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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    I have watched Hillary and Obama stand on a stage and scream how rotten America is.

    That have attacked and smeared US oil companies. They have accused thm of price gouging - while denying them the ability to drill and refine more oil financial. Hillary siad she wants to TAKE the oil companies profits and use them the way she wants

    They have went after financial institutions - banks, mortages companies, and investment brokers are all out to screw you over according to the Dems

    Pharmaceutical companies, which invest billions into new drugs that save lives, are also targets of the left. In their opinion, these companies make way to much of a profit and are screwing you as well

    Liberals are not proud of the US healthcare system. They say it stinks, and cost to much. The Dems say no problem. They wil take it over and give you "free" healthcare. Wait until you see how much "free" healthcare will cost you

    Liberals are also at war with the worlds largest corporation - Wal Mart. Wal Mart refuses to allow unions into its company and that is unacceptable to the left. So they attack Wal Mart every cahce they can

    The US military is also a target of the left. They have accused our men and wome of torture, rape, murder, and other war crimes.

    So what the hell are liberals proud of when it comes to America?
    Again we come to the same, utterly repeated problem: You're a doody head, no you're a doodyhead.

    Liberals are proud of the same things that conservatives are proud of in many instances: Having more liberties than just about any other country in the world, having a society where you can be anything that you are willing to devote yourself to becoming, that we have the kind of men and women who have sworn themselves to military service, and the history that we have had of doing so much good for so much of the world. Now stop treating them like some set of aliens that are in all ways 180 degrees apart from you, they are not.

    Time and again I have pointed this out, we all want America to succeed, but the difference is in the method. I've gone conservative libertarian, a smaller more manageable government, but that does not mean that I have to immediately insert my head in my own ass about anyone who is not 100% on my bandwagon. I understand, you believe differently than I do, but just because I believe I'm right, doesn't mean that you are wrong. I understand that you as well, have the best of intentions for this country of ours.

    Apparently, for some on both sides, this is a requirement of being a liberal, or being a conservative, that "they" are the "enemy", as opposed to them just being well-meaning people who simply believe we should do things differently than I believe. Every time that you embrace this idiocy of division, you piss on what our forefathers built, you desecrate that which so many have died to protect.

    John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson spent a large portion of their time debating each other on strong, central government (Adams) vs. Smaller, state run government (Jefferson), but it was a debate, not an argument or pissing contest like the ones we have now, where we cannot have an enlightened debate. Why is it so impossible for both sides to embrace the American ideals of freedom of belief, and see each other as friends, even if our opinions are different?
    "Government screws up everything. If government says black, you can bet it's white. If government says sit still for your safety, you'd better run for your life!"
    --Wayne Allyn Root

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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    Again we come to the same, utterly repeated problem: You're a doody head, no you're a doodyhead.

    Liberals are proud of the same things that conservatives are proud of in many instances: Having more liberties than just about any other country in the world, having a society where you can be anything that you are willing to devote yourself to becoming, that we have the kind of men and women who have sworn themselves to military service, and the history that we have had of doing so much good for so much of the world. Now stop treating them like some set of aliens that are in all ways 180 degrees apart from you, they are not.

    Time and again I have pointed this out, we all want America to succeed, but the difference is in the method. I've gone conservative libertarian, a smaller more manageable government, but that does not mean that I have to immediately insert my head in my own ass about anyone who is not 100% on my bandwagon. I understand, you believe differently than I do, but just because I believe I'm right, doesn't mean that you are wrong. I understand that you as well, have the best of intentions for this country of ours.

    Apparently, for some on both sides, this is a requirement of being a liberal, or being a conservative, that "they" are the "enemy", as opposed to them just being well-meaning people who simply believe we should do things differently than I believe. Every time that you embrace this idiocy of division, you piss on what our forefathers built, you desecrate that which so many have died to protect.

    John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson spent a large portion of their time debating each other on strong, central government (Adams) vs. Smaller, state run government (Jefferson), but it was a debate, not an argument or pissing contest like the ones we have now, where we cannot have an enlightened debate. Why is it so impossible for both sides to embrace the American ideals of freedom of belief, and see each other as friends, even if our opinions are different?
    So far I have to hear Hillary or Obama say anything good about America. Day after day they talk about how rotten things are in Amercia, and how miserable the population is

    Maybe you want America to succeed, but elected Dems do not. They live for bad news, and love to talk about it. On the other hand, they downplay and ignore the good news

    Look at Iraq. For nearly a year you had to look hard for news on Iraq. Dems have not held any hearing recently on Iraq.
    Why? The surge was working

    Revenues to the US Treasury are at record highs, and the annual budget deficit has been cut in half - yet Dems are foaming at the mouth to raise income taxes, excise taxes, Social Seciuity taxes, capital gains taxes, aMedicare taxes, and corporate taxes. Even though Dems paint a picture of the US economy are days away from another great depression

    Dems are not proud of our health care system. They want a government run health care system. Yes, the same outfit that runs our public school system should run our health care system

    These policies will take us back to good ol days of Pres Peanut Carter. You did not live through his administration. If you think todays economy stinks - try these numbers from Peanut's legacy

    Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, (the prime was near 21%) and near double digit unemployment, the top tax rate was 70%, and gas lines went around the block. The economic ideas of Hillary and Obama will give us similiar results

    You ask why we can't have a debate. It is simple. Dems are only interested in power, and getting more. Look at what the Dems ran on in 06. look at all the promises they made to get elected. Can you tell me what they have accomplished in a year and a hald, and what promises they have kept? Can you tell me how Dems have acted in a bipartisian manner?

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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