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    Quote Originally Posted by moderate democrat View Post
    and I stand by that statement. Diplomacy is a process. It doesn't achieve the desired outcome at the very first step of the process. It is pure partisan hackery that would claim Obama's diplomatic efforts regarding Iran are a failure because the first step of the process did not achieve the desired outcome.
    glad you admit that you and most dems who quickly announced iraq a failure less than a year after we ousted saddam are nothing but political hacks....
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
    glad you admit that you and most dems who quickly announced iraq a failure less than a year after we ousted saddam are nothing but political hacks....

    I love how you always put words in my mouth and then announce that I have admitted to anything. The war in Iraq may or may not be a failure...and I don't think I ever called it a failure... I think I have always said that I thought it was a MISTAKE. And one can make that sort of determination fairly early on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by moderate democrat View Post
    I love how you always put words in my mouth and then announce that I have admitted to anything. The war in Iraq may or may not be a failure...and I don't think I ever called it a failure... I think I have always said that I thought it was a MISTAKE. And one can make that sort of determination fairly early on. did call it a failure 116 times actually. Which one would you like to see?

    You called Bush a liar many times as well. He went on the same information as the Democrats who voted to invade Iraq. Including your Presidential candidate, John Kerry, who voted for it before he voted against it. Actually he only voted for it!

    Bully said Bush's failed strategy involved Afghanistan and Iraq. That means he must think it was a "demonstrable" failure for Barry to have just reinforced Afghanistan with thousands of troops with plans to send thousands more. Oh let me's different now!

    PS........ I am not a supporter of the War. You will have to use different rhetoric when debating this subject with me. You may still insist that I am a moron and call me other names as well which is the MO for you when dealing with someone who does not agree with you <or> you could try to convince me while being civil, which appears to be something less and less plentiful around here nowadays. Then again, you could do what you usually do when dealing with me and just ignore me because I have instilled a fear of debating in Liberals unintentionally because you realize I deal in facts only and not hate filled bius.
    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

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    I don't think I have ever called YOU a moron, emmett...if I did, I certainly didn't mean it seriously.

    I never had any problem with Bush's Afghan strategy... only in his half-assed execution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by emmett View Post did call it a failure 116 times actually. Which one would you like to see?

    You called Bush a liar many times as well. He went on the same information as the Democrats who voted to invade Iraq. Including your Presidential candidate, John Kerry, who voted for it before he voted against it. Actually he only voted for it!

    Bully said Bush's failed strategy involved Afghanistan and Iraq. That means he must think it was a "demonstrable" failure for Barry to have just reinforced Afghanistan with thousands of troops with plans to send thousands more. Oh let me's different now!

    PS........ I am not a supporter of the War. You will have to use different rhetoric when debating this subject with me. You may still insist that I am a moron and call me other names as well which is the MO for you when dealing with someone who does not agree with you <or> you could try to convince me while being civil, which appears to be something less and less plentiful around here nowadays. Then again, you could do what you usually do when dealing with me and just ignore me because I have instilled a fear of debating in Liberals unintentionally because you realize I deal in facts only and not hate filled bius.
    I.O.U. rep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by moderate democrat View Post
    I don't think I have ever called YOU a moron, emmett...if I did, I certainly didn't mean it seriously.

    I never had any problem with Bush's Afghan strategy... only in his half-assed execution.

    Moron thing = Unimportant. Just joshin!

    The half assed thing! Very important. Let me refresh your memory! A clean sweep of Afghanistan was implemented just prior to Iraq. It forced Al Queda to run and take up positions in Iraq. By implementing the strategy in the way it was done, our brilliant military strategists (not George Bush) were able to flush out the terrorists using sophisticated bunker buster bombs, forcing them to take cover in friendly Iraq. Saddam's eye was taken off the ball by this and he allowed himself to be caught "pants down" and after he violated the 90's treaty where he swore to allow weapons inspectors to conduct regular missions to assure his adhereing to HIS OWN AGREEMENT. Our forces were then in excellent tactical position to just move over and invade! A brilliant strategy actually.....EVEN THOUGH I WAS AGAINST IT! (Just for example, THAT is non biusness MD) Upon having ridded the Taliban of a serious threat we were clear to stop the tyranny of Saddam Hussein, who knowingly had gased 300,000 of his own people over the last 19 years. I know you know that, I'm being silly to think that you don't. I know also that you no doubt feel terrible knowing anyone would have wanted a man in dictatorship style power that was sure to exterminate his foes or anyone who did not vote clearly for whatever he wanted in his supposed House of Parliment. Hence for the reason for 74 straight 100% votes on items in that body. What a Democracy huh?

    Anyway, despite the claims of the Information Minister, american forces, who were busy being ran out of the country with their tails on devilfire as claimed, were able to quickly and with an amazingly low civilian casuality rate.....topple the statue of Saddam Hussein. During the invasion, our Sony Play Station crazed, wild eyed rap loving youngsters were able to save many terrified Iraqi soldiers lives as opposed to slaughtering them as would have been suggested by YOUR party as they had voted to AUTHORIZE in great numbers....this invasion based on the same information that misled the President, which he admitted to on National television. An act I personally thought was one of his not so many highlights of serving as my President.

    Soon afterward we of course killed the two fukboys and captured their father, who was living in a hole in the ground. Thus the mission was a success in that regard. Next mission was to capture the Al Queda forces that had taken up arms there as a result of being ran out of Afghanistan. This was a difficult task. A War such as this had never been waged in history. A ghost enemy who could strike from out of no where. An unidentifyable army of suicide killers and religious freaks whom I am certain you, as a man of the cloth, have NO idealogue of comparison with.

