to survive. I posit that this woman IS performing... she's performing a song & dance for everyone & some folks enjoy the performance so damned much, they're willing to forget that it is indeed a performance... an act... a charade. They forget this & grant her celebrity victim status... she's free to live her lazy lifestyle & do next to nothing to ensure her own survival - aside from the victim performance, that is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    I feel great,
    And I'm glad to here it, honestly.

    my kids are grown up, the youngest is 16, I own my own home and two others and a pair of flats, I run my own small building company, I holiday 3/4 times per year, I earn in excess of $100,000 per year that the tax man knows about and more than that again that he doesn't.The wife is a teacher in middle school, she has a good salary.I am 46 years old and hope to retire within the next 8/9 years, so , yes, all in all, I feel great.
    You've worked hard, and wouldn't except the circumstances that you originally found yourself in, you are proud, and should be.

    As for the plight of the lady in question, I think you are making quite a leap there buddy boy.
    I think not Roomy, if she had just HALF the pride, and work ethic that YOU have, she would be fine.
    If ya can't prove it, don't say it.
    Bikes, babes, and beer, it don't get no better than that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumplestillskin View Post
    Economics is about supply and demand. Let's say every person in a capitalist soceity is rich. There are no poor. You know what inflation is, right? You figure it out. The poor keep inflation down because they cant' afford the big items. If they could, prices would go through the roof. If everybody could afford to pay $6 a pound for peaches the prices would go up until the guy doing the selling reached a threshold that would lead to hyperinflation. Capitalism thrives on scarcity. If everybody is rich there is no scarcity because everybody can afford everything - unless there is not enough to go around - and with certain commodities there isn't.
    You have said one thing correct that capitalism thrives at ALL levels of society. It needs those levels to survive. WIthout it you would have hyperinflation.
    But, not ALL items in an economy are "big items." Demand is not driven simply by what people can afford, but also by what they DESIRE. I may have a hankering for peaches. At a dollar a pound, I'd grab some up. But, even though I could afford it, at $10/pound? I'd look for some less expensive alternative.

    For the availability of commodities, we also have to take into consideration the marketing strategy of the co that sells the commodity. Some commodities are marketed as luxury items... they purposely hike the price, while other commodities are marketed at a lower price, trying to make revenue by selling more quantity.

    There will always be a range of wealth, because there is always a range of inherent ability in people. Some people have skills that are more valuable than others'. But, looking at the "poor" in capitalistic societies v/s the poor in totalitarian/oligarchic societies, the poor in capitalistic societies are better-off.
    Blessed be Your name, when the sun's shining down on me, when the world's "all as it should be," blessed be Your name!
    Blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering, though there's pain in the offering, blessed be Your name!
    Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise. When the darkness closes in, Lord, still I will say...
    Blessed be the name of the Lord!
    Blessed be Your name!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roopull View Post
    I'm impressed by the responses!

    Here are a few of my own...


    I don't care if you don't like me. Respect my point of view & we'll get along swimmingly.

    I don't know you therefore I have no feelings for you one way or the other.I respect your right to an opinion but I do not respect the opinion, as for getting along, I am easy going, the ball is in your court.

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    What shall we talk about today?

    I think all those on welfare that are capable should be made to work for their benefits, If they refuse or deliberately make themselves unemployed or unemployable all benefits should be stopped immediately.They should have no say in the work they are assigned as long as the work is a valid job and they should be paid no more than the maximum entitlement due.No one capable of work should be allowed to stay at home doing nothing but collect cheques.
    Self respect is all important and bringing home the bacon goes a long way toward it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    I think all those on welfare that are capable should be made to work for their benefits, If they refuse or deliberately make themselves unemployed or unemployable all benefits should be stopped immediately.They should have no say in the work they are assigned as long as the work is a valid job and they should be paid no more than the maximum entitlement due.No one capable of work should be allowed to stay at home doing nothing but collect cheques.
    Self respect is all important and bringing home the bacon goes a long way toward it.

    I'd buy that.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
    What shall we talk about today?

    I think all those on welfare that are capable should be made to work for their benefits, If they refuse or deliberately make themselves unemployed or unemployable all benefits should be stopped immediately.They should have no say in the work they are assigned as long as the work is a valid job and they should be paid no more than the maximum entitlement due.No one capable of work should be allowed to stay at home doing nothing but collect cheques.
    Self respect is all important and bringing home the bacon goes a long way toward it.
    Works for me. I'd also overhaul the disability system here in the USA to ensure that those who are on the disability roles are actually disabled. I know a number of unemployed who also collect disability despite the fact you can find them leading active, physical lifestyles.
    “Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face” - Thomas Sowell

    “What "multiculturalism" boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture” - Thomas Sowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
    I'd guestimate 95% of poor are poor by choice.
    I think "by choice" is a bit gruff. I'd say 95 percent of the poor are poor because they don't put forth the effort to bring themselves out of poverty. In other words, they're lazy or stupid. Of course, I know plenty of lazy AND stupid middle classers so maybe you're right.

    As for why she "keeps spreading her legs" and having kids, maybe she's Catholic
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer
    Science wants to explain things and understand why they happen. Creationists want to use science to justify their own causes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
    I think "by choice" is a bit gruff. I'd say 95 percent of the poor are poor because they don't put forth the effort to bring themselves out of poverty. I
    Righto - in the end, it boils down to 'choice'...
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
    I think "by choice" is a bit gruff. I'd say 95 percent of the poor are poor because they don't put forth the effort to bring themselves out of poverty. In other words, they're lazy or stupid. Of course, I know plenty of lazy AND stupid middle classers so maybe you're right.
    But isn't it a choice whether one puts forth the requisite effort or not?
    “Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face” - Thomas Sowell

    “What "multiculturalism" boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture” - Thomas Sowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
    I think "by choice" is a bit gruff. I'd say 95 percent of the poor are poor because they don't put forth the effort to bring themselves out of poverty. In other words, they're lazy or stupid. Of course, I know plenty of lazy AND stupid middle classers so maybe you're right.
    Being lazy is a choice. Being stupid is an excuse. I know a retarded guy with the intelligence of about an 8-10 year old, and he gets along better than this woman because he actually tries.

    As for why she "keeps spreading her legs" and having kids, maybe she's Catholic
    Last I checked, Catholics are against both spreading your legs outside marriage and remarrying after a divorce. Anybody who ignores both of those, but observes their forbiddance of birth control is stupid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements I've seen on this thread.

    Education means nothing if someone refuses to learn.

    Is there honestly a person who has been through high school or even through middle school in America who has not been taught sex ed?

    Where on earth are the pro abortionists not allowed? They've forced abortion onto the American people for the last 30+ years.

    How difficult do you think it is to get a condom or birth control? More importantly how difficult is it to just not have sex outside marriage?

    Its the same old liberal playbook. They've been pushing this on people for the past 40 years, and has anything gotten better? Of course not, its gotten worse.

    When are people going to realize that pro-government liberalism just doesn't work? It never has, it never will. The problem isn't that society isn't doing enough. It's that society is doing too much. People refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
    When have these things ever been allowed to happen without
    opposition??--total bullshit on your part. You can't get beyond
    hating people enough to allow free choice--they are blamed
    before anything can change. You are too much into yourself
    to allow anyone to have a choice that doesn't involve your


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    Quote Originally Posted by CockySOB View Post
    Works for me. I'd also overhaul the disability system here in the USA to ensure that those who are on the disability roles are actually disabled. I know a number of unemployed who also collect disability despite the fact you can find them leading active, physical lifestyles.
    We have a system that allows that--insurance companies
    manage to expose those people, why can't the government
    follow through?

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