okay, now lets analyze your replies logically:

Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
Yeah you claim to hate terrorism, but here you are trying to justify it. Sane people the world over have some how figured out how to express their anger without committing acts of terror on innocent civilians, but for some reason the Muslims can't , why is that?
1- you claimed that i am trying to justify terrorism while nowhere in the subject there is any justification for terrorism. (besides i am not the article writer, i guess he is an american like you, maybe he is the one who is justifying terrorism)

2- you used a right argument in the wrong place, which is that sane people find right ways to express their anger but muslims can't, so you claim that all muslims can't find healthy way to express that anger ??, if 1.5 billion people can't find healthy way to express that anger and they just have to be violent they i think that our world is doomed to a near end.

3- you automaticly thought that the article is speaking about terrorists, but its only speaking about why most muslims hate america, but hating america doesn't make anyone a terrorist, and it doesn't mean that anyone will turn violent, the article is merely speaking about the hatred, it can develop into violence sometimes but mostly it won't turn a muslim into a terrorist, you can say its about about only 1 every 5,000 muslim will turn into a terrorist because of that hatred.

so maybe i have some reasons to hate america, but do you see me turning into a terrorist ???, hating america doesn't actually mean hating americans, thats just the very extreme case of radicalism, but mostly it just means hating the american policy.

Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
All he had to do was ask me. The muslims hate America because of the freedoms it represents. They want to dominate the world under sharia law and America stands in the way of that. The Constitution stands in the way of that. The Constitution and sharia law are polar opposites.

America and Israel are the focus of hatred simply to direct the people minds off their own miserable existence. They are taught to hate a faceless strawman who is to blame for all their misery and preventing the world caliphate the imams and mullahs want.

I could have saved him all that travel time and expense, but then he wouldn't be able to sell his dhimmi book.
now you, the one who always thinks that every muslim in the whole world hates america because of the freedom, so why don't muslims hate germany too or spain for an example, or do you claim to have more freedom than people living ther, and if you have more freedom so you mean muslims hate the excess of freedom itself of the idea of freedom, but if you mean that they hate the idea of freedom, then we are back to the same question again, why don't they hate germany or spain or france ......etc ???

and why you think that our existence is miserable, have i as an example of a muslim told you that my existence is miserable???,
have i told you that i was taught to hate ???
have i told you that i blame anyone for my imaginary misery which only exists in your mind ?

why do you keep claiming things and thinking that you are right, have any muslim told you that they hate freedom !!!, who hates freedom !!!, everyone would fight and die for their freedom, its the core issue here, freedom, muslims wants to be free and you call them freedom haters, that makes you very wrong as i think.

what makes you smarter than everyone or even smarter than everyone ???, why do you want to keep assuming what others think, are you a mind reader now ????, at least that writer travelled to actually ask people why they feel like that, but he didn't assume, because assumptions is just stupid and ignorant thing to do, i am sorry for the insult but its just the truth, to just assume the nature of other people, and to judge 1.5 billion people you haven't met, there is no other phrase than stupidity that fits that kind of action.

try to read the book for a change, try to talk to muslims, just try, they won't eat your brains, they aren't zombies btw, don't be so afraid of changing your own thoughts which you just made up without trying to investigate the issue you are thinking about.