    Everything was goping fine until YOUR party got going once again with their "Jaggerjargin" (My new favorite phrase). Right in front of our nation they began to call our president a liar and openly insult him for falling prey to the EXACT same thing that had influenced them. Of course it was really because they had their eye on the election of 2004 and beyond that was their true motivator. Fate would have it that they would lose however and after failed attempts to make Americans think another election had been stolen, a common practice for losers, they began a ridiculous campagne to make Americans their soldiers were murderers and killers. The same soldiers who tour after tour had risked life and limb to save Iraqi citizens and soldiers, were being hailed by their own people as murderous killers to advance a political agenda. How cowardly!

    Now I must admit I really did not want to see war in Iraq. A little less but not as much I did not want to see Afghanistan either but understood. I understand the strategy though because I am not blind. It was necessary at the time and under the circumstances. I truly hate that! It was when my own fellow Americans witnessed a political party use their power to cut off funding for those troops that took me over the edge. I found myself fighting one of the hardest battles in my own mind I ever had. I remembered my own days in the military and thought of what it would have been like to have to have served in that capacity instead of a nice cushy peacetime stint such as I did. I began to feel very bitter myself watching the rhetoric being spewed out by my own elected officials against our country and it's plan to rid ourselves of the terrorists that as obviously as a hand in front of our face, taken up battle lines in Iraq. This War I realized had to be fought. I still wish we wouldn't have gotten into it but I was my Liberal countrymen should have been.

    Somehow my President against a majority was miraculously able to keep steering our forces by use of brilliant military strategists such as Gen Petraeus, soon there was a shot at victory despite those such as Harry reid who made sure to echo day after day the harmful "Jaggerjargin" that we had LOST the War on Terror. He then went on to spearhead an attempt to shanghi our military, pump bogus info through our press and team up with nancy Pelosi, the newly elected Speaker of the House of Represenatives to further attempt to brainwash our young people throughout America that George Bush was a liar, killer and tyrant. Most of their plan worked in that regard and caused some weaker, non founded Republicans to jumop on board and cause a lame duck Presidency at home which enabled Democrats to sabotage much of our own economy. The two year plan to do this worked perfectly unfortunately and as a result caused even the President to admit a "bailout" was necessary to save some American companies. I completely disagreed with this line of thinking being a Free Market Capatilist, I shivered when I heard my President make this statement.

    So. Mr. Moderate Democrat, whom I have never seen anything but radical leftist behavior and practices out of, i respectfully disagree with your assertion that Bush made a half assed job of Afghanistan. Frankly, I think his strategy (or his military planners) was perfect. It has led to the situation we have now. YOUR President and MINE can now place more troops in Afghanistan where the scoundrels are now hemmed in. They do not have the option of running to Iraq as before. They are cornered and will be defeated. It will be because the last President envisioned a strategy condicive with requiring the next president to adhere to strategy. He ahs seemingly done this demonstrating that at least there appears to be one thing "they" have done very well together. I wonder if this could have been one of those conversations that took place in that room where only the two of them were audience of one another. I seem to notice as I am sure you, being as seemingly perky as you are to recent news, that Obama tuned down his rhetoric of the president 100% after that meeting. I am certain that as we speak, he is following the explicit instructions laid out for him by Mr. bush whether you or I like it or not. Now the monkey is on Obama's back. He cannot win the War, the strategy for that has already been laid out, he can only lose it. Good thing Harry Reid and every other democrat in the country, including you and your Liberal pals, have shut up about what a catastrophe the war is and instantly changed their opinion of our intentions due to some belief that because barry is doing's OK. is OK. I still like War jst as little as I did when Mr, Bush unleashed his "half assed" plan in Afghanistan, but I support this president's mission to see the jon through. For your sake and mine. He obviously will have a way less degree of difficulty in doing so since he has a House and Senate of Mummies who will do whatever he says when he says it. For that reason i am ironically gald that is the case.

    Non biused committment to your country my friend is exactly what you have read described here. Not your insulting, namecalling, "moronic" (got you back) method of in your face to agree or else philosophy. To have the elasticity to understand, to feel the true deepened sense of ultimate commitment to my country i must support my President even when I think he is a powermongering control whore who is out to destroy the very way of life I love back here at home socialogically and economically. After he produces Osama Bin Laden, which he will by the Grace of God Almighty, declares victory over Terrorist who would harm Americans (who is I always care about first, I'll trade you 1000 lives of any other countryman for one single American life my friend), then I will compliment him and go on to attacking his domestic policy.

    People who know me know that i mean exactly what i have said. It was very hard for me to support the invasion of another country. It's harder however to support a political party who right here at home sought to derail our American military efforts to win in Iraq, which is exactly what we did which makes Harry, Nancy and Barney all absolute treasonists who I would pull the switch on myself and sleep all night.

    Narrowness is something that comes from being shallow. Understanding is a gift. Open up a little, open your mind. Read what is there and develop your own opinion, not just the repeating of some talking point you heard on the Randi Rhodes show.

    George Bush is a good man. He tried hard. He did poorly. He stuck to his guns. Admireable. I wish he wouldn't have allowed us to enter that war.

    Barack Obama is a power hungry fool. He tries hard. He has also done poorly so far. I hope he sticks to his guns so in the end he will show his true intentions. That does not mean I hope he fails.
    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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