Quote Originally Posted by NATO AIR View Post
Such things are not common but do happen when people take shortcuts because of the traditional naval deployment schedule which offers precious little free time and even less "make up" time. When people's careers are on the line, when they get cocky about their own abilities and their people and when they don't handle pressure well... this happens.

Saw this more times than I wanted in the Navy. Yet in the end, because of a whistleblower or a tragic accident (or near-tragic one), the fools who "gundeck" (as we call it in the Navy) get caught one way or another.

Has nothing to do with Bush or WOT. Has everything to do with not everybody is cut out for that line of work and that kind of responsibility.
Yet the military almost always waits until something like this happens before dismissing/discharging someone who "isent cut out for it", the whole thing is a total joke, I can bet on at least some of these instances someone came to a commander and said im not cut out for this I want out and everyone knows the answer to this dont all speak at once "you signed the dotted line" lets wait until someone gets killed or there is major media coverage then we will do something about it. The whole thing is a joke, you have people running these things that may be on 4 hrs sleep or whatever, it is a wonder that nothing catasrophic has happened or at least nothing we know about that does not mean it dident happen.

The thing about internal nuke reactor corrosion is you are not going to know it even taking it into port because they dont strip everything down to the reactor core because its to dangerous just like in nuke power plants, no one will enter the core room once the plant is commissioned they just fill it with concrete when its decommisioned.