Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Because Boeing built the shitty plane, RP, those fractures only occur in those aircraft due to two things: shitty worksmanship, and gross criminal negligence as it regards to safety standard. This was an oops I tripped, this was the god damn plane breaking apart in air for no good reason.

Imagine, RP, if you car fell apart while you were driving away from the auto dealer, and you got seriously and permanently injured from it. what it was your fault for not having advanced technical degrees? No, of course not, the manufacturer put a death trap on the road. Now let's put that F-15 in combat, but with payload, and see where the crash goes, maybe then it will matter to you.
Whatever dude, if you want to be apart of the lawsuit happy culture thats fine, but it disolves your credibility down to a hill of beans. If this plane was right off the assembly line I would agree but this plane has likely been in service for 20-30 years and if I drove my truck for 30 years and all I did was put gas in it and change the oil I would consider myself blessed to have it run for so long. The military does a slack ass job of maintaining its equipment properly, all they do is the superficial stuff, there are numerous articles about the air forces aging planes and there unwillingness to perform major maintence (because its expensive boo hoo).
