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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    she's a jihadist, what do expect from an idiot like that. And your very correct, she has NEVER discussed or debated anything on this board. Just makes stupid comments attacks people.
    Personally, I'd ban her. She brings nothing to any discussion I have seen. She just trolls and flames, nothing more.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    All this is a smoke screen guys.

    The Amercian People spoke in the last election VERY CLEARLY. We want our people out of Iraq and we want those Republican Bribe takers out of government. And...when last I looked at the constitution, we the people are the bosses.

    Gunny your Edmund Burke quote has me thinking about why you're not trying to stop the Bushies from doing bad things to the troops and the veterans and stealing the treasury blind. It's pretty obvious that they've lied again and again and used the war and the FEAR they are constantly spreading to enrich there family, friends and Cronies...which I think is very EVIL. You don't have to believe me just follow the money.

    How long will you Good Men be blind to these crooks and do nothing?


    "Killing Children, even as collateral damage, whether the reasons are faulty or not, is the very essense of evil." the Pope, I don't remember which one. (Do you guys hate Catholics too?) How many dead Iraqi kids at this point? How many maimed or dead American kids?

    FACT: they lied about the WMD's. over 3200 Americans dead. ETC.

    PS. Don't pick on the liberal kid and call him names just because he disagrees with you. I've lived a long time too and have seen a lot too. I've seen you guys be fooled with the flag and fear over and over again. I've seen military people and their families get screwed again and again. I've seen the rich screw the middleclass and the poor over and over again.
    I just don' believe the slogans and the crap anymore. You should stop lying to yourselves too.

    Loyality has to go both ways.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post
    All this is a smoke screen guys.

    The Amercian People spoke in the last election VERY CLEARLY. We want our people out of Iraq and we want those Republican Bribe takers out of government...
    Okay, for the sake of argument we'll say that is what the Americans were saying. I'm curious then, what you think the Amercian people were saying when they voted for Bush and Republicans in 2000, and again in 2004?
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Okay, for the sake of argument we'll say that is what the Americans were saying. I'm curious then, what you think the Amercian people were saying when they voted for Bush and Republicans in 2000, and again in 2004?
    Oh don't burst the liberal talking point bubble! Geeezzzzzzz.

    Above the Best

    Why the Hell should I have to press “1” for ENGLISH?

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    My question to all you flamming liberals is how much time have you actually spent in service to this country? How many actual servicemen/women do you really know? Do you honestly think most troops want to hear the liberal garbage you people spew about your supposed "support of the troops"? If you supported the troops, you'd support what they are doing, in fighting terrorists throughout the middle east and in trying to set up a democracy in Iraq. You liberals seem to have a short memory too, most Americans, including Dems, fully supported the war when it started. Alot of people may not agree with Bush on alot of things, but that doesn't mean we want an all out withdraw, so stop jumping to conclusions about what all of us Americans want just from a few polls that "disapprove of Bush's policies" or the fact that Dems took control of the House. I highly doubt any of you libs have ever served a day in your life, much less work side by side with the military on a daily basis. So please, take your little "you Repubs are living in a dream world" statements on shove them up your collective asses, because some of us are living and working in the real world(the industrial military war machine you'd probably call it) and not just sitting in mommy and daddy's basement going through life without a clue.
    PRAIRIE FIRE by William Ayers: Obama's guide to destory America
    "Maybe I missed that part of the Constitution"--Joe Steel
    You can't spell Liberals without Lies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post
    The Amercian People spoke in the last election VERY CLEARLY. We want our people out of Iraq and we want those Republican Bribe takers out of government. And...when last I looked at the constitution, we the people are the bosses.
    Hello and welcome aboard. Do you also want the democrat and independent bribe takers out of office as well? BTW, I must respectfully disagree with your philosophy about who works for whom. It's a common mistake though, so don't feel bad about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post


    "Killing Children, even as collateral damage, whether the reasons are faulty or not, is the very essense of evil." the Pope, I don't remember which one. (Do you guys hate Catholics too?) How many dead Iraqi kids at this point? How many maimed or dead American kids?
    I don't hate Catholics. But are you sure the Pope said what you asserted? You can support the troops and oppose the war. I've outlined some ideas around the forum. Feel free to borrow them and put em to use. The more the merrier.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post
    FACT: they lied about the WMD's. over 3200 Americans dead. ETC.

    PS. Don't pick on the liberal kid and call him names just because he disagrees with you. I've lived a long time too and have seen a lot too. I've seen you guys be fooled with the flag and fear over and over again. I've seen military people and their families get screwed again and again. I've seen the rich screw the middleclass and the poor over and over again.
    I just don' believe the slogans and the crap anymore. You should stop lying to yourselves too.

