Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
You asked for an answer to your question. I gave you mine. I said what I would do if I were king. But I'm not king. Just posting my opinion which is my right as you love to spout about. I didn't say I was denying citizenship. Just setting up camps. I would also ban all muslims from entering the country. I would seal the borders with "armed" troops. So you can be thankful that Bush is in office and not me.

You make assumptions about me. I have no god. I'm athiest.

You on the other hand are a dhimmi. Islam is not a religion of peace its a theocracy out to take over the world either through subversion or outright assault. The only law recognized in islam is the koran. All other laws do not apply. Other religions are not allowed to exist. It's obvious you know nothing about real islam so don't try to set yourself up as some kind of authority.

Islam is a jim jones cult on a grand scale.

I don't even want to hear that silly, christians are just as bad shit. One man attacking an abortion clinic is not a terrorist movement. Individual attacks over the past four years and numerous muslim individuals and groups being arrested for plots is a movement. And there are lots of them out there.
I make no assumptions about you.... if you had the power, you would flush the constitution of the united states down the toilet and incarcerate citizens without due process.... and you claim to have served in the military and sworn to UPHOLD the constitution? YOu are a disgrace. period.