Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
Just to clarify, it wasn't my complaint, just one I heard a lot. I loved the movie. I think they did that (no standout characters) on purpose as well. It's funny to look at the credits and see how many famous or at least recognizable actors are in there.

Completely offtopic, as I think it's entirely fictional, but has anyone seen The Kingdom? I've been wanting to see it.

Gaffer, given your dislike of unrealistic portrayals of war, how did you feel about the beginning of Saving Private Ryan? It's definitely the most real-feeling battle scene I've ever seen. The beginning of the movie Glory is pretty tough, too.
Oops...My bad.

I saw The Kingdom, it was pretty good. I bought the DVD and wasn't disappointed to have spent the money, this is one of the measures by which I judge movies these days. Jamie Fox and Chris Cooper are excellent as usual, Jason Bateman may become one of our better character actors in the years to come, and Jennifer Garner is always easy on the eyes. The movie is pretty much apolitical, dealing only with terrorism, it's aftermath, and the investigation.

On the topic of good historical movies, some of my favorites include Glory, Munich, We Were Soldiers, Salvador, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Hotel Rwanda, The Spirit of St. Louis, Apollo 13, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and for sports, Miracle.