    Loyality has to go both ways.
    FACT, Saddam possessed and used WMD both on Iran and on his own people. FACT, there have been WMD found in Iraq post liberation. Not as many as we expected to be sure, but enough to debunk the myth that it was a total lie.

    3200 dead is a tragedy to be sure. 32000 would be worse. 32000000 is what the jihadists would like the best. The reality is that the ME is a festering sore on the asscheek of the world that would be ignored if not for oil, Israel, and Terrorists. I would submit that no matter the reason we employ it is better to kill them over there than here.

    Tell you what. I won't blame or flame you provided you discuss things without resorting to keyboard commando badass tactics. Fair enough?

    Personally I would like to know how my family and I were screwed over. We are military and not rich. Don't be fooled by labels like liberal and conservative. What is the difference between a politician and a shark? The shark has the decency not to hide its dorsal fin.
    I'm Phil -- 40 something heterosexual white male, fairly self sufficient, great with my kids, wed 29 years to the same woman, and I firmly believe that ones actions have logical consequences. How much more out the box can you get nowadays? -- MSgt of Marines (ret)

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post
    All this is a smoke screen guys.

    The Amercian People spoke in the last election VERY CLEARLY. We want our people out of Iraq and we want those Republican Bribe takers out of government. And...when last I looked at the constitution, we the people are the bosses.

    You stand corrected. Republicans were dissatsified with Republicns and did not return them to office. You libs liek to think so, but you aren't masters of your own destiny. Only the usual suspects voted Dem.

    The "American public" was dissatisfied with the conduct of the war, not the war itself.

    DO try and get your facts straight.

    Gunny your Edmund Burke quote has me thinking about why you're not trying to stop the Bushies from doing bad things to the troops and the veterans and stealing the treasury blind. It's pretty obvious that they've lied again and again and used the war and the FEAR they are constantly spreading to enrich there family, friends and Cronies...which I think is very EVIL. You don't have to believe me just follow the money.

    Your opinion that Bush is evil, and your one-sided viewpoint tailored to twist anything he says or does into a lie is pretty-much unsupported, partisan drivel.

    I have an opinion on the things I think Bush has done wrong, or is wrong about. Those things just don't happen to match the left-wingnut wish list.

    How long will you Good Men be blind to these crooks and do nothing?

    Which "crooks"? ALL politicians, with few exception? If you mean Republicans or the Bush administration, I suggest you take a good look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.


    "Killing Children, even as collateral damage, whether the reasons are faulty or not, is the very essense of evil." the Pope, I don't remember which one. (Do you guys hate Catholics too?) How many dead Iraqi kids at this point? How many maimed or dead American kids?

    FACT: they lied about the WMD's. over 3200 Americans dead. ETC.

    PS. Don't pick on the liberal kid and call him names just because he disagrees with you. I've lived a long time too and have seen a lot too. I've seen you guys be fooled with the flag and fear over and over again. I've seen military people and their families get screwed again and again. I've seen the rich screw the middleclass and the poor over and over again.
    I just don' believe the slogans and the crap anymore. You should stop lying to yourselves too.

    Loyality has to go both ways.
    LMAO. Dude, judging by your post, you haven't seen reality in a long, LONG time.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Default The NERVE!

    Wow, did I hit a nerve.

    You guys don't like to be challanged on your own board, do you?

    Gunny, I disagree with you. I think Americans think they've been had to fund the ambitions of Delay and Abramov and Cheney and Halliburton and etc. etc. etc. I think you guys have a sneeking suspicion about it but you're such good team players you can't let that in.

    Is it so hard to believe that they would fix intelligence to go to war? When trillions of dollars are at stake to the Multinational Companies that put these guys in office. (Cheney + Halliburton + $35,000,000 = War in Iraq and several no-bid contracts back to the old company. I suspect the minutes of the energy meeting are about this and that is why we can't see them.) You are far too trusting.

    Who are the Democratic Bribe takers now? That idiot with the cash in his freezer? Who else specifically? The list of Republicans recently is pretty long and includes defense contractors, CIA Officials, Congressmen, etc. And oddly enough we had this stuff going on with Republicans under Bush 1, Reagan, Nixon...

    And since bribe taking seems okay with you guys, as long as the other side is also doing it: 1) You should probably not talk about morality: Glass houses. And 2) Republicans take bribes and we go to war, lots of people die. Democrats take bribes and the mob makes out but at least the money stays in the US. A joke. Relax.

    Enough WMD'S were found to, "Debunk the myth that it was a total lie," What? So a 3/4 lie is okay? Once again, If 100,000s of people die as a result? If that happened in your home town....
    Some old mustard gas and nerve agents left over from the Iraq Iran war, (In which we supported Saddam, another reason the idiot Iranians don't trust us. I resisted the urge to pray that the Brits would nuke the Iranains, I'm human.)

