Up here in my part of Upstate New York a lot of people owned guns because they liked to hunt. While I was growing up, there were few murders or shootings. Now, however, my community has been invaded by people from the city who are not the kind of people you want for a neighbor. Each day there is a news report that so-and-so from the Bronx was arrested for shooting so-and-so from Queens... in short, one gang banger shot another gang banger over a dope deal...

I doubt very much that a 15 year old gang banger went to a gun dealer to buy his "9" so that he could clip one of his rivals. He bought that gun on the street and that gun was stolen.

Gabby's argument that guns should be banned because one nut went on a rampage would make as much sense as banning fertilizer because of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Nuts kill people, criminals kill people, law abiding citizens don't (whether they own semi automatic weapons or not)