Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
Truthfully? It's stay the course under another name. Still the same failed policy. Essentially, Bush is talking about raising troop levels to where they were a year ago. So nothing's changed. Difference is the country isn't behind him and said so clearly on election day.
He also said the military would be given the "green light" to go after the terrorists/insurgents/whathaveyou's.

If the troop level increase involves a modified/different strategy and tactics, then it is not "stay the course" and remains to be seen if it works.

"Stay the course" has a different meaning apparently to you lefties than it does those on the right. You keep presenting as the same-old same-old when Bush clearly presented in the context of finishing what we started.

The only alternative offered by the left is immediate withdrawal; which, is an unacceptable alternative.