Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Ah. You touched upon something I was just pondering a few minutes ago. I usually work 3 days a week, but it's manual labor. I have to factor that in to what I do the day before. I can vividly recall the day I did my clean and press workout on Tuesday, and spent Wed carrying two Homer buckets filled with plaster and other assorted debris about 75 feet from the basement window to the trailer. Fortunately, I was working for the aforementioned old guy, and he caved first.

The hardest part for me to get him and Jess to do was NOT load the damned bucket to the brim. It was funny enough watching them screw up lifting them into the window, but then, I had to carry the damned things. I figure I did okay. Two of them and I kept up. But it wasn't fun. I just refused to fall behind or lose.

Still have my moments.

As far as workouts go, I have about 600 lbs of Olympic weights. In storage in Texas. What I have now is maybe 200 lbs of weights Jess's sister had stored in her corn crib for years. I'm making do with what I have until I can come up with more. My pullup bar is an old weight bar across the rafters in the garage, secured in place by deck screws on each side of the bar.
Hey it works for you doesn't it? I joined a gym for $20 a month. Had treadmills and home gyms and all that crap but they just collected clothes. This time I was determined to make it work so I joined a gym close to home because it forces me to get off my fat ass. I go right after work on my way home. It's too easy for me to get lazy at home. Having said that, one of the reasons I am liking the crossfit is that I don't have to be in the gym to do it. Once spring hits, I will be spending weekends on my boat and can do crossfit at the park 100 yards from the marina.