    To the Angry Guy. Have a bourbon and relax, we're just talking or

    No, I didn't serve in the military, born in 56' and simply lucky, had draft number though. Now I work and pay taxes an try to be a good husband and father. I serve in my community and my kids' schools and if our country were invaded I'd be right there on the beach with the rest of you. And yes, I own and shoot rifles. (GUN AND DRUG LAWS ARE BULLSHIT!) I simply do not believe these Republican motherFxxxs in office ANYMORE. I do not trust them with any of your lives or your kids lives or another dime of our tax dollars. And yes, this President is particularly bad, one of the worst and he is betraying you.

    And promising to lower our taxes and stop abortion and Homosexual marraige is not enough to make me forget the lies that sent 3200 Americans to die in that Iraqi meat grinder. I want them home. Most of us Americans do.

    And once again I'm telling you: The next generation ain't buying your wares anymore. They're too smart and plugged in. So...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post
    Wow, did I hit a nerve. Is that a question? If so, the answer is not in my case. IF it's a statement, then the answer is, not in my case.

    You guys don't like to be challanged on your own board, do you? Did you post elsewhere? The one right above certainly wasn't a challenge.

    Gunny, I disagree with you. I think Americans think they've been had to fund the ambitions of Delay and Abramov and Cheney and Halliburton and etc. etc. etc. I think you guys have a sneeking suspicion about it but you're such good team players you can't let that in.

    Is it so hard to believe that they would fix intelligence to go to war? When trillions of dollars are at stake to the Multinational Companies that put these guys in office. (Cheney + Halliburton + $35,000,000 = War in Iraq and several no-bid contracts back to the old company. I suspect the minutes of the energy meeting are about this and that is why we can't see them.) You are far too trusting. Looks like you need to actually review the process by which one gets one of those contracts. Senator Feinstein can help you out.

    Who are the Democratic Bribe takers now? That idiot with the cash in his freezer? Who else specifically? The list of Republicans recently is pretty long and includes defense contractors, CIA Officials, Congressmen, etc. And oddly enough we had this stuff going on with Republicans under Bush 1, Reagan, Nixon... Personally, I agree. I think all ethics violations should result in firing at a minimum. I don't care what party they are, they all get to join the same club. Unemployed.

    And since bribe taking seems okay with you guys, as long as the other side is also doing it: 1) You should probably not talk about morality: Glass houses. And 2) Republicans take bribes and we go to war, lots of people die. Democrats take bribes and the mob makes out but at least the money stays in the US. A joke. Relax.

    Enough WMD'S were found to, "Debunk the myth that it was a total lie," What? So a 3/4 lie is okay? Once again, If 100,000s of people die as a result? If that happened in your home town....
    Some old mustard gas and nerve agents left over from the Iraq Iran war, (In which we supported Saddam, another reason the idiot Iranians don't trust us. I resisted the urge to pray that the Brits would nuke the Iranains, I'm human.) Actually no lie is good. But you cannot even prove the 3/4 you assert. That and you Pope quote are going to have folks questioning your credibility. I'll pimp my blog one last time. Read it, then come back and talk to me about what I believe or don't.

    To the Angry Guy. Have a bourbon and relax, we're just talking or I prefer beer, and since I make my own, I know it is the best there is in this town.

    No, I didn't serve in the military, born in 56' and simply lucky, had draft number though. Now I work and pay taxes an try to be a good husband and father. I serve in my community and my kids' schools and if our country were invaded I'd be right there on the beach with the rest of you. And yes, I own and shoot rifles. (GUN AND DRUG LAWS ARE BULLSHIT!) I simply do not believe these Republican motherFxxxs in office ANYMORE. I do not trust them with any of your lives or your kids lives or another dime of our tax dollars. And yes, this President is particularly bad, one of the worst and he is betraying you. The red stuff means that we have something in common. But the last sentence is yet another unproven assertion. I really hope you are better than that. If not, it just makes you a bomb throwing left winger which is no better than the radical "christian" bomb throwing right winger. Not good company to be in.

    And promising to lower our taxes and stop abortion and Homosexual marraige is not enough to make me forget the lies that sent 3200 Americans to die in that Iraqi meat grinder. I want them home. Most of us Americans do. Actually the lowing of taxes is being repealed. While I don't buy the spin that it's "the biggest tax hike in history" the net result (reality) is that I expect to pay about 3,000 bux more in taxes.

    And once again I'm telling you: The next generation ain't buying your wares anymore. They're too smart and plugged in. So...
    Once again just in case you overlooked it: "Personally I would like to know how my family and I were screwed over. We are military and not rich."
    I'm Phil -- 40 something heterosexual white male, fairly self sufficient, great with my kids, wed 29 years to the same woman, and I firmly believe that ones actions have logical consequences. How much more out the box can you get nowadays? -- MSgt of Marines (ret)

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