this is a sad story. Jeez .

The turks are right here, I find myself agreeing with these guys again.
This is a case where the kid was guilty of BBOB "being black on the street".
Many folks here won't buy it , for some reason it's hard to admit that when a lot a people see a young black male they automatically see a threat/criminal/lowlife and proceed to treat them as such until proven otherwise. this kid didn't get a chance to prove it.
Zimmerman,(head of the neighborhood watch) saw a black kid in his neighborhood and called 911. If he'd been white or asian would he have called? The cops told him to stay in the car and wait for the them. He didn't, he followed him for some time it appears, then confronted him, says he was threatened and then shot the kid in the chest.

At the very least this Zimmerman should be on trail for manslaughter, let the jury settle it.
I'd guess that if Zimmerman is a descent guy he feels like sh*t over this, even if he does have some racist issues.

2 past threads come to mind here.
one about the black men who raped tortured and killed the white couple, lots of outrage over the fact that it didn't make news here. One big difference here. those guys are going to prison. And no one and no race promotes or excuses that evil behavior.
here it looks like we've got an innocent killed becuase of the perception that black skin equals bad behavior.

the other thread is the one one about the got Ya TV show "what would you do".

they showed several cases where the situation was exactly the same and people reacted differently to black kids.
the one that surprised me most was when they had kids obviously doing wrong and others doing nothing. The black kids were taking a nap in a car in a park, they got cops called on them while at the same time not far off white kids who were vandalizing a car with paint were chortled at as rascals.

No need to get personal defensive about it if it's not you. hey Call it what you like, it is what it is.